The goal of the Merrillville Community School Orchestra program is to provide music education through excellence in instrumental performance. To reach this goal requires commitment from each member and the desire to be the best that we are able to be, as individual players and as performing groups. The levels of success and enjoyment we will experience depend on the effort we make. The directors and the students each have responsibilities. These must be understood in order to progress toward our mutual goals.

• As DIRECTORS we will work to:

1. Help each individual learn to play their instrument to the best of their ability.

2. Develop ensembles that are the best in the area, groups of which the community, parents, school and peers can be proud.

3. Enjoy making music together and have fun performing for the enjoyment of others and the benefit of the school and community.

• As STUDENTS you are expected to:

1. Cooperate with the directors and class, showing appropriate behavior and leadership in class and at any performance or event.

2. Work to the best of your ability on your instrument: maintaining high standards, good practice habits, leadership and positive attitudes toward orchestra.

3. Be proud to be members of the Merrillville Orchestras, knowing that we will do our best at whatever we attempt.

Special note to our PARENTS

The role of parents in our orchestra program is very important. Support of your orchestra student comes in many ways. The initial purchase or rental of an instrument, encouraging practice, coming to concerts, payment of your student’s “fair share” of the program budget, and helping with uniforms, fundraisers, and at Merrillville String Booster events are all ways you help us to succeed. Our orchestra members will gain as much from orchestra as they put in. If students know that you are supportive of their efforts, they will give it all they've got. (Check our calendar for Booster meetings: every orchestra parent is a Booster and is welcome and encouraged to come to any and all meetings to help us move the program forward.)

The MIS and Pierce orchestra years can be fun and rewarding. Even though each year can be seen as separate, the course of study is continuous, allowing students to improve, excel and advance in their sections, becoming good enough to perform in the High School Orchestras. Students and parents should plan on completing the orchestra experience through all four years of high school. It is only through this commitment, continuous improvement and your demonstration of leadership that we can succeed in being our best.


1. BE PREPARED FOR CLASS. Have ALL you need: instrument, music, pencil and any other necessary items. Participation grades will be lowered if unprepared.

Nails must be short enough to allow proper playing! Players with nails not allowing good position and finger contact will not be allowed to play for the class period and will lose participation credit for that class. Nails should be at an appropriate length by the next class period. Any special circumstances should be explained in a parent note to the teachers before the fact.

2.  SHOW PROPER CONDUCT AT ALL TIMES. Attention must be given the directors at all times. For the benefit of all - talking and socializing stop when a director is on the podium or in front of the class. Continued problems will be handled at the teacher’s discretion.

3.  BE READY FOR CLASS TO BEGIN ON TIME. Don't waste time before class. Leave your cases, books, etc where you are instructed. Get tuned, set-up, and seated as quickly as possible. Cases should not be left in lockers or the locker room. Restroom needs should be taken care of during the passing period before class. Students must have their Agenda books with them in class.


***Non-compliance with these rules will be communicated to parents by phone and/or conferences. Please be aware that continued disregard for these expectations can result in the student being permanently removed from the Merrillville Orchestra program.***


Orchestra grades are earned based on achievement in three areas:

1. PERFORMANCE: Playing tests and assignments (50%)

Grades will be earned on written and playing tests in class or homework assignments. Skills and knowledge are very important since we build upon these fundamentals.

2. PARTICIPATION: Attendance, Attitude and Behavior (25%)

Performance is very important to our goals. All performances and rehearsals are required. (see calendar). If attendance is not possible please be considerate and notify the directors immediately. Very often conflicts can be avoided. Since each event is similar to a class exam, credit must be subtracted if absence occurs. All excuses should be submitted prior to the event. A signed parent note is expected prior to the absence. Excused absence earns a 75% for the event.

Unexcused absence will result in 0% for the event.


Conditioning charts are necessary in the development of good orchestra members and responsible students. The benefits gained with this tool outweigh the difficulties. It is necessary for each student to study, practice and condition themselves for classes and performances. It is through diligent, habitual practice that improvement will be made. These charts bring the parent into the process and allow the director the chance to monitor practice habits.


It is expected that we present ourselves in a uniform manner at performances and events. All students must be in full uniform at performances.

Grades Seven and Eight: The Boosters provide a purple blazer for each student. A white orchestra uniform shirt will be ordered for all 7th grade students and any 8th grade student who requires a new shirt. Payment for shirts is included in your studen’s Fair Share conribution. Students must provide black dress pants, black dress shoes and black socks.


The Merrillville String Boosters organization (MSB) has been established to help promote and support our orchestras. Regular meetings will take place and are on our orchestra web-site, as well as on the attached calendar. Special meetings regarding projects will be called as needed. The more involvement we have from parents the more we can expect to achieve. Please join us at these meetings.


In order to make our yearly budget for the orchestra program (grades 6-12), each student is asked to contribute their “fair share” by either payment or fundraising. This year, fair share is $50 per student (the total budget divided by the number of orchestra students). The budget includes expenses such as festival entry fees, uniforms and cleaning, awards, additional staff, etc. The complete budget is available for viewing at the MSB website.

We hope that students and parents will honor their commitment to the orchestra program by meeting their fair share by December 1.


Web site: http://www.mvsc.k12.in.us/mhs/orchestra/index.htm

Mr. Bradford – (219)650-5307 ext. 7016

If needed, I can also be reached at home: (219) 662-0573.

Mrs. Kowalski – (219)650-5308 ext. 6654

Mr. Zemelko --(219)650-5306 x6878

If you should need to contact us please feel free to call or e-mail.

Phone-mail is available and will be answered promptly.

We will try our best to solve any problems and appreciate your good ideas and suggestions.

THANKS! John E. Bradford, Diane Kowalski, and Aaron Zemelko

2011-2012 Orchestra Performance Dates

Fall Orchestra Concert Thursday, Oct 13, 2011 7PM

MHS & Pierce Orchestras Reinhart Auditorium (MHS)

All-Region Orchestra Festival Saturday, November 19, 2011 all day

(selected 8th graders) Location TBA

“Holiday” Concert Thursday, Dec 8, 2011 6:30 & 8 PM

Merrillville Strings 6 –12 Reinhart Auditorium

Wed. Dec. 7,

Pierce Rehearsal at MHS - Pick-up 5 PM

ISSMA District Solo/Ensemble Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012 Times assigned

Crown Point High School

“End-of-Winter” Concert Thursday, Mar. 15, 2012 7PM

MIS & Pierce Orchestras MIS Gymnasium

Middle School ISSMA Festival Saturday, Mar. 17 (7th gr) and Sat., March 24 (8th) TBA

Pierce Orchestras Locations TBA

“Spring Strings” Concert Thursday, May 24, 2012 6:30 & 8 pm

Merrillville Strings 6 – 12 Reinhart Auditorium

Wed. May 23,

Pierce + MHS 3 – 5 PM Rehearsal

***Each concert has 3 or 4 after school rehearsals in the 3 preceding weeks. Exact dates are given to students 4 weeks in advance. All rehearsals are REQUIRED.***

*****Merrillville String Boosters General Meetings (6:30 pm, MHS Orchestra Room):

Monday, Sep. 12, 2011 Monday, Jan. 9, 2012 Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday, Nov. 14, 2011 Monday, March 12, 2012


We have read and understand the “2011 - 2012” Orchestra Handbook



(Student signature)


(Parent signature) (Date)

Please include your contact information to help us keep you informed.

E-mail ______

(Parents E-mail address ) Day Phone Evening Phone Cell Phone

We always need parent help with our orchestra activities.

Please check the areas which interest you. We’ll contact you as needed.

_____ Uniform committee

____ Fitting & inventory - available during the school day – Early September

____ Uniform supervision (Help before and after concert events)

_____ Concert Supervision (Help with students before and during the concerts, Hand-out programs, Sell and take tickets, etc.)

_____ Purchase and Deliver Snacks (Donation)

Fund-raising (helping to organize projects including product distribution, etc.)

_____ Century Resources (Sept sale, Oct. delivery)

_____ Affy-Tapples (Sept. Sale Delivery in late Oct.)

_____ Poinsettias (October sale Delivery on MHS Stage (Dec. 8 at Concert)

_____ Winter project - still to be determined

_____ Phone committee (Help contact parents when phone calls are needed)

_____ H.S. Awards Banquet Committee (Tentative)

_____ Social Events (Student gatherings, celebrations, meetings, etc.)

_____ Miscellaneous (Call me for anything else that comes up!)


Parent Name

E-mail ______

(Parents E-mail address ) Day Phone Evening Phone Cell Phone