Service Inventory and Fellowship Opportunities

First United Methodist Church Slidell, Louisiana

“I Promise to Serve My Church with My Service.”

Below you will find many ways in which you can be involved in the life of your church using your time, talents and gifts. ***Please check current commitments as well as any new areas of interest. *** The organizer of that activity will contact you.

Serving Opportunities for Adults

Adult Education

___Sunday Morning Class Facilitator

___9:40 a.m. ___11:00a.m.

___Long-term Bible Study Facilitator

___Short-term Bible Study Facilitator

___Young Adult Coordinator

Youth Education

___Bible Study Leader

___Senior High Youth Counselor

___Junior High Youth Counselor

Children’s Education

___Acolyte Coordinator

___Little Angels Choir Volunteer

___Preschool Sunday School Teacher

___Elementary Rotation Sunday

School Leader

___Elementary Rotation Sunday

School Shepherd

___6th Grade Sunday School/

Confirmation Teacher

___Worship Activity Bag Coordinator

___Vacation Bible School

___Children’s Church Leader

___Children’s Church Teacher

___Nursery Assistant

___Confirmation Aide

___Special Events

___Children’s Missions

Multimedia Support

___Computer Support

___Audio/Visual Operator



Care & Support Ministries

___Cook Team

___Flower Ministry

___Prayer Chain

___Sunday Morning Prayer Team


___Care Team

___Visitation Volunteer

___Barnabas Writing Ministry

___Prayer Shawl Ministry

Welcoming Ministries

___Sunday Morning Greeter/Usher

___New Member Photo Display

___Newcomers’ Lunch

Fellowship & Hospitality

___Receptions, Special Events

___Annual Heritage Celebration

___More Than Bread Coordinator

___Event Cooking


___Altar & Sanctuary Decoration

___Communion Captain

___Communion Steward

___Communion Server

___Attendance Registration



___Bulk Mailing

___Data Entry

___Email Address Book Maintenance


___Chancel Choir

___Jubilate¢ Singers



___Summer Music Camp

___Handbell Choir

___Host Home Coordinator

___Host Home

Church Committees

___Stewardship Team

___Outreach/Missions Team

___Guidebook & Directory Team

___Pictorial Team

___Pumpkin Patch

___Higher Education & Scholarship


___Banner Committee

___Wheelchair Ramp Ministry

Special Skills & Interests

___First Church A.R.M.Y. (Active

Retired Methodist Youngsters)

___Creative Arts

___Set Design & Construction

___Kairos Prison Ministry

___My Specialty:


___My Contacts:


Serving Opportunities for Youth

(Grades 7 through 12)

___Children’s Church Assistant

___Nursery Assistant

___Refiner’s Fire Praise Band

___Summer Day-Care

___Vacation Bible School

___Praise and Worship Camp

___Youth Council Representative

___Church Committee Youth


___District UMY Representative

___Audio/Visual Operator

Serving Opportunities for Children

(Preschool through 6th grade)


___Little Angels Choir

___Vacation Bible School

Fellowship Opportunities

___United Methodist Men

___United Methodist Women

___Keenagers – Women 55 and older

___XYZ (eXtra Years of Zest) – Men

and Women 55 and older

___XYZ Crafts Group

___More Than Bread Dinner Groups

___Youth – 7th through 12th grade

___Senior Adult Men’s Fellowship

___Life Support (Adult fellowship,

Bible study & service ministry)

Please Complete the Following:






One service form may be used for all members of a family. Please indicate the name of the person volunteering next to each item checked. Also, please indicate individual contact numbers, if available.



Revised 11/10/09