CLASS DAYS/HOURS:Every other day (block schedule) 1.5 hours per session

Academic School Year 2011-2012

COURSE PREREQUISITE:Successful completion of AP Computer Science –
Final grade >= 80. Intermediate web generation skills or instructor approval

BASIC SKILLS REQUIREMENTS:Working knowledge of the Internet

Readingon high schoollevel

INSTRUCTOR:Ms. Marilyn Turmelle




LAB HOURS: 8:00 am to 9:00 am
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm





Prerequisites: Completed AP Computer Science with grade >= 80,intermediate web generation skills or instructor approval.

This course is a good choice for the student who enjoys the challenge of computer science and would like to continue to explore this discipline. PHP, XHTML and MySQL will be used to develop web-based programs.

INEW 2434

Programming for web authoring. Includes industry-standard languages and data stores. This course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary.

The course begins with HTML and XHTML. The student will learn JavaScript. The student will be able to decide between server-side or client-side applications as appropriate. As the student is already familiar with the Java programming language, learning PHP, a web-based language will involve a period of transition. As the student’s skill in PHP grows, we will add MySQL, a relational data-base program. Now the student will be able to deliver data to a web page and retrieve data from a web page. The student will acquire skills necessary to manage large data-based programs, being able to draw conclusions, and make decisions based on this data. Statistical analysis can now be employed as the student studies the data.

INEW 2434 is a 4 credit hour course. (3 lec., 4 lab)

WECM END-OF-COURSE OUTCOMES:Design, code, and implement a dynamic website; and develop connectivity between data store and website.

ARTV 2430

Technical aspects of traditional animation. Emphasizes aesthetic design and completion of an advanced animation project. Includes application of advanced skills and knowledge.

In the second semester of this course, the student will learn the basics of game programming. We will use Flash Action Script as our language. We will spend a short time learning the basics of the program’s interface. The student will learn to write interactive games, tutorials, and create movies that will be deployed on the web.

ARTV 2430 is a 4 credit hour course. (3 lec., 4 lab)

WECM END-OF-COURSE-OUTCOMES: Apply advanced principles of storytelling in animation through storyboarding; and create advanced animation project from concept through completion.


Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

Program websites using HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL

Gain experience using a database through a webpage to collect and analyze information

Apply advanced principles in animation, creating projects from concept through completion

Create dynamic interactive games for a webpage using Flash ActionScript


Textbooks: Just Enough Web Programming with PHP and MySQL
Author: Guy W. Lecky-Thompson
Publisher: Course Technology, 2008, First Edition
(ISBN #978-1-59863-481-5

Flash Professional 8 Game Development
Author: Glen Rhodes
Charles River Media, 2007, First Edition
(ISBN# 978-1-58450-4870)
PHP 6, Fast & Easy Web Development
Author: Julie Meloni and Matt Telles
Publisher: Course Technolog,y, 2008, First Edition

USBFlash Drive

Regular student supplies: 3-ring binder, paper, writing tools, highlighter

Financial Aid Statement

Students who are receiving any form of financial aid should check with the Financial Aid Office prior to withdrawing from classes. Withdrawals may affect your eligibility to receive further aid and could cause you to be in a position of repayment for the current semester. Students who fail to attend or participate after the drop date are also subject to this policy.


Regularattendance is required. Students should consult with the instructor when an absence occurs. If you are unable to complete the course or courses for which you have registered, it is your responsibility to withdraw formally from the course. You need to speak with and obtain the signature of the course instructor to drop the course. If the instructor is not available, a counselor, advisor, or dean may sign the drop form. Failure to drop will result in a performance grade, usually a grade of "F." If you drop a class or withdraw from the college before the official drop/withdrawal deadline, you will receive a “W” (Withdraw) in each class dropped. For more information about drop deadlines, refer to the current printed Credit Class Schedule, contact the Admissions office at 214-860-2484 (A169), or contact the division office.THE LAST DAY TO DROP BY 7 P.M. IS TBA

Students sometimes drop courses when help is available that would enable them to continue. I hope you will discuss your plans with me if you feel the need to withdraw.


For students who enrolled in college level courses for the first time in the fall of 2007, Texas Education Code 51.907 limits the number of courses a student may drop. You may drop no more than six (6) courses during your entire undergraduate career, unless the drop qualifies as an exception. Your campus counseling/advising center will give you more information on the allowable exceptions.

Remember that once you have accumulated six non-exempt drops, you cannot drop any other courses with a “W”. Therefore, please exercise caution when dropping courses in any Texas public institution of higher learning, including all seven of the Dallas County Community Colleges. For more information, you may access:


Effective for Fall Semester 2005, the Dallas County Community Colleges will charge additional tuition to students registering the third or subsequent time for a course. All third and subsequent attempts of the majority of credit and Continuing Education/Workforce Training courses will result in additional tuition to be charged. Developmental Studies and some other courses will not be charged a higher tuition rate. Third attempts include courses taken at any of the Dallas County Community Colleges since the Fall 2002 Semester. See Third Attempt to Enroll in a Course at


Any violation of the Student Code of Conduct (as printed in the El Centro College Catalog and available at) will be penalized accordingly. All matters of academic dishonesty (plagiarism, collusion, fabrication, cheating, etc.) will result in a failing grade for the assignment in question. All violations will be forwarded to the proper college authorities for review. The college may, at its discretion, impose additional penalties on the student including academic probation, suspension, or expulsion. ANY form of disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.


Upon successful completion of the course: The student will develop an understanding of dynamic website design, website management and maintenance; website architecture, navigation and interactivity; the importance of cross-platform browser compatible design, website usability and accessibility. The students will program using HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL They will gain experience using a database through a web page to collect and analyze information. Students will learn to write dynamic web pages by adding Flash ActionScript. The student will gain an appreciation of the web development process, their role in the process as an individual, and as a member of a web development team.


Evaluative Measures

Evaluation of student achievement will be based on the summary of the following chart. A grade of 70% is required to pass the course.

Grades are based on the following system:

Projects/Lab Assignments / 20%
Daily work, Homework, Quizzes / 40%
Tests / 25%
6-week Test (District Required) / 15%
Final Grade / 100%


Incomplete grades are given only in case of extreme emergency and at least 50% of the course requirements must have been completed. Request for an incomplete grade must be justified through a written statement and presented before the drop date to your instructor who will decide if your request can be approved.


Assignments should be completed as per the dateon the schedule and/or assigned in class. NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED

To receive credit for a Lab Assignment, you will be expected to upload completed web components assignments to your website and email your instructor that you have uploaded the assignment along with the correct URL.

All Class Assignments must be typed, legible and in a professional format submitted via a paper copy. NO OTHER FORMS WILL BE ACCEPTED.

All Projects must be completed and uploaded prior to the end of the current six-weeks grading period.


All students are required to practice courteous, respectful, cooperative behavior at all times, as this would be the norm in any higher education or work environment.

To avoid distractions in the classroom, students will:

Arrive on time and stay until class is dismissed;

Be prepared and stay on task;

Leave all food, drink, candy and gum outside the classroom;

Listen courteously to one speaker at a time, with no interruptions and no side conversations;

Generally behave as mature adults would in the workplace.


If a cell phone is out or if it rings, I will take the phone. The student may pick up the phone in the office after fines are paid.


Students are expected to follow established procedures of the appropriate division in handling academic issues, such as grade appeals. El CentroCollege requires that other complaints and disputes (that cannot be resolved by the persons directly involved) be referred initially to the Ombudsman Office for informal, confidential resolution. Additional grievance procedures and the Student Code of conduct are outlined in the El Centro College Catalog, available in hard copy in advisement or on the web at


A student who is absent from classes for the observance of a religious holy day shall be allowed to take an examination or complete an assignment scheduled for that day within a reasonable time after the absence if, not later than the fifteenth day after the first day of the semester, the student notified the instructor of each class scheduled on the date that the student would be absent for a religious holy day. A “religious holy day” means a holy day observed by a religion whose places of worship are exempt from property taxation under Section 11.20, Tax Code. The notice shall be in writing and shall be delivered by the student personally to the instructor, with receipt acknowledged and dated by the instructor or by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the instructor. A student who is excused under this section may not be penalized for the absence, but the instructor may appropriately respond if the student fails to satisfactorily complete the assignment or examination.

Computer Use Policy

Dallas ISD Acceptable Use Policy - Computers


Copying computer software without the expressed written permission of the copyright holder may be unlawful and subject to civil and criminal penalties. To protect you, the college and the copyright holder, no software used to complete the lab exercises may be copied by students.


Any student who may need accommodations due to a disability should contact the Disability Services Office, Room A110, phone number (214) 860-2411, (Voice/TTY), visit A110, or go to


Lab Protocols & Student Behavior

All students are responsible for the security of the lab and maintaining the hardware and software in good condition. No food or drinks are permitted in the lab. Copying materials that are covered by Copyright is illegal. Most printed, graphic, audio and video commercial materials are covered by Copyright. Do not load your personal software onto the lab computers. Be sure to label all of your personal media with your name and the name of the class so they do not become lost or erased. Students needing to use a digitizing peripheral will arrange permission from the instructor and the student who may be using the station to which the peripheral is attached. Use of the peripheral needs to be planned in advance to minimize the time the work station is dedicated to the digitizing function.


All software used for teaching is licensed to DallasIndependentSchool District. Making a copy for personal use or removing the software is illegal. Anyone doing so will be dropped from the program and/or prosecuted. Students who discover a problem or bug in the software are requested to write a note to the instructor explaining which software on which Student Station is not working and what the problem is. This will help get the problem solved quickly.


Students having difficulty getting hardware to function properly are requested to move to another Station, if possible, and inform the instructor/lab assistant of the problem. Repair of equipment will occur as soon as possible. Students should “logout” and turn off computer, monitor and peripherals before leaving the lab, unless otherwise directed by faculty or lab assistants. Moving peripherals or changing cables is not permitted unless faculty or lab personnel or present. During classes the Instructors will determine whether the computers should be left on or turned off. Any accidents involving computers or peripherals must be reported to the Instructor. Unless the damage was due to negligence no charge will be made. If everyone follows these guidelines the lab will continue to provide quality service.

Printing Resources

Each workstation is connected via the classroom network to the printers. Print only final drafts and finished products that are connected to the class requirements.

Campus Emergency Operation Plan

El CentroCollege and the Dallas County Community College District have developed policies and procedures for dealing with emergencies that may occur on campus.

To familiarize yourself with these procedures, please take time to watch the overview video:


These dates may vary slightly; however, this outline provides you with target dates so that you can plan your semester to meet assignment deadlines.

The instructor may alter this course outline at any time due to time constraints, loss of school days, or unforeseen problems with computer equipment, labs, etc.

INEW 2434/ARTV 2430


Fall 2011 SEMESTER

Week / Topic / Reading Assignment /
Class/Laboratory Assignment
1 / Lecture:
Finding your account on the DISD network / Syllabus / Lab Assignment:
Identify personal web space
Class Assignment:
Upload/Download files from your web account
2-4 / Client/Server Tools, Internet Service Providers, The Presentation Layer
Introduction to HTML / Read Chapter 12 / Lab Assignments, Quiz, Test
5-6 / HTML and Cascading Style Sheets
Java Script / Read Chapter3 / Lab Assignments, Quiz, Test
7-8 / The Document Model, Internal, External Style Sheets / Read Chapter 4 / Lab Assignments, Quiz, Test
9-10 / Client-Side Scripting, Java Scripts, Variables, Arrays, Functions / Read Chapter 5 / Lab Assignments, Quiz, Test
11-12 / PHP Programming
Inline, External
Flow Control
Form and Cookie Processing / Read Chapter 6 / Lab Assignments, Quiz, Test
13-4 / Using MySQL, Databases for Websites / Read Chapter 7 / Lab Assignments, Quiz, Test
15-17 / Database setups, indexing, backing up, authentication, CMS Systems / Read Chapter 8 / Lab Assignments, Quiz, Test
18 / Semester Exam / Exam and Final Project


1 / Introduction to Flash CS5 / Drawing Tools, Symbols, Text / Lab Assignments, Quiz, Test
2 – 4 / Animation / Text and Symbols / Lab Assignments, Quiz, Test
5-7 / Tweens, Shape, Movement / Buttons, Sounds / Lab Assignments, Quiz, Test
8-10 / Adding Media Video, Flash Components / Music and Video files / Lab Assignments, Quiz, Test
11-13 / Introduction to Action Script / Interactivity to Flash Files / Lab Assignments, Quiz, Test
14-15 / Flash and SQL / Shared Object with data / Lab Assignments, Quiz, Test
16-17 / Game Development / Design, Randomization / Lab Assignments, Quiz, Test
18 / Time for Final Project / Complete any work needing to be turned in / Final Project, Final Exam

El CentroCollege Scans Statement

What Are Scans Skills?

These are the skills that employers need the most from their workers. SCANS skills are the predictors in the workplace.

Who Defined these Skills?

In 1989, the U.S. Departments of Labor and Education jointly surveyed U.S. employers to find out the most important skills and competencies needed by workers.