The Jesus Game Answer Sheet

Station #1 Answers:

The Puzzle

  1. 13=M
  2. 1=A
  3. 20=T
  4. 20=T
  5. 8=H
  6. 5=E
  7. 23=W

The Trial

The Trial is about “Giving.”

To pass this trial the group must bestow gifts of worth to the Holy Family. Remind them they are giving gifts for a King. Good gifts would be their watches, gold rings, or they could sing a song such as in the Little Drummer Boy story.

Station #2 Answers:

The Puzzle

The Answer is: Luke 2:51

  1. The Annunciation is the 1st Joyful Mystery. Start with the first decade of the Rosary. Count over 4 beads and you will get an “L”.
  2. The Presentation is the 4th decade of the Joyful Mysteries. Count over 6 beads and you will get a “U”.
  3. The Scourging is the 2nd decade of the Sorrowful Mysteries. Count over 3 beads and you will get a “K”.
  4. The Crucifixion is the 5th decade of the Sorrowful Mysteries. Count over 5 beads and you will get an “E”.
  5. The Resurrection is the 1st decade of the Glorious Mysteries. Count over 5 beads and you will get a “2”
  6. Pentecost is the 3rd decade of the Glorious Mysteries (The Decent of the Holy Spirit). Count over 9 beads and you will get “51”
The Trial

The Trial is about “Obedience”

The passage Luke 2:51 is about Jesus being obedient to his parents. To pass this trial the kids must successfully do the physical exercises asked of them.

Station #3 Answers

The Puzzle

The Scripture answer is: Matthew 4:1-11 (Temptation of Jesus in the Desert)

  1. Mary
  2. Abraham
  3. Tiberius (Hint: See Luke 3:1)
  4. Transubstantiation
  5. 4
  6. 1
  7. 11
The Trial

The Trial is about “temptation”

There are three temptations. The kids will be asked to give up their egg for drinks & snacks. Remind them of the importance of their egg and that to give up their egg would be the same as selling their souls. If they do give up the egg, they will be given a “Black” sticker to wear.

In the second temptation, they will be asked to send for the helper Angel, then to tell the Angel to go away. To pass this temptation they must refuse to send the Angel away.

The third temptation is a request to write a prayer and then to re-write it into a funny version. To pass they must refuse to do this.

If they resist all three temptations the angel should give them some refreshments, thus mirroring Christ’s experience.

Station #4 Answers

The Puzzle

The Scripture passage is: Matthew 14:15-16 (Christ commands His disciples to feed the crowd)

__ __ T ______14:15-16

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. Eucharist4. Prayer 6. Salvation

2. Incarnation5. Sacraments7. Cross

3. Sin

B / A / S / A / C / R / A / M / E / N / T / S / H
G / D / N / K / F / Y / N / L / H / L / C / U / E
E / K / R / O / W / S / S / O / R / C / M / I / V
H / N / J / M / I / U / B / T / X / T / P / X / L
J / O / O / R / L / T / W / S / S / T / T / E / E
S / Q / U / I / B / E / A / I / O / R / A / R / H
Z / W / I / Q / T / G / R / N /


/ E / F / N / B
F / J / M / S / E / A / B /


/ R / Y / V / K / G
O / C / S / T / H / R / V / K / M / A / G / W / M
S / G / X / C / O / A / N / L / O / R / C / Q / F
T / H / U / R / P / B / R / Y / A / P / D / N / S
V / E / S / Z / U / A / C / P / Y / S / Z / D / I
The Trial

The trial is about pure fun and teamwork.

To pass this trial 3 of the team members must participate in the food exercise. The Angel should constantly be on the lookout for teams kneeling in prayer as they are asking the Angel for help.

Station #5 Answers
The Puzzle

The Scripture passage is Luke 23:26 (Simon of Cyrene helping Jesus carry His cross)

The Trial

The trial is about carrying crosses for others / loving one another.

The trial involves asking the smallest member of the team to carry the largest member of the team a required distance.

The Angel can remind them of the message of the scripture passage, but don’t tell them that outright. If they ask, you can refer them to the scripture or let them know they can help each other…..whatever you feel appropriate.

Station #6 Answers
The Puzzle

All the scriptures are about “prayer”

The Trial

This trial is about “Prayer”

The scripture passages is the trial itself. To pass, the team must kneel down and pray together. The Angel can give them a hint by giving them an intention to pray for.

Station #7 Answer

The Puzzle

Jesus is the Truth and Satan is the father of lies.

The solution is this question:

Ask any of the men, “What would the other person tell me is the road to life” then take the opposite road.

The Angel can give them this hint: -1 X -1=1

The Trial

This trial is about dying to self for others, for God, for community

After they complete the puzzle, they are given this clue:

“The last answer is inside of you….search your soul and you will find the answer.” To pass this final trial, they must crack open their egg and find the final clue.

The final clue in the egg contains the citation: Acts 4:32.

The quote reads: “The community of believers was of one heart and mind, and no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they had everything in common.”

The egg also contains a part of a scripture citation (1 Corinthians 13) that summarizes a message for the team.

To pass this final trial all the groups must put their pieces of scripture together to decipher it, thus the reference to Acts. The team worked the entire time to safeguard it. Now, how willing will they be to give up that precious possession for the group?

The 1 Corinthians 13 citation is about Love.

Any team who lost, broke or gave up their egg will be given a final chance to save their souls by:

Kneeling down as a team and saying an Act of Contrition (give them a card with the Act on it)

Renouncing Satan

Doing an act of penitence such as swearing to an act of kindness this next week or offering to stay after

class to help with the clean-up.

Final note: Hopefully, no team will outdistance another by more than 1 station. If they do, the Angel can just have them kneel down and pray. The success of this game depends on the element of surprise at the end and also of each team having to work together to solve the puzzles and trials. Try and keep each team as separated as possible so they do not see or hear what the other teams are doing. Have fun and thank goodness for angels!