TITLE: Succession Planning / DOC# / SOP-1.2.00X
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The City of Henderson Public Works, Parks and Recreation Department recognizes that succession planning is critical to the continued growth and development of the department and its mission. Likewise, specific employee career development plans should highlight opportunities for individual growth as well as fulfill the requirements necessary for possible succession within the department. The goal is to address both the current and long term needs of the Department by establishing a process for identifying and assessing potential internal candidates; periodic review and assessment of readiness; contingency planning for temporary absences of the senior leadership; and long term continuity planning for succession up to and including the Senior Director position.


Planned Activities:


·  Department employees should communicate desired career paths or request specific training opportunities to their supervisor.

·  Managers in the department must continually assess their operations and identify potential successors to leadership positions.


·  Managers and supervisors in the department will meet with their direct reports and together document an individual staff (career) development plan for each.

·  Individual staff development plans will be discussed, documented and evaluated as part of the annual employee appraisal process.

·  Each manager within the department will submit to their supervisor and their Assistant Director a proposed succession plan identifying:

o  key positions within their divisions or sections;

o  the knowledge, skills, abilities and talents (core competencies) required for success in those positions; and

o  an evaluation of current staff to meet the requirements identified, including training opportunities identified in the staff development plans.

NOTE: A Succession Planning worksheet will be provided by Administration to the managers each year for their use, in conjunction with the fiscal budgeting cycle.

·  Managers will plan for staff development trainings in their annual budget analysis and requests.


·  Individual staff development plans will be discussed, documented and evaluated as part of the quarterly review process.

Documented succession plans and their associated individual development plans in no way guarantee an employee first rights to a promotional position; rather, the plans are a tool for managers and supervisors to assess their organizations and provide meaningful training opportunities to their staff.

Submitted By: / Date:
Laura Shearin, Business & Admin Services Manager
Approved By: / Date:
Robert Murnane, Senior Director