Teen Volunteers (Ages 14-17)

I ______give my permission for ______to participate in

(parent/gurdian) (full name of child)

volunteer activities with Save A Dog. I agree to the conditions below and will review the code

of conduct with my child.


Volunteer Waiver

I, the below named Parent of the Volunteer, understand that Save A Dog, Inc. and its representatives have limited information regarding the temperament and habits of the animals under its care and ownership. As a Parent of a Volunteer for Save A Dog, Inc., I agree to instruct my child to take all reasonable precautions (through the use of crates, leashes, supervision, and common sense) to ensure that the animal does not run loose, become a nuisance, destroy property, injure or be injured by another animal, be injured by any person, or injure me/my child or another person.

By being a Parent of a Volunteer, I hereby waive, release, discharge, and hold harmless Save A Dog, Inc.and its agents, employees, directors, representatives and other volunteers charged or chargeable with liability, their heirs, administrators, executors, successors, and assigns, from any and all claims, damages, costs, expenses, loss of services, actions, and causes of actions, whether known or unknown, belonging to me, my child, my agents and assigns, due to any action or occurrence or damage which arises in connection with my child’s volunteer activities, including, but not limited to dog bites to me/my child by a Save A Dog, Inc. animal. Furthermore, I agree to pay Save A Dog, Inc. any and all expenses, including court costs and reasonable attorney fees, incurred in enforcing the terms and provisions of this agreement.

The UNDERSIGNED hereby acknowledges having read this Waiver and does hereby agree to abide to its terms as set forth above.

Signature of Parent:

Printed Name:

Signature of Child: ______

Date: ______

Save A Dog Teen Volunteer

Code of Conduct Agreement

Mission and Purpose of Save A Dog

Save A Dog, Inc. is a non-profit volunteer organization whose purpose is to facilitate the placement of abandoned animals into permanent, loving homes.

Save A Dog Teen Volunteer Code of Conduct

• I will respect all adult volunteers.

• I will respect my fellow teen volunteers.

• I will set a good example for other teen volunteers by behaving respectfully.

• I will talk with a Save A Dog adult volunteer about any problems I observe or concerns I may have.

• I will embrace the inclusion of all teen volunteers, regardless of their age, grade, gender, etc…

Examples of Inappropriate Behavior by Teen Volunteers

• Horseplay.

• Foul language.

• Intentionally making or leaving messes for others to clean up.

• Talking/causing distractions when adult volunteers or other teen volunteers are speaking to the group, potential adopters, etc…

• Excessive roughness.

Teen VolunteerCoordinator Code of Conduct

• I will work to provide an opportunity for teens to assist in all aspects of Save A Dog.

• I will treat all teen volunteers equally and fairly.

• I will promptly call attention to inappropriate or disrespectful behavior and insist that it be corrected.

I understand that participating in volunteer activities with Save A Dog is a privilege. I vow to conduct myself as explained above. I understand that if I am behaving inappropriately on a continual basis, I may be asked to leave an event early, miss an event or two, or leave the group all together.


Signature of Student Date Signature of Parent Date

Parent: please initial here ______if you are

______willing to have your child’s image appear in group

Signature of Coordinator Datephotos on the Save A Dog Web site (no names)

*Please sign above, tear at the dotted line and return together with a parent, in person to any Save A Dog volunteer.