Confirmation Review Questions
Below is a review of some of the things covered in 7th & 8th grade, at “Catch The Spirit”, or on the Confirmation retreat. During the Confirmation ceremony, the Archbishop is known to ask questions of Confirmands. He may ask one of the questions we’ve listed below, or anything else he chooses. So please review this page carefully! You’ll be amazed at what you learned the last 3 years!
General questions:
-What religious experiences other than a regular Mass have you done for Confirmation? What did you learn from these?
- Tell me about what you did for Service hours? How does it make you feel to help others?
- What is Confirmation?
- Are YOU choosing to be confirmed? Why?
- What part does the Holy Spirit have in Confirmation?
- What are some symbols of the Holy Spirit?
- What gifts would you like to receive from the Holy Spirit?
- What Saint name have you chosen? Tell me something about her/him and why you chose them?
- Have you chosen a sponsor? Why did you pick them?
- What is your favorite part of your PSR classes? Least favorite? Do you have any suggestions to add to the class?
- Confirmation is the beginning of your own responsibility of your faith journey. Do you feel you still need to learn more? How do you feel you can continue your education?
- Will you continue your faith journey through service to others now that the “required’ service hours are over?
- Do you attend Mass on a regular basis?
Review topics:
The Ten Commandments
Name one:
1.I, the Lord, am your God. You shall not have other gods besides Me.
2.You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain.
3.Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.
4.Honor your father and your mother.
5.You shall not kill.
6.You shall not commit adultery.
7.You shall not steal.
8.You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
9.You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.
10.You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor.
What are the Beatitudes?
A teaching from Jesus that is a gift to us, that even in times that seem desperate and sorrowful to us, if we have the right attitude they can be a blessing and make us happy.
Name one & explain what it means.
Blessed are the poor in Spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the land.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy.
Blessed are the clean of heart, for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God.
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
How many sacraments are there?7
Name One Baptism Eucharist Reconciliation Confirmation Marriage Holy Orders Anointing of the Sick
Which 3 are the Sacraments of Initiation
BaptismEucharist Confirmation
Take out Rosary when asking questions. Point to the beads.
1)The first prayer of the rosary is said on the cross. What is this prayer? Apostle’s creed.
2)What prayer is said on the large beads? Our Father
3)What prayer is said on the smaller beads. We say 10 of these in a row for each decade of the Rosary. Hail Mary
4)At the end of each decade (or 10 hail Mary’s) we say 2 prayers. Name 1 Glory Be or Fatima prayer.
5)Name the other prayer we say at the end of a decade. Glory be or Fatima Prayer.
6) At the beginning of the Rosary, before we start the decades, we say 3 Hail Marys. We are praying for someone when we pray these 3 Hail Marys. Who are we praying for? The Pope
7)Before each decade we state a mystery that is an event in the life of Jesus or Mary. There are 20 mysteries in all and these are divided into 3 groups of 5. Each group has a name. Name one of the groups. It would be _____ mysteries.
Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious, Luminous
Genesis is a book in the Bible. Is it the
a – first book, b – second book, c- 10th book, d – 23rd book
How many books are there in the Bible?
a – 47 b – 82c – 73 d - 65
We say the Bible is the inspired word of God. Does this mean that
a – God wrote the Bibleb – the writers were guided by God
c – The writers hear the words from a burning bush, d – Jesus wrote the Bible
The Bible is divided into 2 major parts – name one
Old Testament or New Testament
What event begins the New Testament?
Birth of Jesus
The first part of the book of Genesis contains stories about what?
Another name for the Bible is
A-Sacred Scripture B-New Testament C-Incarnation D-Psalms
What part of the Bible tells about what God did for his people before Jesus came?
A-Old Testament B-New Testament C-Acts of the Apostles D-Psalms
What part of the Bible tells us about the words and deeds of Jesus and the early Church?
A-Old Testament B-PsalmsC-New Testament D-Incarnation
What book of the Bible contains prayers that can be sung?
A-Gospels B-Acts of the Apostles C-GenesisD-Psalms
What books of the Bible tell the good news of Jesus, his life, and his teachings?
A-PsalmsB-Gospels C-Old Testament D-Torah
What book of the Bible tells how the Holy Spirit guided the early church
A-Old Testament B-Torah C-ProphetsD-Acts of the Apostles
Gospel Means
A-Good News B-Jesus’ Life C-Mary’s Child D-God’s Son
How many Gospels are there? – 4
There are 4 Gospel writers. Name 1. (Get all 4 named)
Matthew Mark Luke John
1.What does Saint mean?
A)Holy B) Generous C) Perfect D) Extraordinary
2.What Saint is the Patron of the UniversalChurch
A) St. PatrickB) St. Joseph C) Mary, the Mother of Jesus D) St. Peter
3.Why do Catholics pray to saints when God is the only one who can actually answer our prayers.
A) Catholics ask saints to intercede for them
B) They were always good to other people before they died; why not now?
C) Saints are good at performing miracles
D) Just to add a little variety to our prayers
4.Who is the patron of the Church in the United States?
A) St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
B) St. Francis Cabrini
C) The Immaculate Conception
D) St. Peter
5.Who or what is the Devil’s Advocate?
A) A person who affirms the fact that Satan does exist
B) Someone who says sin isn’t all that bad, so go ahead and do what you feel like doing
C) The exact opposite of a saint
D ) The person assigned by the Church to look into every detail of a person’s life as part of the canonization process.
6) What does Immaculate Conception mean
A) Before, during and after the birth of Jesus, Mary remained physically a virgin
B) Jesus was conceived through the Holy Spirit
C) Mary was free from original sin from the moment of her conception
7) What happened at the Assumption?
A) Mary found out she was going to be the Mother of the Messiah
B) Mary was taken – body and soul – into heaven
C) Mary was spared from original sin so we assume she is in heaven
D) Mary went to visit Elizabeth
8)According to Catholic Belief, Mary remained a virgin
A) Until she was officially married to Joseph
B) Until after the birth of Jesus
C) All of her life
9) What exactly is a canonized saint?
A) One of God’s specially chosen people who was holier than we could ever hope to be
B) Someone the Church has officially declared to be in heaven
C) A somber and austere person who gave up the joys of life to pray and do good works
D) A specialist in Canon law
1. Say the Apostle’s Creed
Q2. Four main parts of Creed
A2. I believe in Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Holy Catholic Church
Q3.What are the two main parts of the Bible
A3. Old & New Testament
Q4. Where would you find the Gospel of Mark? Old or New Testament?
A4. New
Q5. What does the word Acts mean in Acts 2:1-13?
A5. Acts- the Book in the Bible
Q6. What does the 2 mean?
A6. 2nd Chapter of Acts
Q7. What does the 1-13 mean?
A7. Verses 1-13 of Acts Chapter 2.
Q8. Who wrote the Bible
A8. Word of God written down by different people throughout history.
Q9. Tell one fact about the Man Born Blind that Jesus cured
A9. Read John 9: 1-12
Q10. What Book in the Bible describes the story of Creation?
A10. Genesis
Q11. What is a soul?
A11. Spiritual and Immortal part of us that was created in God’s image – unseen, make’s us God’s children
Q12.What is the Trinity?
A12. God the Father – God the Son and God the Holy Spirit – three persons, one God
Q13. Which divine “person” of the Trinity is associated with Creation?
A13. God the Father
Q14. Which divine “person” of the Trinity is associated with Love?
A14. God the Holy Spirit
Q15. Which divine “person” of the Trinity is known as the Word of God?
A15. God the Son
Q16. What was the Transfiguration?
A16. Jesus transfigured his face, clothing to show his future glory
Q17. Who was present with Jesus at his Transfiguration?
A17. James, John, Peter
Q18. Who else appeared with Jesus?
A18. Elijah and Moses
Q19. Where did it occur?
A19. Mount of Olives
Q20. Name another event that occurred on a mountain?
A20. Ascension, 10 Commandments, Beatitudes
Q21. What did the voice from the cloud during the Transfiguration say?
A21. This is my beloved son with whom I am pleased, listen to him.
Q22. What was the Immaculate Conception?
A22. Mary’s conception without Original Sin
Q23. What was the Assumption?
A23. Mary assumed into heaven – body and soul
Q24. What was the Ascension?
A24. Jesus ascended of His own power – body and soul to heaven after rising from the dead
Q25. What was the Resurrection?
A25. Jesus raised from the dead after 3 days.
Q26. What was the Crucifixion?
A26. Jesus nailed to the cross
Q27. What is the Eucharist?
A27. The Body & Blood of Jesus
Q28. When was the first Eucharist celebrated?
A28. The Last Supper
Q29. What is heaven?
A29. Eternal life and happiness with God and saints forever
Q30. What is Purgatory?
A30. Opportunity to purify and strengthen our love for God before we enter heaven
Q31. What is Hell?
A31. Immediate and everlasting separation from God and saints
Q32. Name a Saint and one fact about that saint.
A32. You did a report & should be able to answer this.
Q33. Name one of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and explain what it means.
A33. Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, Fear of the Lord
Q34. Name one of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit.
A34. Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control
Q35. What is another name or symbol for the Holy Spirit.
A35. Names: Spirit of God, Breath of God, paraclete, Advocate, Giver of life, Symbols: Dove, Fire, Wind
Q36. Name one of the Priests at St. Ann’s.
A36. Pastor: Fr. TomReilly; Priests: Fr. Joe Aquino, Fr. Joe Nolan, Fr. Ray Cadran, & Fr. John Gabriel
Q37. What is the name of our Pope?
A37. Pope Benedict XVI
Q38: Who is our Archbishop?
A38: Archbishop Wilton Daniel Gregory
Q39. Name one of the Church’s first missionaries.
A40. Paul
Q41. What is the communion of Saints?
A41. All souls on earth, in heaven and in purgatory.
Q42. What is the sacrament of Reconciliation?
A42. Confession – second baptism, removes sin after Baptism’
Q43. What was the Annunciation?
A43. Mary is told she will be the Mother of God.
Q44. Who is Our Lady of Guadalupe
A44. Mary who appeared to Juan Diego in Mexico.
Q45. What was Pentecost?
A45. Read Acts 2:1-13
Q46. What is Confirmation?
A46. Sacrament where you are sealed with the Holy Spirit, become fully initiated in the Catholic Church
Q48. Do Catholics worship Mary?
A48. No, we honor Mary as the Mother of Jesus and pray to her to intercede for us.
Q49. What is Intercessory prayer?
A49. Prayer asking on the behalf of others (not for yourself) prayers for the sick, our political & church leaders, etc.
Q50. What is Ordinary Time? What color are the vestments during this time?
A50. Normal days of church calendar (not special Holy Days) GREEN
Q51. What other colors are associated with the Liturgical year and name a season/Holy Day it’s associated with?
A51. Purple-Advent, Lent: White-Christmas, Easter: Red-Pentecost, Ascension, Palm Sunday, Triduum, some feast days
Q52: What is the Easter Triduum?
A52: 3 days- Holy Thursday (Mass of the Lord’s Supper), Good Friday, Holy Saturday