2017Fall Semester Course Syllabus
FacultyOffice Hours & Tutoring
Mr. Bernie KasilagMon-Thurs 3:00-3:30 p.m.
(626) 962-2495, ext. 5710 and by appointment in Room 104
Course Description:
This is a one semester course designed to help students understand that they can encounter Christ today in a full and real way in and through the sacraments, especially through the Eucharist. Students will examine each of the Sacraments in detail so as to learn how they may encounter Christ throughout life.
Goals: At the end of the course, Students are expected to:
- Acquire a deeper sense of appreciation of the seven sacraments by being able to relate them to contemporary social issues.
- Demonstrate an improved academic grasp of the course through various assessment methods.
- Recognize the sacramental elements and sacramental moments in everyday life through written work (reflections) and oral presentations.
- Be a “Sacrament” of God’s love; to other people and to oneself - exemplified through Community Involvement.
Required Texts
1. Amodei, Michael and Gustafson, Jamie, PhD. Meeting Jesus in the Sacraments. Ave Maria Press, 2010.
2. The New American Bible.
Required Materials to be brought to class each meeting
1. Required Texts (listed above)4. Student Planner 7. Highlighter
2. College-ruled loose-leaf notebook paper5. Black, blue and red ink pens 8. Art supplies*
3. Binder for this course only 6. #2 pencils and eraser
Each student is required to own his/her own copy of the textbooks. Students are not normally permitted to share books or other required materials. Failure tobring required materials will result in point deductions.
Other relevant materials that may be required will be communicated in advance.
Students are expected to come to class prepared with the required materials.
Grading Policy
All grading will be done according to the grading system outlined in the Student/Parent Handbook, Lancer Life. As stated in Lancer Life, “all students are graded on academic achievement and not on their religious affiliation, personal belief or the practice of their faith.” The course grade indicates comprehension of the subject matter and is not an evaluation of personal virtue, holiness of life, or the practice of religion.
The student’s course grade will be computed as follows:
Family Faith Formation 5% Final Exams 20%
Formative Assessments 25% Summative Assessments 50%
(AP, CW, HW) (TC, QZ, PR)
The resulting percentage score will be correlated to the letter grading scale in Lancer Life.
Classroom Discipline: Be Respectful at All Times.
Bishop Amat High School is built on a philosophy of Christian attitude of Goodness, Discipline and Knowledge. Students are required to abide by this philosophy in their classroom behavior with regard to their fellow students, the instructor, school property, and most importantly the respect owed to God. Conduct/Citizenship comments on report cards will reflect the adequacy of behavior in the classroom. Students are expected to know and abide by the standards of behavior and dress code as set forth in Lancer Life.
Special Points for Notice:
1.Special silence and attentiveness during prayers, pledge of allegiance and announcements.
2.Be prompt and prepared. Not being on your seat on the second bell makes you tardy.Items on or around the instructor’s desk and computer desk may not be touched, used, or read without permission.
3.Use appropriate language and gestures.
4.Raise your hand and ask permission to speak.Respect school property. If it’s your area, it’s your responsibility so in order to avoid complications, report to the faculty anything that causes or might cause you trouble.
5.You are expected to keep the classroom clean and orderly before leaving.
6.Restroom passes are limited so make sure to use the restroom before coming to class.
7.The teacher will dismiss you, NOT the bell.
If a student chooses to break a rule, the following steps will be taken:
First timeRecorded verbal reminder after school.
Second time15 minute detention (served after-school with instructor) and contact parent
Third time30 minute detention (served after-school with instructor) and contact parent
Fourth timeReport of Misconduct submitted to Dean of Discipline
Fifth timeImmediate referral to Dean
No show for detentions will be referred to the Dean
Additional Course Expectations
Students are expected to be on time and to have textbooks and other required supplies each day. Students are not permitted to go to their lockers for these items during class time. Students are expected to participate in class discussions and activities with respect and attentiveness to the instructor and to other students. A portion of the course grade is dependent on participation, which includes class preparation and attentiveness.
1.Students are expected to do their own work. Any assignment showing obvious cheating, copying, or collusion will be handled according to the disciplinary rules in Lancer Life. Furthermore, the involved persons will receive an automatic ‘0’ (zero) for the assignment. Therefore, if a classmate is having difficulty with an assignment, it will be better to explain how to do it, rather than allowing the classmate to see how you did yours.
2.All homework and classwork assignments are to be turned in on loose-leaf paper, unless otherwise instructed. Paper with ragged or torn edges will not be accepted for grading.
3.All assignments must be complete and ready to turn in at the beginning of class on the day when the assignment is due, or the assignment will be marked late. Late work will receive a penalty. Only 3 late work formative assignments will be accepted with a starting grade of 75%. All other late assignments will receive a grade of 0 and cannot be made up. Excused absences are exempt from this policy.A late project section incurs a 10% penalty for each calendar date that it is late. The MLA heading is required.
4.Student work must be legible. Illegible work will not be accepted for grading.
5.Students are responsible for completing all assignments, quizzes, and tests. Students who have been absent must take the initiative to obtain assignments and make-up any missing work. General make-up work policies can be found in Lancer Life. Students participating in any activities that will involve an absence or early dismissal from class are expected to obtain the work in advance and turn it in on the day that it is due.
6.Only students with excused absences will be permitted to make-up work that is missed. This includes homework, tests, and quizzes. Students will be given 24 hours for each day of absence in order to make-up missed assignments. Individual arrangements to extend make-up work deadlines may be discussed with the instructor.
7.Tutoring and make-up times for quizzes and tests will be scheduled with students individually.
8.Some videos that may be shown will comply with school guidelines.
- There will be at least 1-2 quizzes and a test per chapter. Schedules will be posted online.
- There is an option to make-up and improve your score within a week after the assessment so remember to check your grade portal ASAP in order to avail of this opportunity.
Semester Project/Activity
- Components/sections of the project will be assigned and turned in during each of the grading periods in the semester. This project is an essential part of the course
- Note that Lancer Life policy states that projects are due on the assigned due date, whether or not the student is absent.
- Parents/Guardians are highly encouraged to contact Mr. Kasilag by email at or through ext. 5710 regarding their son/daughter’s progress. The teacher shall respond within a reasonable amount of time.
Technology Resource
Schedules, requirements, resources and other relevant information about the course can be accessed through the class webpage. Use of electronic equipment should conform to school guidelines.
------Sign & return the bottom part ------
“I have read and understand the requirements for this Sacraments Course and I will work hard as much as I can to earn a grade I can be proud of.”
Print Student Name Signature ClassPeriod
Noted by:
Print Parent/Guardian Name Signature Date