June 14, 2017


Mark Lynne, Mike Grunig, Bob Christensen, Jay Downs, Kolby Christiansen and Susan Balls


Dixie Eskelson, Brady Newswander, Mason Niederhauser, Dan Turner


The LUA held a discussion regarding a boundary line adjustment between parcels 04-004-0103 and 04-004-0104. Proposal is to transfer .844 acres of lot 0103 to lot 0104. This would leave a remainder of 1.16 acres in lot 0103, which complies with zoning ordinances.

Mike Grunig made a motion to approve this lot line adjustment. Mark Lynne seconded the motion. Mark Lynne, Mike Grunig, Bob Christensen, Jay Downs, Kolby Christiansen and Susan Balls voted in favor.


The LUA reviewed and discussed the final plat and construction drawings for Juniper Hollow subdivision located at approximately 900 East 200 South – Center Street. The proposal is for 31 lots on 20 acres in an RE-20 zone.

Dan Turner indicated that they had spoken with the Cache Highline Canal Company and they are agreeable to the water line being bored under the canal once water is out of the canal. This should be done by November 1. It was noted that no building permits would be issued for this development until the infrastructure is complete, which includes the looping of the water line.

Mike Grunig asked that the developers move the irrigation line for Bruce Axtell (this was included in the items needing to be completed with the property dedication for the road and utilities). This needs to be finished prior to the fence being relocated. Dan said they would do this. The power lines will be moved also. Mike will follow up with Rocky Mountain Power today regarding the relocation. Mike asked that Dan show the PRV on 200 South. He also asked that they provide a 4” sewer stub for Corry Craig. Construction drawings will be sent to the City Engineer for review. Max has completed the road design for 200 South. Dan will work with him on the intersection of 900 East and 200 South. Mike made a motion to approve the final plat and construction drawings and move them forward, with the addition of items noted and with the approval of the City Engineer. Mark Lynne seconded the motion. Bob Christensen, Jay Downs, Kolby Christiansen, Susan Balls, Mike Grunig and Mark Lynne voted in favor. This will be forwarded to the Planning Commission.


Susan Balls