Ultimate Frisbee is a great team game that combines some of the elements of football, basketball and soccer.

The object of the game is to pass the Frisbee disc to a teammate who is positioned in the opponent’s end zone.


The two teams flip a coin to determine which team will receive. Each team faces one another from behind the line (known as the goal line) which marks their endzone, and the disc is thrown towards the receiving team.

The following rules apply:

1. The disc may never be handed-it must always be thrown.

2. No player may move while in possession of the disc. He/she may pivot on one foot in any direction, as in basketball.

3. The disc may be thrown in any direction.

4. No more than one person may guard a thrower and they must be at least 5 feet away from the thrower.

5. The defensive team gains possession of the disc whenever the offensive team's pass isI incomplete(knocked down to the ground), intercepted, or goes out of bounds.

6. Out-of-bounds throws are taken over by the opposing team at the point where the disc went out of bounds. If the disc goes out of bounds after crossing the goal line, the opposing team may throw in from either corner of the endzone at the goal line.

7. One point is scored for each disc caught within the opponent's endzone.

8. Each player must play man to man defense.

9. If you are not moving at ALL times you will lose participation

points and you may be sent to the dugout.

10. No tackling, pushing or touching an opponent.

11. No inappropriate language.

12. Everyone must be Kind, Polite and Respectful at all times.