Academic Senate Meeting



September 6, 2006

Voting Members Present: Best, Bohman, Butler, Cheever, Fawver, Ferris, Furtado, Herbert, Hourcocle, Jacobs, Jones, Kalayjian, Kaplan, Kowalski, Levine, Malamud, Newton, Pu, Shakib, Sneed, Vanterpool, Vasquez, Weber and Welch.

Voting Members Absent: D’Amore, Faraji, Ganezer, Gordon, Gould, Han, Lewis, Lyons, Ma, McCarthy, McClane, Moore, Papa, Park, Parker, Pawar, Silvis, Williams, Wood and Zoerner.

Ex-Officio Members Present: Blue, Dote-Kwan, Gordon, C. Hohm, Mori, Rodriguez, J. Strong, and Yao.

Guests: Mellblom.

Call to Order at 2:40p.m.

Approval of Agenda Amended M/S/P

Approval of Minutes Amended M/S/P

Chair’s Report-Butler reported that the Senate FPC committee has been asked to review the PTE instrument this year. He also said that FPC will be looking at the RTP process as well. Butler said that a call went out to all full time faculty for nominations for the Statewide Senator position and that so far no one has responded.

TC: 3:00 p.m. Gus Martin/Pete VanHamersveld-Martin addressed the Senate and said that the campus has released information to “Pick-A-Professor” after receiving a Public Records Act request. The Chancellors Office Counsel advised the University to release the information after learning that the UC system had already taken them to court and lost their case. Pick-A-Professor uses hard data, unlike Rate My Professor, which has students opinions posted. VanHamersveld provided the data for spring of ‘06; it was all state support courses, undergraduate courses with 10 or more students. The information included the professor’s name, title of the course, and the grades. Martin said that there have been no requests for professors PTE’s and there is no opinion on that matter as of yet.

Parliamentarian Report-Kalayjian reported that a call went out for nominations for the CSU Statewide Senator. We need one faculty member to serve; they will be replacing Margaret Blue. Kalayjian also said that the Committee Preference Sheet will be coming out soon.

EPC-Jacobs reported that she needs one more person to serve on the EPC committee.

FPC-Furusa reported that he needs members for his committee. He also said that the FPC committee will be looking at PTE’s and the RTP process.

Statewide Senate-Revision by Vanterpool

The first plenary session for the academic year will be held on Thursday and Friday, September 14 and 15. Chancellor Reed, two Trustees, and other key Chancellor’s Office administrators will address the body. Statewide Senator, Vanterpool, is a member of the Faculty Affairs Committee. Included on the Faculty Affairs Committee’s agenda are the following kinds of topics: “PIC a Prof” postings of faculty grade distributions; video taping of class sessions; fostering a climate where faculty are encouraged to participate in campus leadership opportunities and in faculty governance through the Senate. Vanterpool urged the faculty, especially junior faculty members, to help foster an assertive CSU Dominguez Hills academic Senate, and to become strong advocates for matters within the domain of faculty. He also noted that on some campuses there some faculty members concerned with administrative practices of monitoring their on-line activities.

Provost’s Report-Mori reported that the WASC team would be visiting from October 9 through 11, 2006. He told faculty and senators that they may be asked to sit in on the WASC interviews and he encouraged them to read the Institutional Self Study.

Mori reported that our enrollment is ahead of last years at this time. He said that the activity during the add period is less than last year and he encouraged faculty to get students to frontload their schedules. He said that there was a time when we added 25% of our enrollment during the add time but not so anymore. Mori said that the first time freshman strand is growing and we have 950 to 1000 freshmen. He said that we are down in upper division transfer students. He said that the CLA enrollments are down the COE enrollment is down and that upper division transfers are down. It may be a while for us to see the benefits of our new programs, maybe one to two years. Mori said that the campus now has software to manage enrollment which will help us. Mori said that most of our campuses are using this system and turning their enrollments around. It tracks the status of applications. It automates most of the things we do manually.

Mori said that the student email system has been moved to the campus home page so we can communicate to students and we are looking at ways to get linking to students email done so we can communicate. Malamud asked why we insist on having email accounts for students and said it was costly. Welch said that in Nursing that is the main way they communicate with students.

Mori said that we also are involved with a company called One World. They are helping us to improve the quality of print material and allowing us to be competitive. We are gathering pictures and marketing some of the majors.

Welch asked the Mori if there was any plan to put more faculty spaces in lot #3 and Mori said he would mention it to Boice.

Open Forum-Kaplan said that he would like to have coffee at the future senate meetings. Mori said that the Senate foundation account would be funded for this. Lopez-Morin said that he needs more information on what committees are about. Butler said that he would look into it.

Meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by,


Mary Brooks, Chair’s Assistant Rod Butler, Chair