Aria Technologies Quick Help Guide 20/6/2012

Q530 Networking Interstate Calls Via LCR Author: Will Smith

Networking Interstate calls via LCR providing local call rates.

Networking is only supported via a Business grade secure VPN. NAT is not supported.

Dedicated aDSL2 greater than 720k upload is recommended for 6 to 8 VOIP channels using codec G711.

Network Unlock Key codes will be required. Requires minimum software: 5.5Gu

Site A – Melbourne.
Station numbers 100 range
VIC (& TAS) Area codes: 03 / Site B – Sydney.
Station numbers 200 range
QLD Area codes: 02

Site A Programming.

Upgrade to E.5Gu as per Q523
Install Network unlock key.
PGM100 Enter Site Name: Melbourne


PGM102 Router:

PGM102 System IP Range: – 150

PGM102 VOIP lines 5-12 (Changed VOIP 4 to 8 in PGM101 & sequence in PGM104, dedicated aDSL upload must be >720k & G711.)

PGM105 100 number range. (Check other station orders if larger system.)

PGM140 VOIP lines 5-12 set to DID & into group 3

PGM145 VOIP lines 5-12 DID Conversion Type set to Use “as is” (no treatment)

PGM320/1 Net Enable = ON

PGM321/1 Net Transfer Mode = Reroute

PGM322 PSTN lines 1-4 into Net Co Grp 1 & Type = PSTN

PGM322 VOIP lines 5-12 into Net Co Grp 3 & Type = NET

PGM324 Index 0 Usage NET Code 1#** Net CO Grp 0

PGM324 Index 1 Usage NET Code 2** Net CO Grp 3 CPN INFO 1 MFIM IP

----At this point completing Site A & B’s programming standard networking will be functioning----

PGM220 Turn LCR on Only Loop LCR

PGM221 Index 1 LDT Index 0 LCR type COL Compared digits 02 DMT1 000000

PGM222 Index 0 CO/IP Group 3 Networking Number Plan Bin 002

PGM324 Index 2 Usage PSTN Code 002 Net CO Grp 3 CPN INFO 1 Digit Repeat Yes

PGM252 Enable CO Call Rerouting ON

PGM252 Index 0 Compare CO Grp 3 Compare Digit 003 CO + Rerouting Number 80103

Site B Programming.

Upgrade to E.5Gu as per Q523
Install Network unlock key. Install BRIU key. (Lines 1-8 ISDN2)
PGM100 Enter Site Name: Sydney


PGM102 Router:

PGM102 System IP Range: - 250

PGM102 VOIP lines 9-16 (Changed VOIP 4 to 8 in PGM101 & seq. in PGM104, aDSL upload>720k & G711.)

PGM105 200 number range. (Check other station orders if larger system.)

PGM140 VOIP lines 9-16 set to DID & into group 3

PGM145 VOIP lines 9-16 DID Conversion Type set to Use “as is” (no treatment)

PGM320/1 Net Enable = ON

PGM321/1 Net Transfer Mode = Reroute

PGM322 ISDN lines 1-8 into Net Co Grp 1 & Type = PSTN

PGM322 VOIP lines 9-16 into Net Co Grp 3 & Type = NET

PGM324 Index 0 Usage NET Code 2#** Net CO Grp 0

PGM324 Index 1 Usage NET Code 1** Net CO Grp 3 CPN INFO 1 MFIM IP

----At this point completing Site A & B’s programming standard networking will be functioning----

PGM220 Turn LCR on Only Loop LCR

PGM221 Index 1 LDT Index 0 LCR type COL Compared digits 03 DMT1 000000

PGM222 Index 0 CO/IP Group 3 Networking Number Plan Bin 002

PGM324 Index 2 Usage PSTN Code 003 Net CO Grp 3 CPN INFO 1 Digit Repeat Yes

PGM252 Enable CO Call Rerouting ON

PGM252 Index 0 Compare CO Grp 3 Compare Digit 002 CO + Rerouting Number 80102

Now make interstate calls and both calls should dial out via the others lines.

Note: If one system was in Adelaide, use 3 digits since 08 also covers WA & NT e.g.: 087 & 088
