Standard Operating Guidelines / Procedures

#4310 – Activated Fire Alarms & Structural Fires (Engine Company)

Effective: 01/01/06

Revised: 04/01/11


To provide a standardized and consistent operating guideline to aid the members of the Hughestown Hose Company in the discharge of their duties when operating at structural type situations as an Engine Company.

1Operational Modes:

1.1Offensive Mode of Operation:

1.1.1The Engine Company on an Offensive Operation will be responsible for assisting in the rescue of any trapped occupants, establishment of a water supply, advancement of initial attack lines as well as backup lines, support of fire department connections, and assisting the Truck Company with overhaul after the fire is controlled. The crew of the Engine Company will operate as a team and share these duties as per their riding assignments to complete these tasks.

1.2Defensive Mode of Operation:

1.2.1The Engine Company on a Defensive Operation will be responsible for assisting in the rescue of any trapped occupants, establishment of a water supply, support of fire department connections, supplying the Truck Company with water for master stream operations, setting up master streams off the engine, and protection of any exposures. The crew of the Engine Company will operate as a team and share these duties as per their riding assignments to complete these tasks.

2Riding Assignments:

2.1Engineer / Operator:

2.1.1Drive the apparatus in a safe manor to and from incidents.

2.1.2Initiate pump operator responsibilities, which includes maintaining an adequate water supply and supplying all hand lines or master streams with water at the proper flows.

2.1.3Shall not exceed ten (10) mph when laying a supply line. is recommended that the engine lays the supply line on the same side of the street as the hydrant so there is a lane left open into the scene for the incoming Truck Company.

2.1.4Shall supply the initial crews with tank water until a water supply could be established

2.1.5Shall be responsible for the hook up of any fire department connections when present on commercial buildings. supplying a standpipe system or sprinkler system, the Engine Operator will charge the standpipe or sprinkler connection at 150 PSI. Engine Operator shall add an additional 5 PSI for each floor in elevation.

2.2Engine Officer:

2.2.1Shall provide a first arriving size-up report to the Communications Center if not already completed. Engine Officer on the size-up shall determine the size of the initial attack line to be used by using the NFA formula.

2.2.2Shall directly supervise the operation of the initial attack crew and direct any entry operations.

2.2.3Shall develop tactics to complete a strategy developed by the Incident Commander.

2.2.4The Engine Officer and crew shall enter the main entrance on the first floor and work in conjunction with the Truck Company.

2.2.5Ensure the following minimum equipment is carried: Light’s Tool Radio Imaging Camera

2.3Attack One (Seat 1):

2.3.1This firefighter will be responsible for the advancement of the initial attack line that is determined by the Engine Officer or Incident Command.

2.3.2In cases where long stretches are needed and a setback line is required, this firefighter will be responsible for the advancement of the initial attack line, while his or her partner is responsible for advancement of the setback line.

2.3.3Ensure the following minimum equipment is carried: Light Radio Rise Pack (For Commercial Buildings with Standpipes)

2.4Attack One Partner (Seat 2):

2.4.1Shall be responsible to assist his or her partner in the advancement of the initial attack line that was chosen by the Engine Officer or Incident Command.

2.4.2In cases where a setback line is needed, he or she will be responsible for the advancement of the setback line while his or her partner is responsible for advancement of the initial attack line.

2.4.3Ensure the following minimum equipment is carried: Radio Light / Appliance Bag (For Commercial Buildings with Standpipes)

2.5Hydrant (Seat 3):

2.5.1This firefighter will be responsible for the establishment of the water supply from the water source to the fire or from the fire to the water source as determined by the Engine Officer. charge the supply line at the direction of the Engine Operator in a forward lay. hose lays of any length from a RED color-coded hydrant

(0 - 500 GPM) or any hose lays over 800 feet shall require the use of a hydrant assist valve.

2.5.2At the completion of this task, this firefighter will report back to the engine and assist the firefighters with the initial attack line or a setback line if used.

2.5.3Ensure the following minimum equipment is carried: Light Bag Radio

3Residential / Small Commercial Assignments:


3.1.1First Due Engine: Proceed into the scene and investigate with the first due Truck Company. The Engine Officer is responsible to give the accountability board to the Incident Commander if already on scene.

3.1.2Second Due Engine: Stand by at the primary water supply. The Engine Officer and crew shall remain with the engine (Unless otherwise notified by Incident Command).

3.1.3Third Due Engine: Stand by at the secondary water supply. The Engine Officer and crew shall remain with the engine (Unless otherwise notified by Incident Command).

3.2Engine assignments for RESIDENTIAL or SMALL COMMERCIAL Structures with SMOKE or FIRE SHOWING:

3.2.1First Due Engine: Establish the primary water supply and advance the first attack line (Attack One). The size of hose line is to be determined by the Engine Officer or Incident Command. The Engine Officer must notify the Communications Center or Incident Command if the above tasks are not accomplished. The Engine Officer is responsible to give the accountability board to the Incident Commander if already on scene.

3.2.2Second Due Engine: If the first due engine assignments are met, then the second due engine is to respond into the scene to support a hydrant assist valve if needed. The officer and crew should report to the first due engine and advance the second attack line (Attack Two). The size of hose line is to be determined by the Engine Officer or Incident Command. The Engine Officer is responsible to give the accountability board to Incident Command.

3.2.3Third Due Engine: If the first and second due engine assignments are met, then the third due engine is to locate the secondary water supply and stand by. The officer and crew will report to Incident Command. The Engine Officer is responsible to give the accountability board to Incident Command.

4Large Commercial / Single & Multi-Story Assignments

4.1Engine assignments for LARGE COMMERCIAL Structures with NOTHING SHOWING or INVESTIGATIONS:

4.1.1First Due Engine: Proceed into the scene and investigate with the first due Truck Company. The Engine Officer is responsible to give the accountability board to the Incident Commander if already on scene. For commercial buildings with standpipes, the engine crew shall be equipped with a High Rise Pack and a Standpipe / Appliance Bag.

4.1.2Second Due Engine: Stand by at the primary water supply. The officer and crew will report to Incident Command. The Engine Officer is responsible to give the accountability board to Incident Command. For commercial buildings with standpipes, the engine crew shall be equipped with a High Rise Pack and a Standpipe / Appliance Bag.

4.1.3Third Due Engine: Stand by at the secondary water supply. The officer and crew will report to Incident Command. The Engine Officer is responsible to give the accountability board to Incident Command. For commercial buildings with standpipes, the engine crew shall be equipped with a High Rise Pack and a Standpipe / Appliance Bag.

4.2Engine assignments for LARGE COMMERCIAL Structures with SMOKE or FIRE SHOWING:

4.2.1First Due Engine: Establish the primary water supply and advance the first attack line (Attack One). The Engine Officer must notify the Communications Center or Incident Command if the above tasks are not accomplished. The Engine Officer is responsible to give the accountability board to the Incident Commander if already on scene. For commercial buildings with standpipes, the engine crew shall be equipped with a High Rise Pack and a Standpipe / Appliance Bag.

4.2.2Second Due Engine: If the first due engine assignments are met, then the second due engine is to respond into the scene to support a hydrant assist valve if needed. The officer and crew should report to the first due engine and advance the second attack line (Attack Two). The Engine Officer is responsible to give the accountability board to Incident Command. For commercial buildings with standpipes, the engine crew shall be equipped with a High Rise Pack and a Standpipe / Appliance Bag.

4.2.3Third Due Engine: If the first and second due engine assignments are met, then the third due engine is to locate the secondary water supply and stand by. The officer and crew will report to Incident Command. The Engine Officer is responsible to give the accountability board to Incident Command. For commercial buildings with standpipes, the engine crew shall be equipped with a High Rise Pack and a Standpipe / Appliance Bag.

5Short Crews:

5.1The preceding operations have been written for a Five (5) Man Engine Crew. In the event that a Five (5) Man Engine Crew is not available, the following assignments should be followed.

5.1.1Three (3) Man Crew - Engineer, Officer, and Hydrant Engine Officer will be responsible to team up with the Hydrant Firefighter to advance the first attack line (Attack One) until another engine company arrives to assist.

5.1.2Four (4) Man Crew – Engineer, Officer, Attack One, and Hydrant Hydrant Firefighter will be responsible to return to the engine and team up with the Attack One Firefighter to advance the first attack line (Attack One) until another engine company arrives to assist.


Jamie Merlino

Fire Chief

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