Councillor J. D’arcy, Chairman, presided.


Cllr. E. O’Boyle, Cllr. J. Ryan, Cllr. S. Keelan, Cllr. M. Bellew, Cllr. M. Dearey, Cllr. I. Dooley,

Cllr. S. Byrne, Cllr. G. Murphy, and Cllr. M. Grehan.


Councillor K. Meenan and Councillor N. Lennon.


Ms. Joan Martin, County Manager

Mr. Frank Pentony, Town Clerk.

Ms. C. Duff, Town Engineer.

Mr. D. Storey, Senior Executive Officer

Mr. J. Byrne, Administrative Officer, Housing & Planning Officer

Ms. Karen Hamilton, Acting Executive Planner

Ms. L. Quigley, Assistant Staff Officer

The Meeting commenced at 7.50pm with prayers.

393/07 Waterdown Developments Ltd Development at Ramparts Road P.D. Ref 06/296

Mr. Derry McPhillips, Developer and Mr. Tom Phillips, Architect, made a presentation to the Council in committee in relation to the submission of Further Information requested. Essentially they have removed the proposed residential element of the development and greatly reduced the height of the proposed development, in response to the submission/objections received to the original proposal. They answered a number of questions posed by the Members who welcomed the response made by the Developers in the Further Information submitted.


394/07 07/143 Ibex 177 Apartments (11 No. 1 bed, 77 no. 2 bed,

2 Francis Street and 29 no. 3 bed) in 3 blocks with associated

Dundalk balconies and open space basement carpark

(163 spaces) with access off Rampart Road and

Seatown Place buildings will be 5 storeys in

height with a crèche at ground level of

Block C with associated play area

Seatown Place/Ramparts Road


On the proposition of Councillor M. Bellew, seconded by Councillor M. Grehan, it was agreed that this file be brought back to the September Planning Meeting.


It was noted that this application was invalid and was returned to the applicant.

396/07 07/182 Darren & Fiona Harrison Proposed alterations and a conservatory/sunroom

extension to side of existing end terrace house

proposed alterations to include attic conversion

with extension to roof at rear incorporating a flat roof

type extension to existing roof

165 Cedarwood Park

Coxes Demesne


There was no recommendation in this case.

397/07 07/183 Board of Management Extension at rear of school comprising one classroom

Gael Scoil Dun Dealgan and 4 resource rooms storeroom toilet facilities and all

associated site works



On the proposition of Councillor J. D’arcy, seconded by Councillor E. O’Boyle, it was agreed to recommend to the County Manager that permission be granted in this case.

398/07 PLANNING APPLICATION NO.’S 07/184 AND 07/185

It was noted that these applications were invalid and were returned to the applicant.

399/07 07/186 Mary McGahon Demolition of derelict cottage and construction of

2 no. two storey terraced dwellings

135 Castletown Road


There was no recommendation in this case.

400/07 07/187 Rosemary Murphy First floor extension to side and two storey extension

to rear of existing semi-detached dwellinghouse

alterations to existing dwelling and associated works

61 Oaklawns

St. Alphonsus Road


On the proposition of Councillor M. Grehan, seconded by Councillor S. Keelan, it was agreed to recommend to the County Manager that permission be granted in this case.

401/07 07/188 Martin McCaughey 4 metre high retaining wall regrading of field and a new agricultural entrance


Mount Avenue


There was no recommendation in this case.

402/07 07/189 Keith Duffy A change of use of a ground floor unit from its current

form of retail to office

Park House

Park Street


There was no recommendation in this case.


It was noted that this application was withdrawn.


It was noted that this application was invalid and was returned to the applicant.

405/07 07/192 Declan Flood Full planning permission to demolish existing single

storey extension to the rear of dwelling and construct

new single storey extension

20 Mary Street North

Townparks TD


There was no recommendation in this case.

406/07 07/193 Clem Gormley Installation of 2 number windows at ground floor level

to the side of the existing house

39 Chapel Street


There was no recommendation in this case.

407/07 07/194 Sarah McCarrick & Change of signage

Bernie Murphy 3 Earl Street


There was no recommendation in this case.

408/07 07/195 Margaret Grey Extension to existing dwellinghouse and conversion

of existing garage to living accommodation and all

associated site works

85 Willow Grove

Carrick Road


There was no recommendation in this case.

409/07 07/196 Malcolm Drake Change of shop front internal alterations at ground

floor level to existing toilets alterations to existing

kitchen layout and alterations to dining area

with associated site development works

61 & 62 Park Street


There was no recommendation in this case.

410/07 07/197 Ann & John McErlean Retention of existing single storey sunroom to rear

demolish existing storey structure to side

construction of new 2 storey extension to side with

bay window to front of same and construction single

storey extension to side conversion of attic space and

alterations to existing front elevation consisting of new

entrance porch

5 Dunmore

Avenue Road


There was no recommendation in this case.

411/07 07/198 Dalton McKevitt Alterations to existing entrance and construction of

new front boundary wall 1.5m high

St. Aubins

Avenue Road


There was no recommendation in this case.

412/07 07/199 Sean Murphy Full planning permission for the change of use of

existing general grocery store to “Fast Food” takeaway


Castletown Townland


There was no recommendation in this case.

413/07 07/200 Dave Duffy Proposed extension to existing dwelling and

associated site development works

25 Headford

Mount Avenue


There was no recommendation in this case.

414/07 07/201 Patrick & Phyliss First floor extension to rear of dwelling with new

Garland dormer window to rear of existing roof to include

building over boundary wall with neighbouring house

no. 10

11 Cuchaulainn Terrace

Castletown Road


On the proposition of Councillor J. Ryan, seconded by Councillor M. Grehan, it was agreed to recommend to the County Manager that permission be granted in this case.


415/07 It was noted that this application was invalid and was returned to the applicant.

416/07 07/203 Muire NaGael Construction of 3 no. additional classrooms and

National School associated toilet and storage facilities the car

parking to the front to be extended to provide

3 no. additional car parking spaces


Bay Estate


There was no recommendation in this case.

417/07 07/204 Oliver Smith Proposed construction of a single storey log style

granny flat in the rear garden of existing dwelling

house with associated site works

53 Roulagh Villa

Dublin Road


On the proposition of Councillor J. Ryan, seconded by Councillor M. Grehan, it was agreed to recommend to the County Manager that permission be granted in this case.

418/07 07/205 Mairead McCourt Proposed retention and completion of

development and alterations to previously

granted planning permission Ref. No. (06/293

alterations and extension of existing

dwellinghouse consisting of a study and shower

room extension) the retention application relates

to 6m at ground floor comprising of a shower

room the alteration to previously granted

planning application relates to the construction of

a first floor extension over the granted study and

shower room extension consisting of a bedroom

and shower room

1 Suil Na Mara

Point Road


There was no recommendation in this case.

419/07 07/206 P & M Kierans Construction of one new ground floor extension to

side and rear of existing dwelling including one

living room to the rear of existing dwelling and

one living room to the side of the existing dwelling

and all associated site development works


80 Willow Grove

Carrick Road


There was no recommendation in this case.

420/07 07/207 Leo O’Donoghue Proposed domestic garage/shed

Milestone House

Newry Road


There was no recommendation in this case.


421/07 07/208 Marion & Finnbar Dillon Extension to side and rear of my existing

premises and all associated siteworks

Oriel Auto Specialists

Inner Relief Road


There was no recommendation in this case.

422/07 07/209 Moffett Engineering Ltd The development will consist of a one storey

extension to loading area of existing factory

relocation of over ground oil storage with new

canopy over and new connection to existing petrol

interceptor and all ancillary and associated site


Brook Street

Ardee Road


There was no recommendation in this case.

423/07 07/210 Eamonn Gallagher A two storey extension to the east side elevation

resulting in front elevation changes

11 Glenwood Close


There was no recommendation in this case.

424/07 07/211 David Hazzard Planning permission is sought for the retention

of an existing driveway

51 Father Murray Park


There was no recommendation in this case.

425/07 07/212 Aidan Kinsella Full planning permission for restoration works

and two storey extension to rear incorporating

a basement

14 The Crescent


There was no recommendation in this case.


426/07 07/213 Barry Begley Demolition of 1 no. existing dwellinghouse and

construction of 2 no. detached dormer style

dwellinghouses incorporating construction of

2 no. new site entrances new site boundaries

connection to public foul storm lines and all

associated site works

Hardys Lane

Marshes Upper



There was no recommendation in this case.

427/07 07/214 Kinler Developments Ltd The development will consist of 193 no.

residential dwellings that includes 134 no.

2 storey townhouses (73 no. 3 bed and 61 no.

4 bed units) and 59 no. apartments ranging from

3-4 storeys in height apartment building B1 is 4

storey over basement and comprises 11 no. units

(3 no. 1 bed, 7 no. 2 bed, 1 no. 3 bed) apartment

Building B2 is 4 storey over basement and

Comprises 11 no. units (3 no. 1 bed, 7 no. 2 bed,

1 no. 3 bed) Building C is a 4 storey over

Basement and comprises 21 no. units (6 no. 1

Bed, 13 no. 2 bed, 2 no. 3 bed) Buildings D is

3 storey and comprises 16 no. 2 bed units all

Apartment buildings incorporate balcony areas

With roof gardens on buildings B1 B2 and C open

Space areas and 397 no. car spaces are also

Proposed (75 no. underground and 322 no.

Surface) the proposed development also

comprises a 2 storey crèche facility (713m2) and

all associated site development works including

alterations to ground levels and raising of same

by c1.5m in central portion of site temporary

pumping station internal roads the demolition of

existing agricultural buildings landscaping and

boundary treatment access to the site will be

provided via Priorland Gardens off The Dublin


Site at Priorland

Area P1

The Members had a number of concerns in relation to this application. In particular they were concerned about the impact on the wildlife habitat of the area and the potential for flooding. They requested that the developer be asked to attend the September planning meeting of the Council. On the proposition of Councillor M. Grehan, seconded by Councillor E. O’Boyle, it was requested that the draft south west sector drainage scheme be circulated to the Members of the Council


428/07 07/215 H.S.E. The erection of new signage to the new

development granted under planning ref.

no. 00/245

Primary Care Unit

St. Alphonsus Road


There was no recommendation in this case.

429/07 07/216 Tom D’arcy Retention of sunroom and conservatory

extensions to the rear of an existing



1 Avenue Road


There was no recommendation in this case.

430/07 07/217 Robert O’Hare Permission for development consisting part

demolition alteration and extension and new shop

front to an existing retail unit

27 & 28 Bridge Street


On the proposition of Councillor M. Grehan, seconded by Councillor J. D’arcy, it was agreed to recommend to the County Manager that permission be granted in this case.

431/07 07/218 Karen O’Hanlon The demolition of an existing single storey

extension to the rear of the dwellinghouse

permission for a front porch extension and a

two storey extension to the rear of the dwelling


14 Mulholland Avenue


There was no recommendation in this case.

432/07 07/219 Simon Communities Three single storey one bedroom residential units

Of Ireland Side of Sunnyside House

Barrack Street


There was no recommendation in this case.

433/07 07/220 National Irish Bank Ltd The development will consist of the removal of the

existing nightsafe and the lowering of the

automatic teller machine to meet DDA

requirements and the installation of a nightsafe

13-14 Earl Street


There was no recommendation in this case.

434/07 07/221 Gerard Clifford Permission for a rear extension to an existing

dwellinghouse and associated site development


96 O’Hanlon Park


On the proposition of Councillor J. Ryan, seconded by Councillor G. Murphy, it was agreed to recommend to the County Manager that permission be granted in this case.

435/07 07/222 Conor Murray The change of use from an office unit to a

Physiotherapy clinic on the third floor of block

No. 4 of the Quayside Business Park

Quayside Business Park

Mill Street


On the proposition of Councillor S. Byrne, seconded by Councillor S. Keelan, it was agreed to recommend to the County Manager that permission be granted in this case.

436/07 07/223 Pad Rentals Retention for the change of use of no. 27

Clanbrassil Street from Retail (Class 1) to

Professional services (Class 2) property rental


27 Clanbrassil Street


There was no recommendation in this case.

437/07 PLANNING APPLICATION NO.’S 07/224 AND 07/225

It was noted that these applications were invalid and were returned to the applicants.