Department of Intramural-Recreational Sports
2016-17 Annual Report
Table of Contents
- Executive Summary
- Collaborations
- 2017-18Strategic Initiatives
- Intramural Staff
- Academic Unit Support
- Staff Professional Development
- Activities That Support Diversity
- Informal Sports
- Health Science Campus Fitness Center
- Intramural Sports
- Marketing and Promotions
- Assessment
- Technology
- Safety
- Fitness
- Sports Club Federation
- Special Events / Programs
- Activity Evaluations
- Facility Usage Statistics
- List of Facility User Groups
- Intramural Sports Statistics
- All Campus Points Totals
- Intramural Champions
- Sports Club Scholarship Statistics
- 2017-2018 Intramural Schedule
2016-2017 Annual Report
Edited by:Dale Ramsay
Prepared by: David Rice
Contributors:John Smith
David Hatfield
Debby Woodall
David Rice
Justin Peterson
Department of Intramural and Recreational Sports
Dale RamsayDirector
Janice DayStudent Affairs Business Center Liaison
Karen ZodyAdministrative Assistant
David HatfieldAssistant Director- Facilities
John SmithAssistant Director- Marketing, Technology, Safety
Debby WoodallAssistant Director- Fitness
Justin PetersonAssistant Director- Intramural Sports
David RiceCoordinator of Sports Clubs and Facilities
Frank NuxollFacility Supervisor- Student Recreation Center
Greg JohnsonFacility Supervisor- Student Recreation Center
Tim LynchFacility Supervisor- HSC Fitness Center
Justin LucasFacility Supervisor- HSC Fitness Center
Mary Elise SchlichDepartmental Assistant- Intramurals
Danielle LavenderDepartmental Assistant- Fitness
Chelsea CaseDepartmental Assistant- Fitness
Carolyn MeimanDepartmental Assistant- Facilities
AddinaTritleDepartmental Assistant- HSC Fitness Center
Shelby FiskeDepartmental Assistant- HSC Fitness Center
Zach CarrUndergraduate Assistant- Intramurals
Katherine HalbleibUndergraduate Assistant- Intramurals
Grant HennessyUndergraduate Assistant- Intramurals
Aaron MattinglyUndergraduate Assistant- Intramurals
Eric PiernasUndergraduate Assistant- Intramurals
KylynSchnelleUndergraduate Assistant- Intramurals
Shannon SlossUndergraduate Assistant- Intramurals
Alex LancasterUndergraduate Assistant- Facilities
Bradley ProfittUndergraduate Assistant- Facilities
Emily RussUndergraduate Assistant- Facilities
- Executive Summary
2016-17 was again, another outstanding year for the Department of Intramural-Recreational Sports. 2016-17 was the third full-year of operations of the Student Recreation Center. The SRC continues to enable us to serve a wide array of our students in a multitude of ways, from expanded Intramural Sports offerings, to increased informal sports options, to expanded fitness programming. The SRC continues to improve the quality of life for the students at the University of Louisville.
2016-17 was an outstanding year with many successes to highlight. The program area that has seen the most success was our Sports Club program. The initiative with Admissions to provide academically qualified student with scholarships has been very successful. This year, between the Admissions academic scholarship program and the Metropolitan College-UPS program, 50 of our Sports Club members received scholarships. This is a significant accomplishment. On the field and the rink, our clubs achieved great success. For the second consecutive year, both our Men’s Ice Hockey Club and Men’s Lacrosse Club won their respective league championships. Our Men’s Rugby Club made significant progress, as they were runner-up in their league. Our Sports Club program continues to make great strides.
The usage of the SRC and total program continues to be outstanding. Between the SRC and HSC Fitness Center there were 596,377 users. The total number of unique users was 16,966.
The leadership we continue to serve under in Student Affairs continues to be outstanding. Dr. Michael Mardis, Vice Provost for Student Affairs and Dean of Students, continues to provide outstanding leadership for the Division of Student Affairs. He also is a tremendous advocate for what we are doing in Intramural-Recreational Sports. It is an extremely challenging time for both the University and Student Affairs as it relates to our current budget situation. Dr. Mardis continues to deal with this situation in his trademark open and collaborative manner. We are confident he will help get us through this and we continue to be appreciative of his leadership.
2016-17 was another successful year for Intramural-Recreational Sports. While we continue to be challenged by the University’s current budget situation, we continue to provide our students with a comprehensive array of structured and non-structured recreational programs. The SRC gives us the vehicle to serve our student body in a first-class manner.
- Collaborations
One of the primary strengths of our program is the volume and quality of collaborations that Intramural-Recreational Sports has with different departments across campus. These collaborations serve to enhance the department’s ability to effectively serve our various constituency groups. The following is a summary of our numerous collaborations:
AthleticsWe work closely with Athletics in cooperatively sharing the use of each other’s facilities. Our students benefit from getting to compete in outstanding venues such as Cardinal Arena (Basketball Championships), Bass/Rudd Tennis Center (Tennis Tournaments), Wright Natatorium (Swim Meet), and the Trager Stadium (Track Meet). Participating in these venues enhance the experience of participating in Intramurals for our students.
U-Fit ProgramIntramural-Recreational Sports is collaborating with Health Promotions in allowing them to use the Fitness Lab in the SRC for their U-Fit program. Health Promotions trains students on how to train other students. This is a very popular program and a good collaboration for us to be involved in.
Financial Aid OfficeOur department works closely with Charlie Schnell in the Financial Aid Office to recruit College Work Study students to work in the Intramural Department. Our department is the most popular place for CWS students to work on campus. By developing this relationship with Financial Aid, it assists us tremendously with our student wage budget by having a large number of CWS students.
International CenterIntramural-Recreational Sports works with the International Center and offers two “International Nights” in the SAC, one in the Fall and one in the Spring. The purpose of these programs is to expose International students to IM-Rec Sports. Many of the participants are part of our Badminton Club, which has a high percentage of International students.
OrientationWe are very involved in Orientation. We have a table at the information fair and are part of the presentation on campus involvement. After several attempts, we now have the correct situation within the Orientation program where we are able to reach out to a high volume of students. We believe it is important to have a strong presence at Orientation to expose the incoming freshmen to our program.
Marching BandOur collaboration with the Marching Band continues to evolve. We work with them in scheduling and field maintenance. We have made it very clear to them that they are a full financial partner in the expense of maintaining the Intramural Field. They were extremely cooperative and while it is not our ideal situation, we are making the best of it. This year we allowed them to use SGA Field for their pre-season Band Camp.
Learfield SportsOur arrangement with Learfield continues to be a financially successful one for our department. In this time of financial stress, Learfield has done an excellent job in providing our department with additional revenue that we need to operate our program. Our partnership is unique in that we continue to be the only recreational sports program in the country with an agreement with a sports marketing firm. We look forward to the future with the opening of the SRC and the new marketing opportunities that will develop.
University Emergency
MedicineWe have a partnership with University Emergency Medicine to enable us to have Automatic External Defibrillators in our facilities. Dr. Price wrote our prescriptions on our AED protocols. This relationship is important because of the necessity for our staff to be able to respond to a cardiac emergency.
Service SolutionsOne of the components of our successful operation is the work done in cleaning and maintaining the SRC facility. Service Solutions (SSC) is the cleaning company that we secured to maintain the SRC. They have done an excellent job in this area. Having a facility that is clean adds to the positive experience our students enjoy.
Bursar, Registrar, and
Card OfficeWith the opening of the SRC and the advent of the Student Recreation Fee, we have developed a strong relationship with the Bursar, Registrar, and Card Offices. There are many intricacies related to student enrollment and the assessing of the recreation fee. All three of these offices have been extremely helpful in resolving issues.
Summer Athletic CampWith the closing of the SAC, the Women’s Volleyball, Women’s Basketball, and the Cheer camps all transitioned to the Student Recreation Center. We look forward to continuing to host all of these groups in the SRC.
Welcome WeekLast year on the Saturday of Welcome Week we hosted two events- the first, Playfair, was held on the SRC Turf Field. The second was held in the SRC at the conclusion of Playfair. It was called “Hit the SRC” where the incoming freshmen familiarized themselves with the SRC. SAB also set up a lounge on the SRC Plaza serving a variety of mocktails. Also, Dale Ramsay and Debby Woodall continue to lead a walking tour of campus athletic facilities on Friday of Welcome Week.
American Red CrossThe SRC has become an extremely important venue for the American Red Cross as they conducted five Blood Drives here last year. We are pleased to collaborate with the American Red Cross and assist them with this vital community service.
Housing Move-In DayWe assist with Housing Move-In Day in August.
Field DaysOur department participated in Welcome Week
programs for the Dean of Students Office.
Student Athletic TicketsDale Ramsay assists SGA with the Student Athleticticket registration process. He and Justin Petersonchaperoned the student trip to the Chick-Fil-A Bowl in Atlanta and Music City Bowl in Nashville.
First Aid ClassesJohn Smith teaches First Aid Classes to both theIntramural Sports and Student Involvement staff as well as other university employees.
Speech / Literature
Distribution PolicyDale Ramsay, under the auspices of the Dean of Students Office, works with off-campus groups to ensure they are in compliance with the University’s Speech/Literature Distribution Policy.
Welcome TentsDale Ramsay, David Rice, and Justin Peterson assist with the setup of the Dean of Students Welcome Tents for the first two days of classes. We scheduled the staffing of the tents and kept them supplied with water, apples, and information. This was extremely successful, as the students appreciated the fact there were people available to assist them during the hectic time at the beginning of the academic year.
Physical PlantWe have an excellent relationship with the various trades in the Physical Plant. We have spent a great deal of time cultivating these relationships. We receive excellent service from the Physical Plant. In an effort to show our appreciation to them we work closely with them on our extremely popular Faculty/Staff Golf Outing. Many Physical Plant employees participate in the tournament. They assist us in obtaining sponsorships for the event as well.
Various Academic/
Service UnitsIn an effort to promote the SRC, we invite a wide variety of campus departments to use the space in the SRC for meetings. This enables us to showcase the SRC and promote Intramural-Recreational Sports to our university colleagues.
- 2017-18 Strategic Initiatives
- Continue to collaborate with Admissions and our Sports Clubs to increase the number of students admitted under this process by another 10%.
- Conduct a comprehensive risk management audit of all aspects of the Intramural-Recreational Sports program.
- Continue to identify ways to generate revenue for Intramural-Recreational Sports, particularly in the area of naming opportunities for the Student Recreation Center.
- Increase the total number of memberships (Alumni, Dependent, Faculty/Staff, and Sports Club) by 10%.
- Continue to develop of replacement strategy as fitness equipment from the initial SRC opening goes out of warranty. It continues to be essential to increase the amount of money we put in the SRC Plant Fund.
- Intramural Sports Staff
The Department of Intramural Sports has 11 full-time employees and 5 Departmental Assistants. During 2016-17 we also employed 191 student employees who served as facility workers, fitness instructors, event assistants, student supervisors, and sports officials. The strength of our Department continues to be the dedication and loyalty of the staff. The full-time staff has in excess of 200+ years of service to UofL in the Intramural Sports Department.
We said goodbye to four Department Assistants- Chelsea Case, Mary Elise-Schlich, Danielle Lavendar, and Shelby Fiske this year. Searches are currently underway to replace the parting Departmental Assistants.
We continue to have a close working relationship with the Department of Financial Aid to ensure we are able to get an ample number of Federal College Work Study students to fill our need for hourly student employees.
- Academic Unit Support
We have an excellent relationship with the Health and Sports Studies Department. HSS uses the SRC for many of their activity classes during the fall and spring semesters. These classes benefit our program in that they help drive traffic to our facility and expose them to our program. HSS is also using our classrooms to teach three classes. It is good that their students are in the SRC. We also provide valuable internship opportunities for the HSS students. Dale Ramsay is also an HSS faculty member, teaching classes in Recreational Sports Management and Sports Officiating. Justin Peterson also teaches several activity classes.Many academic student groups as well as several academic departments are utilizing the meeting rooms in the SRC.
We also provide our facilities for many academic units who wish to have recreational programs.
- Staff Professional Development
Dale RamsayTaught two classes for HSS (Rec. Sports Management and Sports Officiating)
High school and college basketball official
Served as Clinician for KBOA Basketball Officiating Camp
Attended ACC Director’s Workshop
John SmithTaught First Aid/ CPR Classes
American Heart Association Instructor
Staff Senate
Conducted clinics for Kentucky High School Athletic Association
Assigning Secretary for High School Volleyball and Softball in Jefferson County
Served on Advisory Board for Louisville Area Red Cross Chapter
Justin PetersonAssigned officials for St. Xavier High School Intramural Sports
Attended KBOA Workshop
Attended KIRSA Conference
Appointed New KIRSA State Director
Taught two HSS Activity Classes
Debby WoodallAttended KIRSA Conference
Hosted NETA Personal Training Certification Workshop
ACE Personal Training Certification
Student Affairs Diversity Committee
David RiceStudent Awards Committee
Attended KIRSA Conference
David HatfieldAttended KIRSA Conference
- Activities That Support Diversity
One of the strengths of our program is its diversity of participants. Our motto of “A Sport For Everyone And Everyone In A Sport” promotes inclusiveness in all aspects of our program.
In Intramurals, there is a high percentage of African-American students who participate in Flag Football and Basketball leagues. The student group Porter Scholars was again very active in the Intramural Sports program this year. Our student staff is extremely diverse in both gender and ethnicity. The majority of our Intramural Sports supervisors and officials were African-American students.
Our program is also popular with International students. We host International Nights in both Fall and Spring semesters in the SRC. The majority of the members of our Badminton Club are International students. A large number of International students also participate in our Soccer Leagues.
It is obvious that all segments of our program are popular with the rich and diverse student population of UofL. It is also apparent that these students view our facilities as a place where they feel comfortable participating in our various programs.
- Informal Sports
The Intramural-Recreational Sports program completed its third full year in the Student Recreation Center in 2016-17. In recent years we also previously managed Humana Gym, Crawford Gym, the SAC Recreational Center, and the Cardinal Corner Game Room. We no longer manage these facilities.
Our focus is now on the Student Recreation Center and the HSC Fitness Center. Using the CSI software management program we are now able to more accurately track our facility usage. During 2016-17 there were 16,966 unique students who used one of our two facilities, which is an incredible number of students utilizing our centers. This also makes a tremendous statement about the popularity of our program.
The following numbers indicate the total number of visits to our two facilities in 2016-17:
Student Recreation Center538,381
HSC Fitness Center 57,996
This number of users is another 3% increase over 2015-16. This is impressive considering the high volume of users we already have. These numbers reflect the interest our student have in our program.
Student Recreation Center
The University of Louisville Student Recreation Center is a NIRSA Outstanding Facility Award winner, an Education Finalist Award winner, a LEED Certified Gold facility, and a leader in terms of student involvement on campus, contributing to the University of Louisville being named one of the healthiest colleges in the United States. With the help of faculty, staff, and our loyal members this year has been a great year to be a Louisville Cardinal.
Here are the usage numbers for the year for all areas of the SRC:
Main Weight Room158,009
Sport Club Room6,641
1st Floor Gym101,508
MAC Court23,335
Group Fitness34,171
Golf Simulator1,420
Running Track7,751
Racquetball Courts7,972
Mezzanine Fitness Area59,287
3rd Floor Gym95,590
Turf Field25,739
Qdoba Gaming Area2,406
Main Strength and Fitness Center