ENGLISH 9—Mr. Carr

WasatchHigh School

Room 216

Voicemail: 654-0640 Ext. 3736

Course Description

The purpose of this English class is to help you develop thinking skills and communication skills. Studies have shown that no other skill will help you beyond school as much as the ability to communicate well with others. Our goal is to help you achieve proficiency in four content standards: reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language skills.

Texts: Electronic version of Pearson Literature. Novels and plays: The Odyssey, The Lightning Thief, The Book Thief, Romeo and Juliet, Song of the Buffalo Boy; various essays, stories, poems and news articles.

Preparation for class is imperative. Students should come to class on time and be ready to begin when the bell rings. Students should bring with them a reading book, laptop, homework assignments, and writing materials.

Canvas: We will be using Canvas, an online learning management system, every week this term. You must sign in, check the calendar, complete the assignments, and submit them electronically. This will be demonstrated in class. Assignments assigned on Canvas must be submitted on Canvas. Check out the Announcements, Calendar, and Assignments Page for important information!


1.Grades are a reflection of projects, quizzes, test, presentations, essays, preparation, completion of reading, and additional assignments. Your grade will calculated on a percentage according to the standard school grading scale.

2.Quizzes will be given frequently throughout the course. Most of them will be scheduled, but some will not. This allows me to see if you are reading and helps me to understand gaps in student knowledge.

3.If you miss a test, you will have five school days to make it up during consultation or after class. After that time, you will receive a zero. Make-up tests will not be offered during class.

4.Occasionally I will offer extra-credit or bonus points, but they will be few and far between. No more than 5% of your grade can come from extra credit.

Late work: Work is due at the beginning of class unless otherwise stated on Canvas. Every assignment will have Punctuality Points assigned to it. If you turn it in on time, you will get full points. If it is late, you get zero punctuality points. These cannot be made-up. I believe you are fully capable of watching the calendar and getting in your work on time. Work not handed in due to school-excused, prior-approved, and parent-approved absences must be handed in the first class period back or it will be considered late andwill not receive punctuality points. ALL work must be turned in before the final unit test or paper. You may not turn in homework past its content test date.

Class Rules

1. Be in class with necessary materials when the bell rings.

2. Follow directions.

3. Listen without talking when the teacher is speaking.

4. Keep food and drink out of the classroom.

5. Respect yourself, your classmates, and me.

Students who choose to violate these rules can expect verbal warnings, then time after class, notification of parents, reductions in citizenship grade, or expulsion from class.

Citizenship and Attendance

Citizenship is important! All students must earn the same amount of citizenship credit as academic credit to graduate from high school. A citizenship grade of H, S, or N earns credit. A citizenship grade of U earns no citizenship credit and must be made up through three hours of school service. Citizenship grades will be given according to the criteria below:

H (Honor)Respectful of others, helpful, participates willingly in all class activities, completes all class assignments, exhibits school character traits.

S (Satisfactory)Respectful of others, participates in class activities, completes class assignments, exhibits school character traits.

N (Needs Disruptive during class, plays with equipment/furniture, violates class rules or school rules,

Improvement) creates a discipline problem, disrespectful of others, not on task.

U (Unsatisfactory)Violation of school AUP Policy, destruction of property, flagrant disrespect for others, harassment, dishonesty, cheating, plagiarism, profanity,inappropriate use of electronic devices.

The Wasatch High School attendance policy will be administered and enforced in this class. Key points of this policy include the following items:

  • Students with more than five absences/tardies per term will receive a UA (Unsatisfactory Attendance) citizenship grade credit for that term.
  • Citizenship Credit can be earned by making up each absence or tardy beyond five through attendance school.

Students with no absences or tardies during a term will be rewarded with an additional 2% extra credit added to their assignments points total.

All policies of WasatchHigh School will be strictly upheld. Students should review those policies outlined in the student handbook for which they will be held accountable. Please note that cell phones must not be used in class without my express permission. If I see or hear them, I will confiscate them, and you will receive an automatic U.


It is my hope that we can work together to make this class an enjoyable learning experience. If you have questions or need help, I am available half an hour before and after school. I am also available during consultation hour every Monday and during my preparation period (5thon odd days, 4th on even days). Please come see me or have your parents contact me if you have any questions; I will be glad to help. Parents are welcome to call me at school (654-0640) or contact me through e-mail.

I have read the information concerning Mr. Carr’s English 11 class, and I understand it.

______Period #______

Print student’s name


Student's signature DateParent's Signature Date