Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment
Business Writing for Professionals in Industry
Course Description
A 3 day certificated course in business writing offered by the Continuing Professional Development programme at the University of Cape Town.
Clear writing is a process. In order to convey a message simply and clearly a writer must develop a variety of skills to carry the process from the original thought through to the final precise message.
Being able to communicate professionally, clearly and accurately is a skill that is required in all areas of business, both corporate and entrepreneurial. Whether you are presenting a business plan, making a proposal, writing a report or sending an email, you create an impression. In business, you cannot afford to make the wrong one. Electronic communication has put every business or industrial communicator in direct contact with the client and market. Reports, business proposals and executive summaries, supported by graphics, are e-mailed as attachments directly to the reader.
Based on communication theory and principles, this course is supported by exercises developed from real case studies. Participants will aim to develop a writing and presentation style of a highly professional standard. Notes, a textbook, DVD material and light refreshments are provided.
This course aims to improve the theoretical knowledge and practical ability of the participants in business writing and use of formats. Through this, it also:
Ensures personal growth
Enhances individual productivity
On completion of the course, the participants will be able to:
● Analyse business text
● Select and organise information
● Create and structure a cohesive argument
● Know and apply different formats for documents and correspondence
● Use appropriate vocabulary and style
● Understand the requirements of effective visual aids
● Create graphics
Course Lecturer
Dr Jane English is an Associate Professor and convenes courses offered by Professional Communication Studies (PCS). She lectures on effective communication widely and consults to commerce and industry. She gives courses to numerous technical and engineering consultancies: e.g. Anglo Platinum, Special Investigation Unit; Arcus Gibb; Hulett Aluminium; Stewart Scott; Murray and Roberts; PetroSA.
She has a PhD (Construction Economics) from Glasgow Caledonian University; MPhil (CEM) from University of Cape Town and an Industrial Editing Diploma, British Association of Industrial Editors. Jane has produced and co-authored several publications for research and training tools for teaching (including the presentation skills DVD SpeakEasy and the textbook Professional Communication: Effective Written and Spoken Messages). She has been a keynote speaker and has presented at numerous conferences - the Tripartite Meeting on the Construction Industry in the 21st Century, Geneva; and the annual international CIB conference.
Prior to academic life, she held positions as the company editor for the Chamber of Mines; Syfrets and Southern Life Association.
Course Information
Who should attend?
This course will be of benefit to all those who write or oversee the writing of business documents and correspondence. Applicants from all disciplines may attend. A minimum of matriculation is required.
Format of course
The course comprises three days of lecture/workshops: 08h30 -17h00 from 3 – 5 June 2013. Each participant must attend 8 of the 10 modules. The first six modules are core to the course; two modules only need be taken from the remaining four modules. Participants will be required to take part in class exercises and to complete written exercises and one report assignment outside the timeframe of the sessions.
The fee for the course will be R4900.00 per person. This fee includes a comprehensive set of course notes, a text book and refreshments. Discounts for staff and students of UCT, and students of other tertiary education institutes are available under certain circumstances.
Payment information is available on the application form
A certificate of attendance will be awarded to all course members who attend a minimum of eight of the ten sessions. A certificate of successful course completion will be issued to those who attend a minimum of eight sessions and obtain a minimum of 50% for the final assignment.
CPD Credit Requirements
The course is registered with the Engineering Council of South Africa, and is accredited for the award of CPD points, which are now required for continuing professional registration. The ECSA course code is UCTBWP13.
Applications and cancellations
In order to ensure a place on the course applicants must complete and return a signed application form to the course administrators: Heidi Tait or Sandra Jemaar:
Confirmation of acceptance will be sent on receipt of an application form.
Payment is due one week before the start of a course.
Cancellations must be received one week before the start of a course, or the full course fee will be charged
Date, time and venue
Dates: 3 - 5 June 2013
Time: 08h30 – 17h00
Venue: Seminar Room, Chemical Engineering Building, Upper Campus, UCT
08h00 on 3 June 2013, Foyer of the Chemical Engineering Building, Upper Campus, UCT
(Only students who have completed an application form and have been accepted for the course will be able to register)
CPD Programme
Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment
University of Cape Town
Phone: 021 650 5793
Fax: 021 650 5501
Course Programme
Each session includes lectures and workshop material. The course is highly interactive and involves participants in extensive practical work.
The first six modules are essential for completion of the course.Day 1
Session 1: / Analysis of Readership and Purpose
The demands on communication of living in a diverse world and a richly multi-lingual country are explored. This section of the course focuses on a combination of the following key elements:
· Audience, purpose and planning
· Understanding the terms of reference
Session 2: / Managing and Ordering Information
Researching and managing a text data information base for business writing. Personal computer management and effective use of MSWord is an essential base line from which to produce clear messages. This section of the course focuses on a combination of the following:
· Selecting information
· Planning and organization of material
· Mind mapping
· Ordering systems
Session 3:
/ Coherence and Discourse Structure
Since the writer of a document is rarely present when it is read, professional writing must be clearly presented and accurate. This section of the course focuses on a combination of the following:
· Logical ordering
· Coherence
· Emphasis
Day 2
Session 4: / Appropriate Business Style for Internal and External Documents
The style of a document must be easy to understand and the technical or financial content should never obscure the essential message. Writing style and formality must be appropriate to the reader and purpose. This section of the course focuses on a combination of the following:
· Accuracy, clarity and simplicity in writing style
· Vocabulary and punctuation - sentences and paragraphs
· Common grammatical errors to avoid
Session 5: / Constructing a Focussed Argument
· Patterns of argumentation
· Structure and logic in an argument
Effective introductions and conclusions
Session 6: / Formats, Style and Presentation for Reports
Formats for different types of Reports are a useful way of ensuring the necessary information is conveyed. This section of the course focuses on :
· Investigative reports
· Evaluative reports
· Short Written Assignment set. Preparation to be conducted in the evening and item to be written during Day 3.
Select two of the four electives offered. Participants will write the assignment during their free periods on Day 3 and submit the assignment at the end of the course.
Day 3
Session 7: / Formats, Style and Presentation for Business Plans
Appropriate formats and style are needed for different types of Business proposals and plans to pitch the business concept to the investor. This section of the course focuses on:
· Analysing Request for Proposals
· Requested and non-requested proposals
· Executive summaries
Session 8: / Visual Literacy and Impact
Current trends in readability and presentation of graphics and of documents. This section of the course focuses on:
· Types of graphics
· Integration of graphics in text
Session 9: / Formats, Style and Presentation for Meetings and Correspondence
Key elements in effective internal and external correspondence ensure that the correct impression is made on the reader and relationship maintained. This section of the course focuses on:
· Agendas and minutes
· Tone and style in letters and email
· Claims and adjustment correspondence
Session 10: / Formats, Style and Presentation for Curricula Vitae and Job Applications
· Analysis of job advertisements
· Responses to advertisements and covering letters
· Types of Curricula Vitae
Session 11: / Course Closure and Course Assessment
Submission of assignment.
CPD Programme, Engineering Faculty, Menzies Building, Upper Campus, University of Cape Town
Private Bag X3, Rondebosch, 7701
Tel: ++27 (0)21 6505793; Fax: ++27 (0)21 6502669; email: ; web: www.cpd.uct.ac.za