“Finding Nemo” Film Questions
We have been studying the Earth and specific topics such as global warming and
its effects on our Earth systems. As you watch the film, answer the following questions basing your answers on not only the situations portrayed in the movie but also
on what you have learned in class.
1. As the kids are riding Mr. Ray (the sting ray) to the drop off, Mr. Ray sees a cyanobacteria and is excited saying that it is a whole ecosystem in one little organism. What does he mean by this? Why are cyanobacteria so important?
2. What is the EAC? ______
3. The film takes place in Australia. Do you think the currents in the ocean there are more warm or cold? Why? (Think about where Australia is in relation to the equator.)
4. Do you think sea creatures use these currents to speed up their travel? Why or why not? Use examples from the film.
5. Global warming has a direct effect on ocean currents. What is the effect and what can happen if the oceans lose their natural flow? Describe many things that will be impacted without their ocean current.
6. The ocean has different zones. The Euphotic Zone is the top layers of water and the area where most sea life occurs. Below the Euphotic Zone is the Disphotic Zone which is also known as the Twilight Zone. There are still fish here but little plant life. The lowest area is the Aphotic Zone or Midnight Zone. It is a harsh environment with mainly sea life that can handle high pressures.
a. Which layer do Nemo and his friends live in? Why is it possible for most sea life to live here?
b. When the goggles fall, Dory and Marlin have to swim down to find them. Which layer are they swimming to? Why do you think the sea creatures here are so grumpy?
c. There are sea creatures in every layer. What are some adaptations the creatures have in the film to be able to live in these layers? Tell the creature, the layer you think they live in, and what their adaptation is.
7. Pretend global warming has increased the water temperature of the ocean where Nemo and friends live. What effect will it have on the different species (both plant and animal)? If species die, how will it affect other organisms? If they adapt, what would their adaptation be? Use what you know about food chains to help you think through this question.