Monthly Newsletter of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bridgewater(LCMC)
8805 Austin Road, P.O. Box 13, Bridgewater, Michigan 48115
Sunday School, 9:15 a.m.; Worship, 10:30 a.m. with Holy Communion
Mission Statement: Dedicating ourselves to God through Prayer & Study, Fellowship & Service..
JUNE, 2014
Seasonal Worship from the Countryside
By The Staffordshire Seven
Now is Christ risen from the dead
The first fruits of them that slept, Alleluia!
In a garden God first put us to live in peace and joy.
In a garden God suffered tears and sweat of agony.
In a gardenGod rose to life and restored to all creation life and joy and peace.
O gardens with new life
Rejoice with us. Alleluia!
When Christ rode into Jerusalem, the stones were ready to cry out
And proclaim him Lord of all creation.
When Christ died on the cross, the earth shook and the rocks split
To share the loss and devastation.
When Christ was buried in a tomb of rock the stone was rolled away,
Rejoicing to reveal the glory of our risen Lord.
O earth and stones and rocks,
Rejoice with us. Alleluia!
When Jesus preached in Galiee, his seamless robe revealed our love and care for him.
When Jesus died upon the cross, the temple curtain tore to show the direct way to God.
When Jesus rose again, the linen cloths gave witness to God’s power and saving love.
O all things we have created in love for Christ our Lord,
Rejoice with us. Alleluia!
O let all things visible and invisible, earthly and heavenly,all people, tribes and nations,
Saved by the blood of Christ, join with us to praise and glorify the Lord of all creation.
He left his heavenly throne to suffer with us and release his damaged creation
From death, sin and decay, that we might be in Paradise with him
And live forever in his joy and peace.
Alleluia! Glory to our Saviour!
Alleluia! Glory to our Maker!
Alleluia! Glory to our God!
In the absence of a Pastor - in case of a pastoral emergency, please contact Ralph Hoelzer or Debbie Ellison or the church office, 429-7434, Betty Weidmayer or Wendy Aho. Praying Elders will be at the Altar after church services to pray for people who wish to do so, and do visiting to those who ask to be visited. Contact Ralph Myers if you wish to have a visit from the Praying Elders.
This year we will be starting our Summer Worship Schedule in June instead of July. Starting June 1st, worship will be at 9:30am. This will be the schedule for the entire summer, June thru August. Watch the bulletin and lamplighter for special events that might include the service being at 10:30am.
We will honor our 2014 Graduating Seniors on Sunday, June 1st. The worship service will be held at 9:30am. This will allow the Seniors time enjoy our worship service and get to their graduation on time. The following individuals will be graduating this year.
Michael Drake, Saline High School
Jake Haist, Manchester High School
Rebecca Hutchens, Saline High School
Alyssa Raft, Saline High School
Chase Studnicka, Clinton High School
RELAY FOR LIFE……………………………………
St. John’s will participate in the Relay for Life event at the Manchester High School on June 28th. Please consider joining our team, walking or rocking as you are able, providing baked goods or crafts for our sale, and donating funds to further the research for a cure for cancer. The event is from 10am Saturday through 10am Sunday.
July 26th is Bridgewater Days and the Mary Martha Circle will be holding a Bake Sale, Bazaar, and Garden Sale in the Pavilion here at the church. Everyone is welcome to contribute to the Mary Martha Circle’s sale. Time to be determined. Any other groups within the church are more than welcome to join us with they own activity. Any questions, please see Shirley Kruger.
Money Counters are needed for the rest of the Sunday’s of the year. Please see Margo Myers to sign up for the month of your choosing.
The Fellowship Circle is looking for ways to make some money. There will not be an annual Sauerkraut Supper for the community this year. In place of that, one of the events will be a Hamburger, Hot Dog roast on July 13th after church services. The Fellowship Circle will be furnishing hot dogs, hamburgers, condiments, chips, potato salad, mac n cheese, lemonade and water. After the meal an ice cream bar will be provided for all to enjoy. Instead of a price – we will be asking for donations. Watch for a sign-up sheet to be posted. This event will be held during the “Men’s Group” campout. In October, a Baked Potato Bar will be held as a fundraiser. More details to follow!!! Questions, see Sue Weidmayer or Sue Eversole.
Would you like to attend a Toledo Mudhens Baseball game on August 17th. As of now, the game is a 5:00pm time start. More plans to follow with a sign-up sheet. Questions, please see Sue Weidmayer.
ALTAR FLOWERS 2014…………….
Altar Flowers are the perfect way to glorify God as well as acknowledge a special occasion or the memory of a loved one. Altar vase liners are available to have filled, or you may bring a plant(s) or a bouquet of your own. Cut flowers and plants are available in many area stores as well as florist shops. There is a sign-up sheet posted in the narthex on the bulletin board. ??s - See Louise St. Clair. Let’s honor and praise God every week with our offering of Altar Flowers!
Does anyone have a “faith story” to share? Please contact Bill Schwingel or Ruth Myers. It can be short or lengthy, as it will be used in conjunction with someone else.
Sunday, June 1st – Graduation Sunday – Pastor Kathy Schell
Sunday, June 8th – Pastor Kathy Schell
Sunday, June 11th – Open
Sunday, June 22nd – Pastor John Morris
Sunday, June 29th – Pastor Kathy Schell
The Manchester United Methodist Women will be hosting their Annual Salad Smorgasbord, featuring a great variety of delicious salads, on Wednesday, May 7th at 12:00noon. The cost for this event is $10.00. Reservations are needed. Please call the church office, 734-428-8495 by Friday May 2nd.
Mark your calendars for several upcoming Men’s Group activities. July 12th – Family Campout. August 17th – Chili cook-off and horseshoe tournament. More details to come!!!!
- Weekly Bulletin News – needs to be in the church office by Friday, 10:00 a.m.
- To reserve the basement and/or pavilion and/or reserve tables & chairs to be taken outside of the church – you need to contact Betty Weidmayer, Office Secretary. You can contact her by email, – church office phone, 429-7434, home phone (734) 665-9942 or leave a note in her office door box, or talk to her (but make sure she writes it down!) She will check it out and get back with you as soon as possible – and will mark it on our master calendar located in the library. Requests are on a first come/first serve basis. Thanks!
- Looking for the easels to use to display something – they are located in the closet below the balcony.
- Help keep our membership records accurate by letting the church office know about any changes in your addresses, phone numbers, or e-mail.
Our Website – – Check it out! Our monthly Lamplighter and Calendar is now on the web, along with other announcements. We invite you to see what we are up to at St. John’s. Our new website will be adding upcoming events throughout the year. From community events to special holiday services, we welcome you all!!!!! Remember, there are forms by Betty’s door – for you to take and add to our website. We welcome your news! Complete and return to Karl Schaible.