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Freedom in every Experience

The 3-day Weekend Intensive

About Jeff Foster

Jeff’s books


Jeff Foster's Weekend Intensive in Holland

This is a great chance to spend an intensive weekend in the company of UK Nonduality communicator Jeff Foster, soaking in a simple yet radical message of unconditional love amongst friends in a beautiful part of Holland.

It's a chance to explore and go deeper into this communication, to meet like-minded people and relax in comfortable and inspiring surroundings. It's a chance for all the questions of the mind to disappear, for seeking to subside and - with laughter and playfulness - the wonder of what is to be revealed, right where you are.

Using simple language and drawing on both personal experience and age-old wisdom, Jeff shares the possibility of waking up from the dream of separation. The possibility of absolute freedom, right in the midst of this ordinary life. The possibility that the spiritual search, and indeed all seeking of the mind, can come to an end once and for all. And in the falling away of the seeking, what is revealed is a wholeness that the separate seeker could never find.

It's a direct recognition of who you really are, beyond all thoughts and ideas of yourself, beyond time and space, beyond your life and the world surrounding you. It's a plunge into unconditional love.

We look forward to seeing you in the “Heidehoeve”!

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The 3-day Weekend Intensive


Starting on Friday 27th May 2011; arrival between 16:30 & 17:30 hours (before dinner).
Ending on Monday 30th May 2011 at 10:30 hours (after breakfast).

Leaving on Sunday evening after the final meeting is an option, but will not influence prices.


De Heidehoeve

Limburglaan 36

5712 PM Someren

The Netherlands

‘De Heidehoeve’ is located in the south of The Netherlands,

in the middle of a nature reserve with woods, heathland and

tiny lakes. It is one of the most beautiful and comfortable

self-catering venues in Holland. Peace, space and nature

have been its slogan for more than 30 years.

Travel details will follow after booking.


During the weekend 6 group meetings of around 2 hours will take place with Jeff. In the meetings there is the opportunity to ask questions, which can spontaneously alternate with moments of silence, or whatever else happens. The atmosphere will be relaxed and inspiring.

All meetings are English spoken without translation.

Every morning before breakfast there is optional yoga. Free time during the days can be used for example by walking in the woods, swimming in the pool or relaxing in the sauna. Other leisure possibilities include cycling or watching a movie.

Monday morning after yoga and breakfast the weekend will end.

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€ 325,full board and a comfortable 2-person bedroom with separate beds and a private shower & toilet.

€ 425, full board and a comfortable single room with private shower & toilet (limited number available!).

Please contact Menno for prices for participants from companies & other organizations
(see the e-mail address underneath).

Included in the price are:

·  6 Group meetings with Jeff

·  3 Delicious vegetarian meals per day

·  Daily yoga

·  Use of swimming pool, sauna and fitness machines

·  Coffee, tea and fruit syrups all day

We have 4 volunteers helping us organise this weekend, but we will make a (limited) appeal to participants to help prepare food and clean up after meals.

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Booking & payment

Please send an e-mail to to check availability of your preferred room first. A registration form will then be mailed to you to fill out.

The reservation of your room is confirmed only after a deposit of€ 125 is received.

Please note that the full balance is to be received in our bank account by27th April 2011, otherwise it may be necessary to cancel your reservation.

If you book after 27th April 2011 you will need to pay the full price upon booking.

See registration form for bank account details.

Cancellation terms - please note carefully!

·  € 50 of your depositisnon-refundable.

·  Fifty percent of the price paid is non-refundable if you cancelafter 27th April 2011.

·  There is no refund, if you cancel after 13th May or leave early during the weekend.

·  We recommend taking out cancellation insurance.

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About Jeff Foster

Jeff Foster graduated in Astrophysics from Cambridge University in 2001. Several years after graduation, following a period of severe depression and physical illness, he became addicted to the idea of “spiritual enlightenment”, and embarked on an intensive spiritual search which lasted for several years. The spiritual search came to an absolute end with the clear seeing that there is only ever Oneness.

In the clarity of this seeing, life became what it always was: spontaneous, playful, joyous and fully alive. Jeff began to write and talk about nonduality. He now holds open meetings and retreats in the UK, Europe and the US, clearly and directly pointing to the frustrations surrounding the spiritual search, to the nature of mind, and to the clarity at the heart of everything.

His uncompromising approach, full of humour and compassion, shatters the mind’s hopes for

a future awakening, revealing the awakening that is always already present, right in the midst of life.

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Jeff’s books

“An Extraordinary Absence: Liberation in the midst of a very ordinary life”

From the back cover:

"If you think that 'liberation' is a special state reserved only for enlightened masters and gurus, then think again.

Jeff Foster invites you to forget everything you know, everything you’ve been taught, everything you’ve ever read about spiritual awakening, Oneness, enlightenment, nonduality and Advaita, and to consider a new possibility: the possibility of absolute free-dom, right now, right here in the midst of this very ordinary life.

Using everyday language and drawing on both personal experience and age-old wisdom, Jeff shares the possibility that all the seeking and longing of the mind can come to an absolute end with the falling-away of the sense of being a separate individual, and a plunge into unconditional love. And in that plunge - which is totally beyond anything you have ever imagined - this so-called ordinary life reveals its great Secret.

Written with stunning clarity and aliveness, this book is a love letter to the exhausted spiritual seeker who is simply longing to come Home."


“An Extraordinary Absence is, quite simply, the clearest expression of the way nonduality really is that I've ever read.” - Scott Kiloby, author of “Love’s Quiet Revolution”

“Jeff Foster is a young and gifted confessor or sharer of what is. Jeff’s words are full of space. An Extraordinary Absence is incredibly effective in getting ‘you’ to see there has never been a ‘you’. There's only this... By around page 90 came the insight that I was reading a classic… Read An Extraordinary Absence and watch how you become comfortable with wonder”
- Jerry Katz, author of “One: Essential Writings on Nonduality”

“The Wonder Of Being: Awakening to an intimacy beyond words”

NOW AVAILABLE!! This is a combined and revised edition of Jeff Foster's first books “Life Without A Centre” and “Beyond Awakening”, which both are now discontinued.

Jeff has fully revised these books to reflect a development and refinement of his expression. While the basis of what is being expressed does not change, the clarity and the depth appear to mature and at the same time to become more passionately alive.

From the back cover:
What if life is infinitely simpler than you ever imagined?
We spend our lives seeking wealth, success, love, fulfillment, and even ‘spiritual enlightenment’ in the future. Yet right at the heart of life there is an intimacy, a simplicity, a wholeness that is totally beyond words – and which cannot be reached through any kind of effort. In our attempts to change, to improve ourselves, or become ‘enlightened’, we end up ignoring this wordless intimacy which is our birthright and our true home.

“The Wonder Of Being” points to the eternal freedom which exists beyond the seeker and the sought, and shows us the hidden assumptions that underlie our seeking activities. With great humour, compassion and clarity, Jeff Foster reminds us of something we have always known - that life, as it is, is a miracle… and beyond our thoughts, we are already free.


“Jeff Foster is a master of relaying the viewpoint of the awakened state. He is like a doctor with a specialty. While other writers on the subject may be good general practitioners or have specialties in other areas, Jeff is the author to read if you want to see where it all leads.”


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