By Alain Gregoire, Consultant Psychiatrist and Chair of the Maternal Mental Health Alliance

15th September 2016

If you are a leader completing an application form for the NHS England Perinatal Mental Health Community Services Development Fund, assuming that you have followed the NHSE application guidance and previous Mums and Babies in Mind supplementary advice, we suggest that you also check that your bid states the things set out in the list below.

1.All the stakeholder organisations that are supporting the bid

2.Lived experience engagement in this bid and future development

3.Links/relationship with regional perinatal network regarding this bid

4.Links/relationship with nearest MBU(s)

5.If you are developing a full service, state clearly that (and/when) this will meet relevant national standards: Joint Commissioning Panel for Mental Health; NICE APMH CG192; Royal College of Psychiatrists CR197: National Service Specification for Perinatal Mental Health Services (currently draft), and CCQI Perinatal Quality Network Standards

6.Aim to meet perinatal MH access and waiting times standards and use recommended outcome measures for perinatal (includes perinatal PREM/PROM and clinical outcomes), both soon to be published by NICE

7.Perinatal quality network membership (including fee) for quality standards, peer review, national benchmarking and eventual accreditation

8.CCG commitment to sustained funding of service once funding goes into CCG baselines in 2019

9.Mitigation of recruitment challenges (eg identified interested staff)

10.Development of staff expertise: external expert training, mentoring, development support, buddying with neighbouring service, etc

11.Use of HEE national Competency Framework for Perinatal, due to be published soon, for staff training, personal development, supervision

12.Staff calculation based on RCPsych CR197, with justification of variation based on your experience/consensus from other services: eg consensus that admin is underestimated in that document.

13.Wider current/planned investment by CCG/providers, in particular: Specialist MH Midwives in each related maternity service (inc. WTEs), Specialist perinatal MH health visitors (inc. WTEs), prioritisation of perinatal clients by IAPT services, parent-infant/attachment therapy services (size/population/££)

14.Continuation/growth of any existing spend on specialist perinatal services (size/type/population/££)

15.RAG rating of existing and planned staged provision on MMHA map (if necessary specifying any update/correction to existing)

16.Number of women who will benefit each year (including 16/17): calculate final expected numbers (3-5% of birth rate will require specialist services) and estimate starting % and annual growth (eg up to 40% in first year, 70% in 2nd year, 80% in 3rd year, 100% thereafter).