3rd Grade Curriculum Map – Track D

Pacing / 8/15 – 8/25 (9 days)
Unit 1 Lesson 1 / 8/28-9/1 (5 days)
Unit 1 Lesson 2 / 9/5-9/15 (9 days)
Unit 1 Lesson 3 / 9/18 – 9/22(5 days)
Unit 1 Lesson 4
(Essential Question) / How is learning at school different from learning at home? / Why are courts an important part of our government? / Why is volunteering good for a community and its people? / Why is everyone’s role on a project important?
RL.3.1, RI.3.1, RI.3.9 RF.3.4 / Skill: Story Structure 1T 20,22,27
LLG 186-187
Analyze Illustrations 1T 29
Strategy: Summarize 1T 21,26,28 / Skill: Conclusion 1T 112,114,117
LLG 188-189
Author’s Word Choice 1T 121
Strategy: Infer/Predict 1T 113,118 / Skill: Understanding Characters
1T 206,208,213
LLG 190-191
Story Message 1T 217
Strategy: Analyze and Evaluate
1T 20,208,210,213,217,218 / Skill: Compare and Contrast
1T 300,302,307
LLG 192-193
Story Structure 1T 313
Strategy: Infer/Predict
1T 301,305,313,320,321
Teacher Read Aloud / Such Deal 1T 14-15
LLG 376 / Sequoyah 1T 106-107
LLG 376 / Open Your Eyes 1T 200-201
LLG 377 / The Bixby Bridge 1T 294-295
LLG 377
Target Vocabulary / fine, principal, proud, announced, strolled, certainly, soared, worried 1T 15,18,19
LLG 116-117 / trial, jury, stand, guilty, honest, convinced, pointed, murmur
1T 106,107
LLG 118-119 / afford, customers, contacted, raise, earn, figure, block, spreading
1T 201
LLG 120-121 / crew, tide, cling, balancing, foggy, disappears, stretch, excitement 1T 293,298,299
LLG 122-123
RL.3.1, RI.3.1, RF.3.4 / A Fine, Fine School 1T 23-32
One-Room Schoolhouses 1T 56-57
LLG 186-187 / The Trial of Cardigan Jones 1T 114-125
You Be the Jury 1T 148-149
LLG 188-189 / Destiny’s Gift 1T 210
Kids Making a Difference 1T 244-245
LLG 190-191 / Pop’s Bridge 1T 303
Bridges 1T 338-339
LLG 192-193
RF.3.4 / Accuracy 1T 14,37,47,55,71 / Phrasing 1T 106,129,139,147 / Reading Rate 1T 200,225,235,243, 259 / Expression 1T 294,319,329,337
Speaking & Listening
SL.3.1, L.3.1 / Your Turn 1T 40
Extend the Topic 1T 65 / Your Turn 1T 132-133
Extend the Topic 1T 156-157 / Your Turn 1T 228
Extend the Topic 1T 25 / Your Turn 1T 322
Extend the Topic 1T 346
Word Study
L.3.2 / Phonics/Spelling: Short vowels, (a,e,i,o,u) 1T 16,17,34,37,42,46,52, 60,66
LLG 56-57
VCCV Syllable Pattern 1T 46,55,71
Vocabulary: Context Clues 1T 58- 59
LLG 116-117 / Phonics/Spelling: Long vowels, (a,e,i,o,u) - VCe Pattern 1T 108, 109,126,129,134,136,144,147,152, 158
LLG 58-59
Vocabulary: Dictionary/Glossary 1T 150-151
LLG 118-119 / Phonics/Spelling: Long a and Long e - Common Vowel Pairs 1T 202, 203,222,225,230,234,240,243,248, 254
LLG 60-61
Vocabulary: Antonyms 1T 246-247
LLG 120-121 / Phonics/Spelling: Long o spelled (oa,ow) 1T 296,297,316,319,324, 328,334,337,342,348
LLG 62, 63
Vocabulary: Word Families
1T 340-341
LLG 122-123
Skill/Strategy / Skill: Story Structure/Illustrations
Strategy: Summarize / Skill: Conclusion/Word Choice
Strategy: Infer/Predict / Skill: Characters/Story Message
Strategy: Analyze and Evaluate / Skill: Compare and Contrast
Strategy: Infer/Predict
Independent Practice / Independent Practice during Small Group instruction may include...
●Target vocabulary practice
●Reread text for fluency / ●Word Study skills practice
●Independent practice of comprehension skills and strategies
●Writing from Shared Reading
Grammar Focus
L.3.1, L.3.2 / Simple Sentences 1T 34,42,52 / Kinds of Sentences (statements, questions, commands, exclamations) 1T 126,134,144,152,158,159 / Compound Sentences 1T 222 / Common and Proper Nouns 1T 334
Journeys Focus
W.3.3, W.3.10 / Trait: Word Choice
Descriptive Paragraph 1T 35,43, 53,61,68 LLG 270-271
CCWH14-15 / Trait: Ideas
Writing Dialogue 1T 127,135,145, 153,160 LLG 272-73
CCWH 16-17 / Trait: Voice
Personal Narrative 1T 223,231,241, 249,256,257 LLG 274-279
CCWH18-23 / Trait: Ideas
Personal Narrative 1T 317,325,335, 343,350,351 LLG 274-279
CCWH 18-23
Benchmark Focus
W.3.1, W.3.3, W.3.10 / Narrative Writing - Writing Process
LLG 259 CCWH 10, 74-77 / Narrative Writing - Writing Process
LLG 259 CCWH 10, 74-77 / Opinion Writing - Writing Process
2T 33,41,51,59,66,67 LLG 282-283
CCWH 26-27 / Opinion Writing – Writing Process
2T 125,133,143,151,158,159
LLG 282-283 CCWH 26-27
Writing Prompts / Narrative: How is learning at school different from learning at home?
Informative/Explanatory: Write about what school was like in the past. / Narrative: Write about a time you were accused of doing something you didn’t do.
Opinion: Do you think courts are an important part of our government? / Narrative: Write about a time you did something nice for someone.
Opinion: Do you think volunteering helps a community? / Narrative: Write about a time you were afraid for someone.
Opinion: In your opinion, why is everyone’s role on a project important?
Reading / SLO Pretest
Weekly Lesson Tests
Cold Read
DIBELS Progress Monitoring / F & P
Weekly Lesson Tests
Cold Read
DIBELS Progress Monitoring / F & P
Weekly Lesson Tests
Cold Read
DIBELS Progress Monitoring / F & P
Weekly Lesson Tests
Cold Read
DIBELS Progress Monitoring
Writing / Narrative Rubric
Informative/Explanatory Rubric / Narrative Rubric
Opinion Rubric
MasteryConnect – Dialogue (L.3.2c) / Narrative Rubric
Opinion Rubric
MasteryConnect – Compound Sentences (L.3.1k) / Narrative Rubric
Opinion Rubric
MasteryConnect – Common & Proper Nouns (L.3.1c)
Additional Resources / ReadWorks
Newsela / ReadWorks
Newsela / ReadWorks
Newsela / ReadWorks

3rd Grade Curriculum Map–Track D

Pacing / 9/25–9/29 (5 days)
Unit 1 Lesson 5 / 10/2-10/6 (5 days)
Unit 2 Lesson 6 / 10/9-10/13 (5 days)
Unit 2 Lesson 7 / 11/6–11/10(5 days)
Unit 2 Lesson 8
(Essential Question) / What are the traits of a hero? / What makes bats interesting and useful? / How do pictures help to tell a story? / What do traditional tales tell readers about life?
RL.3.1, RI.3.1, RI.3.9
RF.3.4 / Skill: Cause and Effect 1T 394,396, 403 LLG 194-195
Literal/Nonliteral Meanings 1T 399
Strategy: Visualize 1T 395,401,406 / Skill: Sequence of Events 2T 20, 22,29,36,37 LLG 196-197
Domain Specific Vocabulary 1T 27
Strategy: Question2T 21,24,28 / Skill: Text and Graphic Features
2T 110,112,115 LLG 198-199
Sequence of Events 2T 119
Strategy: Analyze/Evaluate 2T 111, 114,116 / Skill: Conclusions 2T 202,204,207, 213 LLG 200-201
Literal and Nonliteral Meanings 2T 213 Strategy: Infer/Predict 2T 203, 208,212
Teacher Read Aloud / The Tennessee Tornado 1T388,389 LLG 378 / Bats are the Best Beasts 2T 18-19
LLG 378 / Louis Braille: Boy Inventor 2T 104
LLG 379 / Sweet Berries 2T 196-197
LLG 379
Target Vocabulary / stands, fans, score, league, slammed, polish, style, pronounced 1T392,393 LLG 124-125 / twitch, swoops, squeak, echoes, detail, slithers, dozes, snuggles
2T 15,18,19 LLG 126-127 / imagine, tools illustrate, scribbles, sketches, tracing, research, textures
2T 108-109 LLG 128-129 / harvest, separate, ashamed, borders, advice, borrow, patch, serious 2T 200-201 LLG 130-131
RL.3.1, RI.3.1, RI.3.9
RF.3.4 / Roberto Clemente 1T396-409
Baseball Poems 1T 432-433
LLG 194-195 / Bat Loves the Nights 2T 22-31
A Bat is Born 2T 54-55
LLG 196-197 / What Do Illustrators Do? 2T 112-123
Jack Draws a Beanstalk 2T 146-147
LLG 198-199 / The Harvest Birds 2T 204-215
The Treasure 2T 238-241
LLG 200-201
RF.3.4 / Intonation 1T 388,413,423,431,447 / Reading Rate 2T 14,35 53,69 / Expression 2T 104,127,137,145, 161 / Stress 2T 196,219,229,237,255
Speaking & Listening
SL.3.1, L.3.1 / Your Turn1T 416
Extend the Topic 1T 440 / Your Turn 2T 28
Extend the Topic 2T 62-63 / Your Turn 2T 130-131
Extend the Topic2T 154-155 / Your Turn 2T 222-223
Extend the Topic 2T 248-249
Word Study
L.3.2 / Phonics/Spelling: Long i spelled (i, ie, igh) 1T390,391,410,413,418, 422,428,431 LLG 64-65
Vocabulary: Ending (s), Prefix (mis) 1T434-435
LLG 124-125 / Phonics/Spelling: More short and long vowels 2T 16,17,32,35,40,44, 50,53,58
LLG 66-67
Vocabulary: Suffixes (able, ible)2T56-57
LLG 126-127 / Phonics/Spelling: Three Letter Clusters 2T 106,107,124,127,132, 136,142,145,150,156 LLG 68-69
Vocabulary: Synonyms 2T148-149
LLG 128-129 / Phonics/Spelling: Unexpected Consonant Spellings 2T 198,199, 216,219,224,228,234,237,244,250 LLG 70-71
Vocabulary: Context Clues 2T 242-243 LLG 130-131
Skill/Strategy / Skill: Cause and Effect
Strategy: Visualize / Skill: Sequence of Events
Strategy: Question / Skill: Text and Graphic Features
Strategy: Analyze/Evaluate / Skill: Conclusions, Literal/Nonliteral Meanings Strategy: Infer/Predict
Independent Practice / Independent Practice during Small Group instruction may include...
●Target vocabulary practice
●Reread text for fluency
●Comprehension practice / ●Word Study practice
●Independent practice of comprehension skills and strategies
Grammar Focus
L.3.1, L.3.2 / Plural nouns –s –es
Commas 1T436 / What is a verb? 2T 32,40,50 / Verb Tenses 2T 124,132,142 / Using Commas 2T 216,224,234
Journeys Focus
W.3.1, W.3.3, W.3.10 / Trait: Sentence Fluency
Narrative 1T 411,419,429,437, 444,445
LLG 274-275 CCWH 18-23 / Trait: Ideas
Opinion 2T 33,41,51,59,66,67
LLG 302-303
CCWH 46-47 / Trait: Organization
Opinion 2T 125,133,143,151,158,
LLG 306-307 CCWH 51-53 / Trait: Word Choice
Opinion 2T 217, 225, 235, 245, 252, 253
LLG 306-307 CCWH 51-53
Benchmark Focus
W.3.1, W.3.3, W.3.10 / Narrative (follow Journeys lesson above) / Opinion (follow Journeys Lessons 1,2,3, above) / Opinion (follow Journeys Lessons 1,2,3, above) / Opinion (follow Journeys Lessons 1,2,3, above)
Writing Prompts / Narrative: Write a story about one of your heroes.
Opinion: In your opinion, what are the traits of a hero? / Narrative: Create a poem about an animal of your choice.
Opinion: In your opinion, why are bats interesting or useful? / Narrative: Write a fairy tale.
Opinion: Do you think the author or the illustrator is the most important to a story? / Opinion: In your opinion, what do traditional tales tell us about life?
Narrative: Create your own traditional tale.
Reading / F & P
Weekly Lesson Tests
Cold Read
DIBELS Progress Monitoring / Weekly Lesson Tests
Cold Read
DIBELS Progress Monitoring / Benchmark 1 (N&O)
Weekly Lesson Tests
Cold Read
DIBELS Progress Monitoring / Benchmark 1 (N&O)
Weekly Lesson Tests
Cold Read
DIBELS Progress Monitoring
Writing / Narrative Rubric
Opinion Rubric
MasteryConnect – Plural Nouns (L.3.1d) MasteryConnect – Shades of Meaning (L.3.5c) / Opinion Rubric
Narrative Rubric
MasteryConnect – Verbs (L.3.1c) / Opinion Rubric
MasteryConnect – Verbs (L.3.1c)
Narrative Rubric / Opinion Rubric
Narrative Rubric
Additional Resources / ReadWorks
Newsela / ReadWorks
Newsela / ReadWorks
Newsela / ReadWorks

3rd Grade Curriculum Map – Track D

Pacing / 11/13-11/22 (8 days)
Unit 2 Lesson 9 / 11/27-12/1 (5 days)
Unit 2 Lesson 10 / 12/4-12/8 (5 days)
Unit 3 Lesson 11 / 12/11-12/15(5 days)
Unit 3 Lesson 12
(Essential Question) / How is a live performance different from other kinds of entertainment? / What important traits must an inventor have? / How do inventions help athletes? / Why is it important to grow food crops?
RL.3.1, RI.3.1, RI.3.9
RF.3.4 / Skill: Cause and Effect 2T 296,298
LLG 202-03 Analyze Illustrations 2T 309 LLG 203
Strategy: Monitor/Clarify 2T 297,304,308 / Skill: Main ideas and Details 2T
390,392,395 LLG 204-205
Sequence of Events 2T 399,
Strategy: Summarize 2T 391,397 / Skill: Sequence of Events 3T 20,22 LLG 206, 207 Text and Graphic Features 3T 27
Strategy: Question 3T 21,24,25 / Skill: Theme 3T 108,110,122
LLG 208, 209
Point of View 3T 115
Strategy: Visualize 3T 109,115,118
Teacher Read Aloud / The Magical Art of Mime 2T 290-91 LLG 380 / Ryan Hreljac, Saving Lives at Six2T 384-85 LLG 380 / J-Block 3T 14-15 LLG 381 / Growing Up 3T 102-103 LLG 381
Target Vocabulary / familiar, applause, vacant, rickety, blurry, blasted, jerky, rude 2T 294-295
LLG 132-133 / invention, experiment, laboratory, genius, gadget, electric, signal, occasional 2T 354-355
LLG 134-135 / contribute, athletes, improve, power, process, flexible, fraction, compete 3T 18-19
LLG 136-137 / risky, grunted profit, crops, plucked, scowled, tugged, hollered 3T 106-107
LLG 138-139
RL.3.1, RI.3.1, RI.3.9
RF.3.4 / Kamishibai Man2T 298-311
The True Story of Kamishibai2T 334-35
LLG 202-203 / Young Thomas Edison 2T 392-405
Moving Pictures 2T 428-429
LLG 204-205 / Technology Wins the Game 3T 22-29
Science for Sports Fans 3T 52-53
LLG 206-207 / Tops and Bottoms 3T 110-123
Goodness Grows in Gardens 3T 146-47
LLG 208-209
RF.3.4 / Intonation2T 290,315,325,333,349 / Accuracy2T 384,409,419,427,443 / Phrasing 3T 14,33,43,51,67 / Stress 3T 102,127,137,145,161
Speaking & Listening
SL.3.1, L.3.1 / Your Turn2T 318
Extend the Topic 2T 342-343 / Your Turn 2T 412-413
Extend the Topic 2T 436 / Your Turn 3T 36-37
Extend the Topic3T 60-61 / Your Turn 3T 130-131
Extend the Topic 3T 154-155
Word Study
L.3.2 / Phonics/Spelling: Vowel Diphthongs (ow, ou) 2T 292,293, 312,315,320,324,330,333,338
LLG 72-73
Vocabulary: Dictionary/Glossary 2T 336-337
LLG 132-133 / Phonics/Spelling: Words with (au,aw,al,o) 2T 386,387,406,409, 414,418,424,427,432,438
LLG 74-75
Vocabulary: Shades of Meaning 2T 430-431
LLG 134-135 / Phonics/Spelling: Vowel Diphthongs (oi, oy) 3T 16,17,30,33, 38,42,48,51,56,62
LLG 76-77
Vocabulary: Suffixes (less, ful, ous)3T 54-55
LLG 136-37 / Phonics/Spelling: Homophones 3T 104,105,124,127,132,142,150 Words ending in (er, le) 3T 136,145
LLG 78-79
Vocabulary: idioms
3T 148-149
LLG 138-139
Skill/Strategy / Skill: Cause and Effect
Strategy: Monitor/Clarify / Skill: Main Idea/Details/Sequence
Strategy: Summarize / Skill: Sequence of Events
Strategy: Question / Skill: Theme – Point of View
Strategy: Visualize
Independent Practice / Independent Practice during Small Group instruction may include...
●Target vocabulary practice
●Reread text for fluency
●Comprehension practice / ●Word Study practice
●Independent practice of comprehension skills and strategies
Grammar Focus
L.3.1, L.3.2 / Abstract Nouns 2T 312,320,330, 344,345 / Pronouns and Antecedents2T 406, 414,424,432,438,439 / More Plural Nouns 3T 39,48,62,63 / Writing Quotations 3T 124,132,142
Journeys Focus
W.3.1, W.3.2, W.3.10 / Trait: Organization 2T 323
Opinion Writing (Pre-write a Response to Literature) 2T 313, 331,339,346,347
LLG 286-87 CCWH 30-31 / Trait: Sentence Fluency 2T 415
Opinion Writing (Draft a Response to Literature) 2T 407,425,433,440,441
LLG 284-89 CCWH 28-33 / Trait: Word Choice 3T 39
Informative/Explanatory Writing (Cause and Effect Paragraphs) 3T 31,39,49,57,64
LLG 290-91 CCWH 34-35 / Trait: Word Choice 3T 133
Informative/Explanatory Writing (Compare and Contrast Paragraphs) 3T 125,133,143,151,158
LLG 292-93 CCWH 36-37
Benchmark Focus
W.3.1, W.3.3, W.3.10 / Narrative Writing LLG 358 CCWH 130-131 / Narrative Writing LLG 358
CCWH 130-131 / Opinion Writing – refer to previous lessons 9 & 10 / Opinion Writing - refer to previous lessons 9 & 10
Writing Prompts / Narrative: Create a cartoon in which the main character learns a lesson.
Opinion: In your opinion, how is a live performance different from other forms of entertainment? / Narrative: Write an imaginative story about a world without electricity.
Opinion: In your opinion, what important traits must an inventor have? / Opinion: In your opinion, would you rather play an individual sport like tennis, or a team sport like soccer?
Informative/Explanatory: How do inventions help athletes? / Opinion: Create a trickster tale from your point of view.
Informative/Explanatory: Explain why it is important to grow crops (gardens).
Reading / Weekly Lesson Tests
Cold Read
DIBELS Progress Monitoring / Weekly Lesson Tests
Cold Read
DIBELS Progress Monitoring / Weekly Lesson Tests
Cold Read
DIBELS Progress Monitoring / Weekly Lesson Tests
Cold Read
DIBELS Progress Monitoring
Writing / Narrative Rubric
Opinion Rubric
MasteryConnect – Abstract Nouns (L.3.1e) / Opinion Rubric
Narrative Rubric / Opinion Rubric
Informative/Explanatory Rubric
MasteryConnect – Plural Nouns (L.3.1d) / Opinion Rubric
Informative/Explanatory Rubric
Additional Resources / Read Works
Newsela / Read Works
Newsela / Read Works
Newsela / Read Works

3rd Grade Curriculum Map – Track D

Pacing / 1/2-1/12 (9 days)
Unit 3 Lesson 13 / 2/5-2/9 (5 days)
Unit 3 Lesson 14 / 2/12-2/16 (5 days)
Unit 3 Lesson 15 / 2/20-3/2(5 days)
Unit 4 Lesson 16
(Essential Question) / Why are stories from different cultures important? / What are some benefits of dogs interacting with people? / Why are safety rules important? / Why is it important to take care of our environment?
RL.3.1, RI.3.1, RI.3.9
RF.3.4 / Skill: Compare and Contrast 3T 202,204,211
Story Message 3T 213
Strategy: Analyze/Evaluate 3T 203, 208,211
LLG 310-311 / Skill: Author’s Purpose 3T 294,296, 301
Point of View 3T 305
Strategy: Summarize 3T 295,299, 301
LLG 212-213 / Skill: Understanding Characters 3T 386,388,395
Formal and informal Language 3T 393
Strategy: Infer/Predict3T 387,391, 396
LLG 214-215 / Skill: Story Structure 4T 20,22,31
Theme 4T 33
Strategy: Monitor/Clarify 4T 21,27, 32
LLG 216-217
Teacher Read Aloud / The Best Worst Day 3T 196-197
LLG 382 / More than a Pet 3T 288-289
LLG 382 / Give Yourself a Gift 3T 380-381
LLG 383 / Counting Cans 4T 14-15
LLG 383
Target Vocabulary / examined, peak, fondly, steep, rugged, mist, pausing, pleaded 3T 200-201 LLG 140-141 / lying, loyal, partners, shift, quiver, patrol, ability, snap 3T 289,292,293 LLG 142-143 / festive, ingredients, degrees, recommended, anxiously, cross, remarked, tense 3T 381,384,385 LLG 144-145 / shade, dripping, carton, hardly, rubbish, recycle, global, complicated, pollution, project 4T 15, 18,19 LLG 146-147
RL.3.1, RI.3.1, RI.3.9
RF.3.4 / Yonder Mountain: A Cherokee Legend 3T 204-215
The Trail of Tears 3T 238-239
LLG 210-111 / Aero and Officer Mike 3T 296-307
Kids and Critters: A Nature Newsletter 3T 330-331
LLG 212-213 / The Extra-good Sunday 3T 388-399
Imagine a Recipe 3T 422-423
LLG 214-215 / Judy Moody Saves the World 4T 22-35
My Smelly Pet 4T 58-60
LLG 216-217
RF.3.4 / Reading Rate 3T 196,219,229,237, 253 / Accuracy3T 288,311,321,329,345 / Expression3T 380,403,413,421, 437 / Intonation 4T 14,39,49,57,75
Speaking & Listening
SL.3.1, L.3.1 / Your Turn3T 222-223
Extend the Topic 3T 246-247 / Your Turn 3T 314-315
Extend the Topic 3T 338-339 / Your Turn 3T 406-407
Extend the Topic3T 430-431 / Your Turn 4T 42-43
Extend the Topic 4T 68-69
Word Study
L.3.2 / Phonics/Spelling: Contractions with (n’t, ‘d, ‘ve) 3T 198,199,216,219, 224,228,234,237,242,248 LLG 80
Vocabulary: Homophones and Homographs3T240-241
LLG 140 / Phonics/Spelling: Words with (ar, or, ore) 3T 290,291,308,311,316, 320,326,329,334,341
LLG 82
Vocabulary: Prefixes (in, im)
3T332-333 LLG 142 / Phonics/Spelling: Words with (er, ir, ur, or) 3T 382,383,400,403,408, 412,418,421,426,432
LLG 84
Vocabulary: Using a Thesaurus
3T 424-425 LLG 144 / Phonics/Spelling: Words with (air, ear, are) 4T 16,17,36,39,44,48,54
LLG 86
Vocabulary: Context Clues
4T 62-63 LLG 146
Skill/Strategy / Skill: Compare and Contrast
Strategy: Analyze/Evaluate / Skill: Author’s Purpose
Strategy: Summarize / Skill: Understanding Characters
Strategy: Infer/Predict / Skill: Story Structure - Theme
Strategy: Monitor/Clarify
Independent Practice / Independent Practice during Small Group instruction may include...
●Target vocabulary practice
●Reread text for fluency
●Comprehension practice / ●Word Study practice
●Independent practice of comprehension skills and strategies
Grammar Focus
L.3.1, L.3.2 / Subject-Verb Agreement 3T 216, 224,234,248,249 / Pronoun-Verb Agreement3T 308, 316,326,334,340,341 / Verb Tenses 3T 400,408,418,426, 432,433 / What are adjective and Articles? 4T 36,44,54
Journeys Focus
W.3.1, W.3.2, W.3.10 / Trait: Organization 3T 225
Write an Informative Paragraph
3T 217,235,243,250
LLG 294-95 CCWH 38-39 / Trait: Ideas 3T 317
Prewrite an Explanatory Essay 3T 309,327,335,342
LLG 296-297 CCWH 40-41 / Trait: Voice 3T409
Draft an Explanatory Essay 3T 401, 419,427,434
LLG 298-299 CCWH 42-43 / Trait: Ideas
Opinion Writing – Persuasive Letter 4T 37,45,55,65,72,73
LLG 300-301 CCWH 44-45
Benchmark Focus
W.3.2, W.3.3, W.3.10 / Narrative LLG 270-279, 310-319
CCWH 14-23, 54-63 / Informative/Explanatory
LLG 294-299 CCWH 38-43 / Informative/Explanatory
LLG 294-299 CCWH 38-43 / Informative/Explanatory
LLG 294-299 CCWH 38-43
Writing Prompts / Narrative: Write a story about a time when you had to something hard.
Informative/Explanatory: Write an informational paragraph about the Cherokee people. / Narrative: Pretend you are a police officer and share what you did today.
Informative/Explanatory: Describe the benefits of dogs interacting with people. / Opinion: In your opinion, what is your favorite meal?
Informative/Explanatory: Write a recipe for your favorite food. / Opinion: In your opinion, are we recycling enough?
Informative/Explanatory: Write an informational paragraph discussing rainforests.
Reading / Weekly Lesson Tests
Cold Read
DIBELS Progress Monitoring / Benchmark 2 (N&I)
Weekly Lesson Tests Cold Read
DIBELS Progress Monitoring / Weekly Lesson Tests
Cold Read
DIBELS Progress Monitoring / Weekly Lesson Tests
Cold Read
DIBELS Progress Monitoring
Writing / Narrative Rubric
Informative/Explanatory Rubric / Narrative Rubric
Informative/Explanatory Rubric / Opinion Rubric
Informative/Explanatory Rubric / Opinion Rubric
Informative/Explanatory Rubric
MasteryConnect – Adjectives (L.3.1c)
Additional Resources / Read Works
Newsela / Read Works
Newsela / Read Works
Newsela / Read Works

3rd Grade Curriculum Map – Track D

Pacing / 3/5-3/9 (5 Days)
Unit 4 Lesson 17 / 3/12-3/16 (5 Days)
Unit 4 Lesson 18 / 3/19-3/23 (5 Days)
Unit 4 Lesson 19 / 3/26-3/30 (5 Days)
Unit 4 Lesson 20
(Essential Question) / What can fossils tell us about the past? / What are some differences among types of trees? / How do members of a community help each other? / What are the coldest places on Earth like?
RL.3.1, RI.3.1, RI.3.9
RF.3.4 / Skill: Conclusions 4T 116,118,125
LLG 218-219
Strategy: Visualize 4T 117,121,124 / Skill: Text and Graphic Features
4T 208,210,217
LLG 220-221
Strategy: Question 4T 209,213, 218 / Skill: Story Structure4T 302,304
LLG 222-223
Strategy: Summarize 4T 306,310 / Skill: Main Ideas and Details4T 394,396,399
LLG 224-225
Strategy: Infer/Predict4T 395,398, 402
Teacher Read Aloud / Otzi’s Story 4T110-111
LLG 384 / The world tree 4T202-203
LLG 384 / Bear scare 4T296-297
LLG 385 / Clever Colonies 4T388-389
LLG 385
Target Vocabulary / fossils, clues, remains, prove, evidence, skeletons, uncovering, buried, fierce, location
4T109,14,15 LLG 148-149 / pollen, store, clumps, passages, absorb, throughout, coverings, spines, tropical, dissolve
4T 201, 206-207 LLG 150-151 / scolding, greedily, ignores, hesitation, burden, glancing, base, console, drowsy, heroic
4T 295,300,301 LLG 152-153 / shelter, colony, constant, wilderness, climate, region, unexpected, gliding, overheated, layer4T 387,392,393 LLG 154-155
RL.3.1, RI.3.1, RI.3.9
RF.3.4 / The Albertosaurus Mystery…
Finding fossils for fun 4T152-153
LLG 218-219 / A tree is growing 4T210-222
Stopping by the woods on a snowy evening 4T246-247
LLG 220-221 / Two bear cubs 4T304-314
Whose Land Is It? 4T338-339
LLG 222-223 / Life on the ice 4T396-405
The Raven: An Inuit Myth 4T430-431
LLG 224-225
RF.3.4 / Stress 4T 110,143,167 / Expression 4T 202,237,261 / Reading Rate4T 296,329,353 / Accuracy 4T 388,421,445
Speaking & Listening
SL.3.1, L.3.1 / Your Turn4T136-137
Extend the Topic 4T160 / Your Turn 4T230-231
Extend the Topic 4T254 / Your Turn 4T322-323
Extend the Topic4T346 / Your Turn 4T414-415
Extend the Topic 4T438
Word Study
L.3.2 / Phonics/Spelling: Words (with /j/ and /s/) 4T112,113,130,133,138, 141,148,156
LLG 88-89
Vocabulary: Suffix (ly) 4T 154,155
LLG 148-149 / Phonics/Spelling: Words (with /k/ and /kw/) 4T 204,205,224,227,232, 237,242,250,256
LLG 90-91
Vocabulary: Word Roots4T 248,249 LLG 150-151 / Phonics/Spelling: Vowel Sounds in spoon and wood 4T 316,324,334, 342,348
LLG 92-93
Vocabulary: Prefixes (pre-, re-, bi-)
4T340-341 LLG 152-153 / Phonics/Spelling: Compound Words 4T 408,416,426,434,440
LLG 94-95
Vocabulary: Dictionary/ Glossary4T432-433 LLG 154-155
Skill/Strategy / Skill: Conclusions
Strategy: Visualize / Skill: Text and Graphic Features
Strategy: Question / Skill: Story Structure
Strategy: Summarize / Skill: Main Ideas and Details
Strategy: Infer/Predict
Independent Practice / Independent Practice during Small Group instruction may include...
●Target vocabulary practice
●Reread text for fluency
●Comprehension practice / ●Word Study practice
●Independent practice of comprehension skills and strategies
Grammar Focus
L.3.1, L.3.2 / Teaching Adjectives that Compare 4T 130,138,148 / Using the verb be and helping verbs
4T 224,232,242 / More irregular verbs
4T 316,324,334 / What is an adverb?
4T 408,416,426
Journeys Focus
W.3.1, W.3.10 / Trait: Voice 4T139
Opinion Paragraph Writing
4T 131,149,157,164,165
LLG 302-303
CCWH 46-47 / Trait: Word Choice 4T233
Opinion- Problem and Solution Paragraph 4T 225,243,251,258,259 LLG 304-305
CCWH 48-49 / Trait: Ideas 4T325
Opinion Writing- Prewrite a persuasive essay 4T 317,335,343, 350,351 LLG 306-307
CCWH 50-51 / Trait: Organization 4T417
Opinion Writing- Draft a persuasive essay 4T409, 427, 435, 442-443
LLG 308-309
CCWH 52-53
Benchmark Focus
W.3.1, W.3.3, W.3.10 / Narrative
LLG 302-303 CCWH 46-47 / Narrative
LLG304-305 CCWH48-49 / Opinion
LLG 282-283 CCWH 26-27 / Opinion
LLG 282-283 CCWH 26-27
Writing Prompts / Narrative: Write about a day in the life of an imaginary dinosaur.
Informative/Explanatory: What can fossils tell us about the past? / Narrative: Write a poem about nature.
Informative/Explanatory: What are some differences among types of trees? / Opinion: Why do members of a community help each other?
Narrative: Write about a time you visited a place in your community. / Opinion: In your opinion, would you like to be a scientist at the South Pole?
Narrative: Write a story about trying to survive at the North Pole.
Reading / Weekly Lesson Tests
Cold Read
DIBELS Progress Monitoring / Weekly Lesson Tests
Cold Read
DIBELS Progress Monitoring / Weekly Lesson Tests
Cold Read
DIBELS Progress Monitoring / Weekly Lesson Tests
Cold Read
DIBELS Progress Monitoring
Writing / Narrative Rubric
Informative/Explanatory Rubric
MasteryConnect- Adjectives L.3.1c / Narrative Rubric
Informative/Explanatory Rubric / Opinion Rubric
Narrative Rubric / Opinion Rubric
Narrative Rubric
MasteryConnect- Adverbs L.3.1c
Additional Resources / Read Works
Newsela / Read Works
Newsela / Read Works
Newsela / Read Works

3rd Grade Curriculum Map –Track D