Israel Today

Most of you are probably keeping up with what is happening in Eretz Israel on a daily basis. Some of you are there now, and some are coming there in the next two months. I hope I can see you, as Abba leads, while you are in the Land.

Today, Thursday, October 14th, we see that things are indeed moving forward towards what has been planned for the take over of Israel by the forces of world government, in order to give the most strategic piece of land in the earth—East Jerusalem—to the enemies of Yahuweh.

I want to encourage you more than ever to be “a watchman on the wall” in prayer for Israel, and especially Jerusalem, and more especially for East Jerusalem. (Isaiah 62:1, 6-7)

The Word centers around what we call East Jerusalem, fromGenesis 2 to Revelation 22! It is there in that very small area that three of the four major portals of Abba’s entrance into the earth are contained. Soon, East Jerusalem will soon be the focus of the entire world. But, so will the north of Israel--all the way down to Jerusalem itself. Thousands of rockets/missiles, supplied by Russia and China to Hezbollah, sitting on Israel’s north border, some armed with chemical and biological warheads, pointed at key cities in the north, but also Tel Aviv and down towards Jerusalem. For we read in Isaiah 17, that even the areas of ancient Ephraim (Samaria/”West Bank”) on the Israeli side, and even south of Amman on the Jordan side, will be wiped out. When you read prophecy of these last days, look at the map and find the areas mentioned. When Isaiah 17:2 mentions “Ar’or” – it is talking about “Ar’or” – on Jordan maps today, which is a military area on the Arnon River (Arabic: Wadi Majib) in north Jordan—the boundary line between Moab and Ammon. And when Isaiah 16:1-2 talks about the Arnon River/Wadi Majib, you’ll know where it is—for the fleeing multitudes of Abba’s people will come to that Jordanian checkpoint to be allowed into Moab. Become very familiar with both countries. There are maps you can buy that have both countries on them. Look and see where the Petra area is--northeast of Aqaba, Jordan, which is by the Red Sea, across from Eilat, Israel and Taba, Egypt. It is of major importance that you become familiar with these areas!

If you do not have a good map of Israel hanging on your wall, get one! Your eyes need to see where things are in the homeland, so that you can pray with more understanding. When you read about a place in the Land in the Word, go find it on the map—at least the general area. Both Israel and Jordan continue to use the ancient names, for the most part, though some new villages and towns were added since 1948, and some names are slightly modified. If you love your children and grandchildren, like most you probably have pictures of them somewhere in your house. If you love Israel, make sure you know where things are, and where things are about to happen. It is the homeland of the justified and set-apart ones, forever. We long for the King of the Kingdom to come and

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rule there with justice, bringing absolute peace!

From today’s headlines:


METULLA, Israel (AFP) – Israelis were on Thursday warily watching their northern border for a rare opportunity to see up close the arch-enemy of the Jewish state -- Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

The Iranian president, who is on a two-day trip to Lebanon, was expected to make a controversial tour of the southern border region during the afternoon, which has been slammed by the United States and Israel as "provocative."

"Right now we can see the stage they prepared for him, the giant portrait, where he's going to make his speech on the mountain," Haim Biton, a resident of the Israeli frontier village of Avivim, told army radio. The border region, a stronghold of the Shiite militant group Hezbollah, is often seen as the frontline in a proxy war between Israel and Iran.

"It is a provocative and destabilizing visit," foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor told AFP. "It appears his intentions are blatantly hostile and he is coming to play with fire." Ahmadinejad's visit is "like a landlord visiting his domain," Palmor said, while other officials said the move signified the final transformation of Israel's northern neighbor into an "Iranian client state."

Thursday's tour will see the sharp-tongued Iranian leader coming the closest he has ever been to the Jewish state, standing just four kilometers (little more than two miles) from the border as he tours villages destroyed during the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah. For many, it was the sheer proximity of the Iranian leader that caught their attention. "Ahmadinejad a kilometer away," said the front page of the top-selling Yediot Aharonot newspaper, while its rival Maariv ran with: "Ahmadinejad -- closer than ever."


Just to see the village of Metuala mentioned in the news makes me upset at myself for not being at Dado Point today--looking Ah! MAD Ine-jad in the eye!!! Metula is one of my favorite places in the land. From Dado Point that overlooks the village, you can see it as a finger that sticks out, with Lebanon on all three sides, you can look down the Hula Valley to the right, and Mt. Hermon peeking out above the clouds straight ahead. What an awesome view.

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From the Jerry Golden Report we get more clarified information:

It can't be much longer! -- 10-11-10

One thing is certain. The view of possible war in the Middle East looks very different for those of us sitting here in Israel than it does for thosewatching fromelsewhere. Ahmadinejad's upcoming visit to Lebanon next week has caused quite a stir in Israel. One thing we do know is that the south of Lebanon is nearly covered with Iranian flags to welcome Ahmadinejad. That's not a good sign.

We are also being informedthat he has ordered Hezbollah to take over the Lebanese government [much as Hamas did in Gaza], once he has departed Lebanon. But the last attack from the Lebanon border wasby Lebanese soldiers, not Hezbollah, andthey killed one of our officers and wounded others.It is no surprise to us that Lebanon has, for all intents and purposes, already been taken over by Hezbollah. It is also well known that the Lebanese Army has beenheavily infiltrated by Hezbollah and recruitment goes on daily in the military ranks.

Additionally, Syria has signed a pact with Iran,agreeing to go to war if either country is attacked by Israel and they have made it known that it is them who are behind the takeover of Lebanon by Hezbollah.

We keep believing that war could begin any day now,yet somehow it doesn't. Don't misunderstand me.It will, and soon. And the world will be greatly changed as a result.The economy, communications, and global politics will change in such a way that for the average citizen it will be 'survival' onlywhich will occupy their minds.Those who feel they can pull all things together againthemselves, believing it to be God's Will, will simply be setting the stage for the rise of antichrist and his “mark”.

No one can tell you how to prepare for that which is rapidly coming toward us.The one thing that seems to make sense is for you to do your very best to at least survive the first few months if at all possible.That will give you time to rationalize things and to regain your bearings.Oh sure,I know how this sounds moregloom and doom.Yet let me tell you something.It is not to mybenefit that I tell you thisbecause once this war starts we will lose contact anyway.If all I was concerned with was trying to get you to support our efforts…I could come up with a muchclevererscenario. The truth however, is that your life and

welfareare very important to us becauseyou are our family in Yeshua!

Shalom, Jerry Golden

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Wow—I say “Amen” to that! It is because we love Abba’s people that we are often harsh, that we plead, that we tell it like it is, that we don’t pull punches, that we are blunt—for the lives of Abba’s people, precious lives, are at stake now, and their eternal destiny and rewards in the Kingdom. The softies and sissies whine because they get offended, but in Israel they live with reality—and what happens to Israel, backlashes to the U.S.! When America gets through with the reason for its existence, and pushes Israel into giving up Yahuweh’s land for fake peace, the backlash this time will be permanent!

I encourage all of you to humble yourself as Yeshayahu (Isaiah) did (Isaiah 6) and allow Him to purge you with the fires from the altar of incense, so that you are prepared to say to Him, “Here am I, send me”. Though time is not really speeding up, it sure seems like it is. But, in the plans of Yahuweh, His plans are speeding up, for the enemy is soon to make his big power play, and Abba is getting His forerunners in place on the forefront of battle, and also preparing hiding places for the time when His set-apart ones must be hidden. Amos 5:10, 13: “They hated the one who reproves in the gate, and they despise the one who tells the truth…Therefore, the wise keep silent at this time, for it is an evil time”. The time of the cutting of communication, as Jerry says, is near. But, until then, like Jerry, I want to encourage you to hold on tight to the Master, and enter into His Presence more and more with others who also love Him. Gather people into your home for prayer for Israel – praise Him from the Word – center your mind on the coming King and “pray for the peace of Yerushalyim”!



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