Coastal Carolina University
PUBH 484 Pre-Internship Seminar (0-1 credits; Pass/Fail)
Mary Kate Powell: , 843-349-2754
Sherer Royce: , 843-349-2687
Course Description: The purpose of this pre-internship seminar is to provide students the opportunity to develop professional skills and materials relevant to their internship and career interests. Enrollment in this course will facilitate the internship site placement process for both local and distance internship students. Throughout thiscourse, students will reflect and identify expectations and goals to strengthen their future orientation for continued professional development.
Course Requirements:
1. Students must be a PUBH major, have completed 90 or more credit hours toward degree completion, and be eligible for graduation within up to two semesters of this course.
2. Permission of Advisor, Instructor or Departmental Designee is a requirement for enrollment.
Course Learning Objectives: This course will provide the following experiences:
1. Exploration, clarification, or redefining of career goals.
2. Gaining a better understanding of a workplace environment that aligns with your area of professional interest through the internship site placement process.
3. Development and refining of oral and written communication skills.
4. Engage students in an Appreciative Inquiry process whereby students will reflect on their collegiate experience to identify occurrences, events, engagements and conditions that were transformational and/or inspirational for their college achievements for the purpose of imaging “what could be” for their future.
Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Create a professional resume.
2. Articulate how their academic preparation has prepared them for the job market.
3. Reflect on their personal strengths, weaknesses, inquiries, and expectations for professional growth.
4. Demonstrate behaviors appropriate for professional environments and identify how to form networking relationships with peers, co-workers, and supervisors.
5. Clarify their values about their professional goals.
6. Describe the core principles of Appreciative Inquiry
7. Contrast Appreciative Inquiry with traditional needs assessment inquiry
8. Exhibit confidence implementing a Nominal Group Process.
Student Expectations:
1) Students must attend each class session and participate in discussions and class activities.
2) Students should thoughtfully consider these topics to enhance your experiential learning opportunities throughout your final year in the PUBH program at CCU.
3) Professional Resume: DUE Monday, April 3, 2017. Each student will prepare a professional resume’ with Career Services and the course instructor. All students will take their resume’ to their formal internship interview. Students will not be given their internship placement information until resume’ is in perfect condition. Resumes should be uploaded into Moodle upon completion.
4) Actively participate in the internship site placement process with the PUBH Internship Coordinator.
To Count for Credit Class
Student will work with the course instructor, who will develop special topics assignments equivalent to 15 hours of course work in the semester. For example, completing book reports, career exploration, or informational interviews with key leaders in desired field.
Statement of Community Standards: Coastal Carolina University is an academic community that expects the highest standards of honesty, integrity and personal responsibility. Members of this community are accountable for their actions and are committed to creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust. Students are expected to avoid engaging in distracting behaviors during class, such as: disrupting instructional time, text messaging or playing games on cell phones, engaging in behaviors other than note taking on notebook computers, listening to music, having non-course related conversations with others. If your cell phone is visible during class you will be instructed to put it away. If visible a second time, it will be taken and remain on the front podium for the duration of the class. We will discuss implications of a second offense at the end of the class period.
Check your CCU email and Moodle often! Important class information will only be sent to Coastal students using their Coastal email account and Moodle. Please include your name and course number in any correspondence to your instructor.
Students with Disabilities: As a higher education institution, Coastal Carolina University wants to see each student become successful and be given equal opportunity to achieve his/ her fullest potential. Any student who needs assistance due to a disability- physical, learning or mental- will be provided with the means necessary to achieve his/ her goals. To access services and accommodations, students should contact an Accessibility Coordinator within The Office of Accessibility & Disability Services located in Kearns 106 or call 349-2341.