If you are looking for a place that respects tradition while embracing the future, then you discover why God brought you here. We are a faithful place, which is led by the graciousness of the Holy Spirit and the truth of God’s Word. We hope that you might consider our church to be your spiritual home!

Come as you are. We care about you, not what you wear.

Give if you want. Our weekly offering is a commitment of our church family

and your participation is optional – we care about you, not your money.

Have questions? Feel imperfect? Looking to belong?

We welcome those who are searching for more than a religion.

Youth Happenings–Sunday, August 21st

  • Sunday School - Sr. Highs will begin the Adam Hamilton study "Half Truths" and Jr. Highs will begin the popular music study
  • Youth Group - 5:00-7:00PM

Sunday, August 28th

  • Sunday School 9:20AM
  • Youth Group - 5:00-7:00PM

FCPC Women's Ministry is hosting a Fellowship Dinner Out on Sunday, Aug. 28th, 6pm at The Chop House in Fountain City. We will order several appetizers for our tables to share, you are welcome to order a meal or dessert on your own. Please sign up on the Fellowship Board in the church office hallway by Friday the 26th. We look forward to a wonderful night of fellowship. Women of all ages are invited! If you have any questions, please contact Jan Tarver.

There is a called congregational meeting during worship on August 28th.

The Session of FCPC makes a motion for approval by the congregation that FCPC move toward one governing board, the Session, of fifteen Elders, five Elders per class serving a three year term, starting in 2017. This will be accomplished through a gradual reduction of the number of Elders over the next three years by ordaining and installing as Elders the remaining Deacons in 2017 and nominating five new Elders each year over the next three years.

  • 2016 29 officers We currently have 15 Elders and 14 Deacons for a

total 29 officers

  • 2017 25 officersWe will add 5 Elders and rotate off 5 Elders and 4 2018 20 officers We will add 5 Elders and rotate off 5 Elders and 5


  • 2019 15 officers We will add 5 Elders and rotate off 5 Elders and 5


Long Range Planningwants the congregation to know work to renovate the chapel will begin on Sept 1. Please excuse our mess as we address long-standing chapel maintenance issues. The end result will not only be an improved structure but a refurbished youth space for our youth and our new youth director.

Christian love and sympathyis extended to Jim Mohrman on the loss of his sister in Los Angeles.

Christian love and sympathyis extended to Katherine Latvala and family on the loss of her father in Nashville.

Christian love and sympathyis extended to Dottie Thompson on the loss of her nephew in Atlanta.

We have four first aid kits located around the church – 1) church office

2) fellowship hall/kitchen - kitchen's small desk 3) Youth Room- leader's office 4) church narthex- in cabinet

A big THANK YOUto those who took their time to repaint the walls of the church library recently: Bob Davis, H. E. Leach, Joe Schnorr, Jake Watson and Charline and Joe Ben Wilson. A beautiful job guys and a huge improvement to our library.

Also very special THANK YOU to Stan Pozega who has single-handedly taken on the job of rebuilding the library shelving area where the church record files will be kept. We thank You Stan for all the Fridays you have dedicated to this project. John Biddle, Home Repair Team

Max, our pastor, is often on the move, serving away from the office or working irregular hours. Should you desire to speak with him without an appointment, he is available in the office on Tuesday andWednesdayfrom 10:30 AM until 12:00 noon, phone 688-2163.

Lyn, our Director of Christian Educationand Missions, is often teaching a class or studying in another part of the building. Should you desire to speak with her without an appointment, she is available on Mondays 1-3 p.m., Tuesdays 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon, and Wednesdays 2-3 p.m.

Presbytery-wide Family Picnicat John Knox Center is Sunday, September 18th from 1 PM to 5 PM.

The Tennessee Smokieswould like to invite you to their 1stever fellowship program on Sunday, August 28th. Contact for tickets.Home Plate 2016 - Sunday, August 28, 2016–5:05 PMfirst pitch3-4 PM: Home Plate Program (gates open at2:30 PM)

Featuring: current Smokies players, former New York Yankees pitcher Aaron Small, Christian recording artist Ryan Long, and former UT linebacker Scott Galyon speaking about their careers and their faith.

Ticket Options: $26/person- ticket to Calhoun’s at the Yard, one of the most popular spaces in the ballpark. Includes game ticket + seating at large deck in left field and access to Calhoun’s BBQ buffet

August 21, 2016

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

10:30 A.M.


Welcome to our worship service. We are honored by your presence and count it a blessing to share this time together. May the warmth and acceptance of Christ’s love surround you this, and every day.

Organ Prelude Sarah Ramsey

Welcome Max E. Reddick

Choral Prelude At the Name of Jesus, Chancel Choir

Call to Worship Max E. Reddick

Leader:Let us delight in God’s gift of sabbath;

People:Let us honor the day of the Lord.

Leader:We delight in the God who sets us free;

People:We honor the Lord by doing justice.

Leader:Let us worship God!

(please stand as the organ begins)

*Hymn No.210 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

Scripture Reading Psalm 71:1-6, p.449 Jeff Thomas

Call to Confession

Choral Call to Confession I Surrender All

Prayer of Confession

Sovereign God, we confess that have not turned away from sin. We dismiss the prophets you send and ignore your call to service. We waste your gift of sabbath and reject your offer of healing. Forgive us, God of grace. Let us approach you again with reverence and with awe,

giving thanks for your saving love; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Silent Prayer of Confession

Declaration of Pardon

*Response Sung by Congregation

Glory Be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen.

*Hymn No. 586 He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands


Ritual of Friendship Jeff Thomas

Members and Guests - Please sign and pass the friendship register located on the center aisle under the pew in front

Minute for Mission Daryl Fansler

Children’s Sermon Lyn Oakley

Anthem O For Grace, Chancel Choir

Scripture Luke 13:10-17 p. 795

Sermon Compassion is the Spirit of the Law Max E. Reddick

(if not always the Letter)


Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer Max E. Reddick Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

Offertory Sarah Ramsey

*Doxology Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow

The Celebration Hymnal, p. 815

*Affirmation of Faith Max E. Reddick

God the Holy Spirit fulfills the work of reconciliation in humanity. The Holy Spirit creates and renews the church as the community in which people are reconciled to God and to one another. He enables them to receive forgiveness as they forgive one another and to enjoy the peace of God as they make peace among themselves. In spite of their sin, he gives them power to become representatives of Jesus Christ and his gospel of reconciliation to all people.

The Spirit brings God’s forgiveness to people, moves them to respond in faith, repentance, and obedience, and initiates the new life in Christ. The new life takes shape in a community in which people know that God loves and accepts them in spite of what they are. They therefore accept themselves and love others, knowing that no person has any ground on which to stand, except God’s grace. Confession of 1967


*Passing of the Peace Max E. Reddick

Leader:As Jesus offered himself to secure our peace with God, let us share that peace with one another. The peace of Christ be with you.

People: And Also with You.

(Exchange Signs of Reconciliation and the Peace of Christ with your neighbor - e.g., “The Peace of Christ be with you.” Response - “And also with you.”)

*Hymn No. 179 Awesome God

*Pastoral Benediction Max E. Reddick

*Congregational Benediction

May the grace of Christ, our Savior, and the love of God, our Father, and the fellowship of the Spirit be with us. May the grace of Christ, our Savior, and the love of God, our Father, and the fellowship of the Spirit be with us. Forever and ever, forevermore. Amen.

*Organ Postlude Sarah Ramsey ______

*For those who are able, please stand

Ushers: Denna Grogan, Don Grogan, Chris Rohwer, David Noel

Greeter: Chick Kryder

Children’s activity sheets, bulletins and crayons are available at the entrances to the sanctuary.

Hearing Aids are available for use anywhere in the sanctuary. The ushers have them available.

Copies of the Newsletter, enlarged copies of Hymns, Nicene Creed, and Apostles’ Creed are at the sanctuary entrances.

Please recycle the bulletins and enlarged hymns. Place them in the boxes provided at the entrances to the sanctuary.

For use in your personal devotion, next week’s sermon text is:

Luke 14:1, 7-14

This is the 50th year of the adoption of the confession of 1967. Ironically (or a providential coincidence), the General Assembly met then in Portland, Oregon where it also met this year to adopt the confession of Belhar. In honor of the 50th anniversary of C67 (as it is known), we will be using it as our statement of faith in the coming weeks. Later, in the fall, I will do a sermon series on the confession of Belhar.