The Roving Reporter is prepared, printed and distributed

by the members of the

Ballarat Rovers Motor Cycle Club Ltd.

Hi Members

It has been a long time between Newsletters but here tis.

This year to date has been very good for the Rovers.

The MX 2 day and Senior Victorian Titles ran very smoothly. Thanks to a lot of hard work put in by the same band of members we will be rewarded with the same events next year.

The Western Region was very successful given it was a split round and wet weather created difficult conditions. But our happy hardworking band of workers excelled again and pulled if off.

Club days are up and running and those who ride are having a great time. Numbers are generally down so it would be good to see more members get involved. We have some great young talent in the club so lets get behind them.

On the Enduro side of things, 4 rounds of the series have been run and won. These guys, again with a small numbers of helpers, set out amazing tracks and ran a very professional event. But more help by both riders and Club members would be very much appreciated if the events are to continue at the same successful standard.

The Rockhoppers (trials) have been quietly achieving accolades from many competitors with their events at MountBolton. Dennis Fitzpatrick (Fitzy) has been working very hard and setting such a high standard that he has been chosen as team manger of the Australian Trials Des Nations team and is currently in Italy for the event. We wish him all the best and congratulate him on his achievements.

On November 10-11 Chad Reed will be competing at Barrabool in the Oceania MX Challenge which sounds very exciting so the Rovers have decided to organize a bus/buses for members to see the event. Cost will depend on numbers. If you are interested please contact Ian Stacey on 0439 388 581 or Paul O’Louglin on 0419 504977 as soon as possible. They would appreciate if you can contact them early as it will make the deal much easier to set up.

Club jackets

Thanks also to Lochy - he grabbed the bit in his teeth and organized the jacket with the club logo and name embroidered on them. They came up a treat. Anyone wishing to purchase one can do so by contacting Paul on 0419 388581. Cost is $75.00 each.

On the Sunday prior to Barrabool KTM Australia a will be having a product launch at MonzaPark. Anyone interested in riding those orange things, role up and have a ride.

Then in a bit of a coup for the Club, Honda Australia (the red ones) are hiring Monza Park for a Corporate practice day featuring current MX1 Leader Josh Coppins and the Honda Australia Race Team. It’s on Wednesday, 9th November so if you have a bit of spare time members are welcome to come out and watch some of the best in action on a first class track.

2 day RidingSchool at Monza

On Sat 8th and Sun 9th October, Lee Hogan will be at Monza for a 2 day riding MX school. He is a great communicator and teacher. Great for all disciplines of dirt bike riding. Entry forms are available from MotorcycleLand, RPM, clubrooms and from the web site.

Social nights throughout the year have been great fun with a variety of functions but sometimes numbers have been down a bit. So next time, give it a go and you will have a great time. This year we have been to bias bowls, trots night and go karting.

We have a Committee working on updating rules of the club and the constitution. If you have an idea to improve performance of the club into the future, let us know.

I wish you all happy and safe motorcycling in the future and urge everyone to get behind the Ballarat Rovers. It is a great and very well respected club. Everyone involved in promoting our events are volunteers who are in it for the love of the sport and need as much help as you can offer.

See you at the next general meeting, Thursday nights at 8.15pm.

Don’t forget our website