Holly Park School

Physical Education Policy

“Holly Park School provides opportunities for children to lead healthy active lives, which inspires all, through a high quality curriculum. This provision will enable our children to enjoy physical activity, know how to improve and reach their full potential”.


·  To inspire and encourage the enjoyment of physical activity.

·  To develop an understanding of the positive effects of exercise and the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

·  To develop skilful use of the body, the ability to remember, repeat and refine actions; and to perform them with increasing control, co-ordination and fluency.

·  To develop an increasing ability to select, link and apply tactics and compositional ideas.

·  To develop the ability to observe, evaluate and improve performance.

·  To promote an understanding of safe practice, and develop a sense of responsibility towards their own and others’ safety and well being.

·  To develop social co-operation, positive attitude and the ability to compete with a sense of fair play.

Inclusion / Equal opportunities

At Holly Park School we are committed to ensuring that all children irrespective of gender, race, colour, religion, language, ability or disability gain equal access to the curriculum; by identifying and over-coming possible barriers to participation in P.E.


The curriculum

All children experience a progressive and comprehensive PE curriculum, based on the P.E curriculum map, which include the following areas:

·  Gymnastics

·  Games – (invasion, striking & fielding, net & wall)

·  Dance

·  Athletics

·  Outdoor and adventurous activities

·  Swimming

·  Fitness and healthy lifestyles activities

·  Daily Physical Activity

Early Years Foundation Stage to follow the “Physical Development” objectives set out in the Early Years Curriculum.

All children should participate in all PE lessons. If a child is injured and unable to participate in Physical activity, they will play an active role in peer assessment/coaching or leadership activities.

Time allocation

·  All children (excluding Nursery) have two @60 minute PE sessions a week.

·  One session is indoor (following either a dance or gymnastic unit of work)

·  One session is outdoor (following either games/athletics or Fitness and Healthy lifestyles activities, unit of work)

·  Outdoor / adventurous activities are provided through activities on site in Year 5 and residential trips in year 6.

·  Swimming is taught in years 3 and 4. All pupils swim once a week for 1 Academic year.

·  All children to participate in 10 min of DPA (Daily Physical Activity) daily, in addition to P.E sessions


·  Year group teams should plan from the curriculum map and learning objectives to be taken from the learning outcomes set out in the Learning Journey’s.

·  Year group teams are responsible for using Learning Journeys and support materials to create a unit of work and individual lesson plans. (Support materials include, Val Sabin, TOPS cards, Matalan cards etc.)

·  All units of work must include: Physical me/Creative me/Healthy me/Thinking me

·  Opportunities should be taken to make links between PE and other curriculum areas, i.e Science – Healthy living, PSHE – caring for ourselves, ICT.

PE kit

·  All children should change into PE kit for all PE lessons. This should include different clothes & foot-wear during the school day.

·  PE kits include – a white T-shirt / red shorts (tracksuit in Winter for Juniors)

·  White trainers may be worn for outdoor PE.

·  Children should be in bare feet for gym / dance, as this allows for better quality work.

·  No jewellery should be worn during PE / sport activities. Long hair must be tied back.

·  Children who persistently forget their PE kit should be reminded of the importance of PE and if necessary a letter should be sent to parents asking for their co-operation.

·  Swimming kit should be brought to school on the day when swimming lessons take place and taken home the same day. Long hair must be tied up, and the wearing of swimming hats encouraged.

Health & Safety

·  Good class control, planning and preparation are fundamental to delivering safe PE lessons.

·  Safe practice and procedures should be an element of every PE lesson. i.e. not lifting uni-hoc stick above the thigh, not running / jumping in front of someone.

·  All children are taught how to move and use apparatus in a safe manner under the supervision of the class teacher.

·  All gymnastic equipment, once set out, must be checked before the children use it.

·  The indoor / outdoor space being used must be checked for potential risks at the beginning of each lesson and risks removed, i.e. trip hazards.

·  Inhalers and epi-pens must be readily accessible.

·  All fixed & portable gymnastics equipment is inspected annually.


·  Teacher support materials include: Val Sabin (gym, dance and games), TOPS (Play & games), QCA schemes of work, Matalan cards, Athletics cards, BHF cards.

·  Games equipment is stored in the PE shed outside.

·  Gymnastics equipment is stored in the hall.

·  Large equipment (netball / football posts) is stored in the ball area.

Assessment, Recording and Reporting

·  Opportunities for checking progress should occur naturally in the course of teaching each area, where significant observations are recorded by the individual teacher. Verbal feedback should be given throughout the lesson including next steps and areas for development.

·  Children to use “I can” statements on their Learning Journeys to assess their individual progress.

·  A summative assessment is recorded on each child’s annual report.

Monitoring, Evaluation and Review

The quality of the teaching and learning of PE across the school is monitored and evaluated by the PE subject leaders through:

·  P.E learning walk

·  P.E audits annually

Roles and Responsibilities

Class teacher

·  To plan and implement the curriculum in accordance with school policy.

·  To complete assessments and adjust teaching programmes according to the needs of individual children.

P.E subject leaders

·  To make effective use of PE and School Sport Premium to ensure maximum impact for children.

·  To ensure that staff instil the importance of leading a healthy and active lifestyle.

·  To exemplify ‘good practice’ in the teaching of P.E.

·  To support staff in the implementation of P.E across the school.

·  To keep up to date with all aspects of the P.E curriculum and out of hours Physical activity and sport

·  To organise whole school P.E events – i.e. Sports days.

·  To monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching and learning of P.E across the school.

·  To lead the staff in developing the teaching and learning of P.E.

·  To complete an annual action plan for the development of P.E – as part of the school improvement plan.

·  To review and update the P.E policy.

·  To establish, update and maintain P.E resources across the school.

Document Control

Revision History

Version / Revision Date / Revised By / Revision
1.0 / Spring 2013 / PE Team / Updated in light of current advice and the introduction of the sport grant for schools
1.1 / Spring 2014 / PE Team / Updated & Reviewed
1.2 / Spring 2015 / PE Team / Updated & Reviewed
1.3 / Spring 2016 / PE Team / Updated & Reviewed

Signed by

Name / Signature / Date
Headteacher / Ann Pelham
Chair of Governors / Andrew Ballam Davies


Shared with
·  Staff via school server
·  Parents via Website
·  Governors via committee meetings
Date for next review
Spring 2018