King•Chávez•Parks Future Faculty Fellowship Program

KCP Dissertation Fellowship


The King • Chávez • Parks Future Faculty Fellowship (KCP FFF) program was created by the Michigan State Legislature in 1986 as part of the larger King • Chávez • Parks Initiative, designed to improve college graduation rates for students underrepresented in postsecondary education. The Program is intended to promote inclusivity and diversity at the faculty and administrative level in colleges and universities in Michigan. Preference may not be given to applicants on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, gender, or national origin.

The fellowship honors the memory of Martin Luther King, Jr., César Chávez, and Rosa Parks, tireless advocates of diversity and inclusivity in American life. The KCP program seeks to emphasize that all citizens may contribute significantly to the advancement of learning.

The purpose of this fellowship is to provide financial assistance to doctoral students at the final stage of dissertation completion. The King • Chávez • Parks Fellowship program at WMU is highly competitive. Only a limited number of fellowships are available.


The Graduate College, through the KCP FFF program, offers a one-year dissertation (Su II session, Fall semester, Spring semester, Su I session) completion award for doctoral students who have reached candidacy. This award of $25,000 will be allocated each term in the amount of $8,350 each semester and $4,150 each session.The award will be placed on the student’s account at the beginning of each term. Tuition and enrollment fees will be paid from the allocation; the remainder of the allocation will be issued to the student.The fellowship does not require departmental service, but students must meet other requirements stated in the guidelines for KCP Fellowships.(Please see the ‘Obligation’ section on page 2 of this application.) For questions regarding this application, please call 269-387-8212 or 269-387-8237.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. The applicant must be in good academic standing in a doctoral program at Western Michigan University with a GPA (3.0 overall) that has been consistent throughout the program.
  2. The applicant must possess United States citizenship and meet WMU’s requirements for Michigan residency.
  3. Applicant’s proposal must have been completed and accepted by their dissertation committee.
  4. The applicant must be able to demonstrate convincingly how being awarded the fellowship will help him/her contribute to the promotion of diversity in university research and teaching.
  5. The applicant must have had some teaching experience or be able to demonstrate an aptitude to teach.
  6. The applicant must have a vision for research and must demonstrate how they have been engaged in research.
  7. The applicant must be currently in good standing on guaranteed loans.
  8. The applicant must not have started doctoral degree prior to Fall 2014.

Application Process:

1.Deadline:March 15

2.Application must include:

a. nomination by the program director or dissertation chair (see below * for specific instructions);

b. abstract of dissertation;

c.250-word educational and career goal statement linking the applicant’s interests, academic

preparation, teaching career focus, and current studies to his/her future plans;

d. vita or resume.

3.Interview by committee following acceptance of application.

* Faculty Nomination Process

The letter of nomination from the program director or dissertation chair must include:

1. significance of the dissertation research as it relates to the respective discipline;

2. student’s potential for success in their field;

3. student’s academic or scholarly achievements;

4. student’s commitment to teaching in higher education.


If you are selected to receive a KCP Future Faculty Fellowship, your receipt of this award is contingent upon your compliance with all award requirements and execution of the Doctoral Fellowship Agreement. Each KCP Fellow agrees to obtain a doctoral degree within eight years from first enrollment in the program at WMU. A candidate will repay his/her KCP Fellowship liability to the State of Michigan in the form of a teaching or administrative position at a postsecondary institution in the State of Michigan for the equivalent of three full-time years. (Administrative service options must receive prior approval from the State KCP Initiative office.)A candidate must be willing to begin a part- or full-time faculty teaching or administrative career in a public or private, two-or four-year, postsecondary institution within one (1) year after obtaining the doctoral degree. Failure to comply with these requirements transforms the award into a loan obligation subject to repayment to the State of Michigan.

To insure the awardee makes consistent and significant progress towards completion of the doctoral degree, regular meetings with an advisor or faculty mentor are highly recommended.Recipients must also participate in professional development programs and activities offered by the Graduate College or sponsored by the Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP).

Application for King Chavez Parks Future Faculty Fellowship


Applicant Information



Last First

Middle Former


U.S. Citizen: Yes No

State in which you claim residence:

Driver's license number: ____ State:

WMU email address:

Alternate email address:

Telephone: Cell/Home Work

Address:Street ______Apt. no.


State Zip


Academic Program

Academic Department

Coursework for program completed? Yes ______No______How many credit hours remaining?_____

Dissertation credit hours: No. of Hours completed ______No. of Hours still needed ______


Academic History

List all degrees received





Other:Degree type



Financial Awards

Have you been awarded a KCP Fellowship in the past?

Yes When? Institution ______


Specify any graduate appointments or fellowships you are currently receiving or expect to receive from Western Michigan University.

Teaching Assistantship:F/TP/T______Start______End______

Research Assistantship:F/TP/T______Start______End______

Non-teaching Assistantship:F/T P/T______Start______End______

FellowshipAppointment: F/T______P/T______Start______End______

Other: Award Amt Start______End______

Guaranteed loans:

I do not have any outstanding guaranteed loans.

I am in good standing with all my guaranteed loans.

I am currently in default on a guaranteed loan.

Please note: Because this award is funded by the State of Michigan, the following information is required. Also, recipients will be contacted to provide their Social Security number in order to prepare the contract with the State (Doctoral Fellowship Agreement).

Alternate Contact Information if applicable (permanent residence of spouse, parent, etc.)

Name and Relationship:


Telephone: Cell/Home Work

Address:Street ______Apt. no.


State Zip

Next of Kin Contact Information (parent, spouse, sibling, etc.)

Name and Relationship:


Telephone: Cell/Home Work

Address:Street ______Apt. no.


State Zip

Signature required

I certify thatthe above information provided is true and accurate.

Applicant’s SignatureDate

Include with application:

___letter of nomination from your program director or dissertation chair (may be in sealed envelope);

___ dissertationabstract;

___goal statement;

___ vita or resume.

Deliver to:

Graduate College/WMU

GPS: 741 Oakland Drive

120W Walwood Hall

Mail to:

Graduate College

Western Michigan University

1903 W. Michigan Avenue

Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5242

Phone: 269-387-8212 Fax: 269-387-8232

GC 11.2017