Public Open Forum

At the public open forum prior to the meeting the following points were raised:

·  In response to an enquiry about whether the public could still use the recycling facilities at The Red Lion public house, High Street, Cheveley it was confirmed by Sallie Thomas that these had been relocated and were still intended for public use.

PRESENT: Chairman, Janet Martin (JM); Cedric Burton (CB); Greg Axtell (GA); Bryan Glenister (BG); Jill Segger; Sallie Thomas; District Councillor, Peter Cresswell; District Councillor, Carl Poole

CLERK: Elaine Taylor


Ted Rolfe (family bereavement); William White (leave of absence)

Janet Martin read the Council a letter from William White requesting leave of absence from Parish Council meetings between 9th January and 27th March 2007 to attend a course at West Suffolk College; there were no objections to permission being granted.


The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 12th December 2006 were amended as follows: -

Matters Arising, E.C.D.C. S106 working party – change of wording from “invite” to “invitation”

It was then proposed by Cedric Burton, seconded by Sallie Thomas, and unanimously resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 12th December 2006 be signed by the Chairman as a correct record of proceedings.


Breathing Spaces

Nothing further to report. On-going


Cedric Burton and Ted Rolfe are to provide the Clerk with a list of ownership of the hedgerows on the Ashley footpath. On-going

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Distraction Burglary and Rogue Trader Task Force

Leaflets have been delivered to Somerset Court and the Post Office, Cheveley for issue.

Litter Bins

The clerk has chased a response from Environmental Services at E.C.D.C regarding the procedure for upgrading the Parish litterbins. Janet Martin reported that the litter bin outside the Post Office, Cheveley requires urgent replacement. On-going

Townland Charity

The clerk reported that one new applicant had been received and a total of fourteen payments had been made.

Urgent Matters

The clerk reported that KH Services had been asked to sweep the Cemetery path to clear the moss further to its treatment. On-going


The review of more detailed financial instruction has been postponed for consideration at a future meeting, as the draft document is not yet ready for distribution. On-going

Cemetery – Additional Works

The Clerk and Cedric Burton have audited the work required and the Clerk is in the process of re-approaching those contractors that quoted originally. On-going

Sallie Thomas tabled an article from the Newmarket Weekly News paper, dated 7th December 2006, detailing a change in memorial fees due to “five yearly headstone stability testing”. The Clerk will investigate if this is a new statutory regulation being introduced. On-going

Street Lighting at Church Lane, Cheveley

The Clerk has made a formal request to proceed with the installation of the additional streetlight to Cambridgeshire County Council (C.C.C.). Alan Hitch, Area Lighting Manager at Street Lighting division of C.C.C. has confirmed receipt of this and the Parish Council will be invoiced on completion. No other quotations were received by 3rd January 2007. On-going

The Clerk has informed Mr D Button of Logan Developments verbally that the Council wishes to accept his proposal concerning column PC6 and will confirm in writing on issue of the payment. On-going

The Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Minerals and Waste Preferred Options Consultation

The Clerk has emailed the Parish Council response and received confirmation of its receipt.

Forest Heath Local Development Framework

The Clerk has emailed the Parish Council response and received confirmation of its receipt.


No declarations of interest were made by any councillor present at the meeting with regard to items on the agenda.


The Clerk reported that no applications had been received for either vacancy and that the vacancies were now being advertised in the most prominent position on the website. The Clerk is to advise the Council on the criteria Parish residents need to meet to become councillors.

AP Clerk

After much discussion it was agreed to produce a leaflet for door-to-door distribution in the Parish in a bid to promote awareness and interest in the vacancies prior to elections in May. The Clerk, Chairman and Vice Chairman will produce a draft leaflet for consideration at the next meeting.

AP Clerk, JM & CB


(a)  Cedric Burton gave a verbal report, in conjunction with the risk analysis provided by Greg Axtell at the December meeting, with the recommendation that the Council should look to hold a General Reserve equal to the “High Risk” items on the risk analysis, currently being a total of £12,750.00 (twelve thousand seven hundred and fifty pounds). The council noted that they had already doubled the General Reserve in the current financial year from £5,000.00 (five thousand pounds) to £10,000.00 (ten thousand pounds) and that whilst this represented a shortfall against the level of reserves recommended by CALC, it was the maximum possible under the current financial circumstances. The Parish Council further noted the additional risk implied by the shortfall. Greg Axtell proposed, Sallie Thomas seconded, and it was unanimously resolved that due to the former increase it was not appropriate to increase the General Reserve further at this time but that the Parish council would aspire to increase to £12,750.00 (twelve thousand seven hundred and fifty pounds) in the future.

(b)  After much discussion Janet Martin proposed, Sallie Thomas seconded, and it was unanimously resolved that the Clerk attend the Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA) training course provided by CALC and that the Council would reimburse the Clerk for the associated salary and mileage costs up to a pre-agreed amount. The Clerk’s contract is to be amended with a clause requiring the Clerk to reimburse the costs to the Parish Council if she terminates her employment within 12 months of completion. AP JM

(c)  The Parish Council considered the purchase of Parish Council office equipment. After much discussion Janet Martin proposed, Sallie Thomas seconded, Greg Axtell abstained and it was resolved that the Council would purchase office equipment to a maximum sum of £1,000.00 (one thousand pounds). Any equipment purchased is to be recorded as an asset of the Parish Council and insured accordingly. The Clerk’s contract will be amended to reflect the provision of equipment. Bryan Glenister assured the Council that he would voluntarily provide hardware and software support on an on-going basis for any computer equipment purchased. AP Clerk, JM & BG

(d)  The Parish Council received the Budgetary Control Statement for January at Appendix 1.

(e)  Bryan Glenister proposed, Jill Segger seconded, and it was unanimously resolved to approve the following cheques for payment in January:

Mrs E. Taylor Salary & Mileage £ 605.52

Inland Revenue £ 98.56

Tindalls (Photocopying/stationery) £ 20.34

KH Services: Other £96.50

Maintenance £164.80

V.A.T. £45.73 £ 307.03

(f)  The following pre-approved cheques were signed:

Logan Developments Ltd £ 138.00


(a)  The Parish Council received the priority list of proposed projects at Appendix 2. Janet Martin proposed, Greg Axtell seconded, and it was unanimously resolved that the Parish Council projects be attempted in order of their priority, as the budget allows, with any future proposed projects being added to the list by order of priority.

AP Council

(b)  The Parish Council received the tabled proposed Budget for 2007-2008 and considered the verbal report from Greg Axtell. The Clerk answered any questions raised. The Parish Council noted that the proposed precept request of £35,000.00 (thirty five thousand pounds) is inadequate to cover the annual running costs of the Parish Council but that the increase in the proposed precept amount was already three percent. The Parish Council also noted that there would be no new money for projects in 2007-2008 and that alternative approaches to funding would need to be considered if improvements were required in the Parish. The Chairman expressed concern that the Finances warrants more time for consideration than a Parish Council meeting allows, the implementation of a “Finance Group” was suggested, that would meet regularly to review the finances and bring resolutions to the table at meetings. The Clerk, Greg Axtell and Bryan Glenister will form the “Finance Group” and will review the proposed budget and finalise a draft for adoption at a future meeting. AP Clerk, GA & BG

(c)  After much discussion Janet Martin proposed, Cedric Burton seconded, and it was unanimously resolved to request a precept of £35,000.00 (thirty-five thousand pounds), an increase that is broadly in line with the current rate of inflation, be submitted to East Cambridgeshire District Council for the 2007-2008 financial year.

AP Clerk


Tenders had been received by the Clerk from K.H. Services for the cutting of the Recreation Ground, Cemetery and Public Rights of Way and the Chairman opened them in the presence of all councillors attending the meeting. In the absence of historic prices Greg Axtell proposed, Bryan Glenister seconded and it was unanimously resolved that the Clerk calculate a cost comparison to current prices and if the tender is within a ten percent threshold of this to accept and if over the threshold to reconsider with a view to re-tender if the reconsideration concluded that the price inflation was unacceptable.

AP Clerk

The clerk reported that after the issue of the Verges grass-cutting request for tenders it was discovered that C.C.C. had not supplied all the verges maps for the Parish and therefore the information issued to contractors was incorrect. The Clerk further reported that one tender had been received from K.H.Services that, as the current contractor, he had informed her that his tender would include the omitted areas. The clerk is to retain the tender until the outcome of the other grass cutting tenders is known.

AP Clerk


Due to time constraints the Chairman declared this item to be carried forward to the next meeting to be held on Tuesday 13th February 2007.

AP Clerk


The Clerk allocated Areas of Risk Assessment to the Councillors present and will also forward electronic copies to councillors for completion and review at the next meeting.

AP Clerk & Councillors


The Parish Council considered its response to C.C.C. regarding the proposed reduction to contracted bus services. Jill Segger proposed, Sallie Thomas seconded, and it was unanimously resolved that the Parish Council object to the proposals to remove 2 of the existing services and that the remaining service leaves an unreasonable level of service for those wishing to travel to and from Newmarket. Public transport provides a vital lifeline to those that use it and all efforts should be made to retain service level; particularly for those Parishioners that hold the C.C.C. free bus pass.

AP Clerk


(a)  The Parish Council considered the results of the footpath Survey undertaken by Marcie Roche (Rights of Way Officer, Cambridgeshire County Council) at Appendix 5 and the subsequent response, at the Parish Council’s request, from Mr V Johnston of High Street, Cheveley at Appendix 6. The Council expressed their thanks to Mr Johnston for volunteering his knowledge to review the Survey on the Councils behalf. Janet Martin proposed, Sallie Thomas seconded, and it was unanimously resolved to adopt Mr Johnston’s comments and the Clerk to send a response to C.C.C. detailing the issues raised. It was noted that the gate at the Ashley end of Footpath 1 served two purposes – to prevent motorbikes/wheeled vehicles using the path and horses from straying straight on to the High Street – and a barrier was necessary. AP Clerk

(b)  Janet Martin proposed, Sallie Thomas seconded, and it was unanimously resolved to send an application to the Parish Paths Partnership including a request for funding for the grass cutting of the Public rights of way for 2007-2008.

AP Clerk


Due to time constraints the Chairman declared this item to be carried forward to the next meeting to be held on Tuesday 13th February 2007.

AP Clerk


Due to time constraints the Chairman declared this item to be carried forward to the next meeting to be held on Tuesday 13th February 2007.

AP Clerk


(a)  The Parish Council received the response from Mr Alan Dover Team Leader, Development Control at E.C.D.C regarding the formal complaint submitted to Mr David Archer Executive Director of Development Services at E.C.D.C. as distributed via email prior to the meeting. It was unanimously agreed that Parish Council did not find this response acceptable and the District Councillors confirmed their support of our actions. Janet Martin read out the Parish Council proposed response to Mr D Archer. Cedric Burton proposed, Janet Martin seconded, Greg Axtell abstained and it was resolved to send the response with minor amendments.

AP Clerk

(b)  There were no new Planning applications received for consideration

(c)  The Parish Council received the Recommendations Made By Parish Council at Appendix 7

(d)  The Parish Council received the Applications Approved at Appendix 7

(e)  The Parish Council received the Applications Refused at Appendix 7

(f)  The Parish Council received the Other details at Appendix 7


The Clerk reported that Simon Rampley has become the Police Community Support Officer for Cheveley and provided details of the services and benefits this should provide. The Council expressed their wish that Mr Rampley be invited to a Parish Council meeting, the Clerk will provide Mr Rampley with the dates for future meetings and invite him to attend.

AP Clerk


The Clerk reported that no completed templates had been received from Councillors to date. Greg Axtell reported that he had progressed through much of the Plan and had some suggestions. The Chairman requested that Greg circulate his comments for response from the other Councillors.