Health Education

Curriculum Map

Title: Too Good for Violence Grade: 7

Enduring Understandings:

·  When a child bonds with the school, he or she is more likely to adopt the pro-social values of the school and less likely to become involved in violence and other problem behaviors.

Essential Questions:

·  What choices should you make to act and grow responsibly?

·  What can I do to be safe in the home, school, community and during exercise?
·  What are some choices and actions I can use to be safe in the home, school and community?
Common Core Standards / Pennsylvania Standards / Content / Skills / Assessment
Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose and audience. / 10.3.6.A: Explain and apply safe practices in the home, school and community.
10.2.9.E: Explain the interrelationship between the environment and personal health.
10.4.6.F: Identify and describe positive and negative interactions of group members in physical activities. / Lesson 1
“We all fit in”
Lesson 2
“Taking a stand: Conflict as an opportunity”
Lesson 3
“A winning demonstration”
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
“Anger and Response- Ability”
Lesson 6
“The communication formula”
Lesson 7
“Active listening”
Lesson 8
“Cool Come-Backs”
Lesson 9
“Creative, cooperative problem solving.” / ·  Identify differences in preferences, opinions, needs, values and experiences.
·  Discuss the effects of diversity on conflicts.
·  Perform constructive conflicts resolution role-plays.
·  Define conflict
·  Demonstrate listening respectfully to conflicting opinions
·  Discuss conflict as an opportunity to learn about one self and others.
·  Demonstrate that cooperation is more effective than competition for solving conflicts
·  Identify conflict resolution as Lose/Lose, Win/Lose, Lose/Win or Win/Win
·  Role play for Win/Win
·  Identify common ways of mismanaging anger.
·  Discuss healthy effective ways to manage anger.
·  Demonstrate anger management techniques.
·  Discuss personal responsibility for responding peaceably to anger-provoking situations.
·  Discuss the link between thoughts, feelings and behavior.
·  Demonstrate how to reframe self-talk to reduce anger.
·  Discuss the importance of expressing anger in an honest, direct and non-threatening way.
·  Discuss how to create a neutral problem statement.
·  Differentiate between effective and ineffective. communication
·  Demonstrate the use of I-messages.
·  Differentiate between effective and ineffective listening
·  Demonstrate active listening: look, listen and ask questions to check perceptions.
·  Discuss the benefits of active listening.
·  Discuss negative effects of put downs
·  Discuss ways to handle put downs without becoming aggressive or internalizing their negative messages.
·  Demonstrate responding to put downs calmly and assertively
·  Demonstrate social problem solving / ·  Workbook page 1
·  Case studies
·  Home workout Workbook page 1
·  Worksheet - “What’s your opinion
·  Squaring off activity
·  Workbook page 2- Four Squares
·  Win/Win role plays
·  Workbook page 3
·  Workbook page 4-
The chain of events
·  Workbook pages 5-
‘Testing the communication formula”
& 6 The real life laboratory
·  The Communication Formula poster
(in your kit)
·  Pairs practice
(pages 71-72)
·  Role play come-backs
·  Workbook page 7-
“Cool come-backs”
·  Workbook page 8-
“Brainstorm in a box”