This agreement outlines what will be expected of each program participant (client) who enters Passages Alcohol and Drug Treatment (ADT). It is required that all prospective referrals read these house rules before signing this contract.
In addition, all persons placed within Passages ADT must sign this agreement prior to beginning the treatment process.
As a client of Passages ADT, I agree to abide by the program’s rules as identified below:
1. I understand that as a client of Passages ADT, I will be assessed a daily subsistence fee of $7.00 per day for each and every day I am enrolled within the program ($7.00 per day x 60 days = $420.00). It is my responsibility to see that this bill is paid prior to my leaving Passages. If I do not have the financial resources or the ability to pay, I understand that I may seek out sources such as immediate family members and/or relatives to help cover the cost of my stay at Passages ADT.
If this debt is not satisfied when I discharge from Passages ADT, I understand that administrative personnel from Passages will notify the community-based program, probation and parole officer or any correctional facility/entity to which I am discharged of this financial obligation.
I also understand that I will not receive any letters or documentation confirming my successful completion of Passages ADT until such time as any outstanding debts owed to Passages ADT Program are cleared.
2. I agree to actively participate in and complete all mandated programming. I will do so in a non-disruptive fashion. I will respect the confidential nature of the treatment process and will respect the confidentiality of my fellow program participants. In so doing, I will not talk about any client housed within Passages to anyone (inclusive of spouses and family members) outside of Passages. Breaking of confidentiality is considered to be a serious issue and will result in appropriate disciplinary sanctions up to and including my removal from the program.
I will attend both group and one-on-one sessions as scheduled, as any failure to do so will be viewed as a major program violation. In addition to chemical dependency programming, I understand that my individual treatment regimen could include participation within Cognitive Principles and Restructuring, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Parenting, Victimology, Positive Relationships, Thinking for Change Journaling, etc.
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Client Contract
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3. Clients of Passages ADT will be offered on-going religious and recreational activities. I understand that I will be encouraged to participate within these functions.
4. I will comply with the instructions of Passages staff. I will be honest and straightforward at all times.
5. I understand that, as a client of Passages ADT, I will be allowed visitation privileges. These visits will be held in the Passages Food Service area. I agree to conduct myself in a responsible and respectful manner during these visits and I also understand that my family and/or friends will be expected to do the same. Those individuals entering the visitation area under the influence of alcohol and/or illicit drugs will be asked to leave immediately and their visitation privileges will be permanently revoked. I also understand that any attempt made at passing contraband during these visits is in direct violation of program policy and could result in my removal from the program.
6. I understand that all mail, packages, personal inventory, etc. forwarded to me while I am housed within Passages ADT will be screened by staff in accordance with nationally recognized correctional standards. All client mail (excluding those designated and recognized as “legal”) and all parcels will be opened and examined by program staff for the presence of illegal contraband.
The mailing address for Passages ADT Program is 1001 South 27th Street, Billings, Montana 59101.
7. I understand that gaming or gambling of any kind is prohibited within Passages.
8. I understand that while I am a client housed within Passages, it will be strictly forbidden for me to have any type of contact with program residents of the Alternatives, Inc. or any other community-based correctional center. This includes telephone conversations, U.S. mail, third-party messages, notes, “casual conversations,” etc. Violation of this rule could result in my removal from Passages.
9. I agree to complete my therapeutic task on a daily basis. I also agree to participate in those regularly scheduled “super-clean” duties and community service activities as designated by program staff.
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10. I agree to maintain acceptable levels of personal hygiene. I will be properly attired at all times and will be responsible for keeping my clothing laundered on a regular basis.
11. I agree not to use, possess or introduce into Passages any weapons, alcoholic beverages, drugs or anything related to their use.
12. As a client of Passages ADT, I understand that it is forbidden for me to enter the room(s) of my fellow program participants. .
13. As a client of Passages ADT, I agree to submit to both random and regularly scheduled urinalysis and breathalyzer testing. I understand that as a program client I am also subject to random or regularly scheduled pat downs on my person.
14. I agree to keep my personal inventory to a manageable size in accordance with current Passages ADT policies. I understand that program staff will conduct periodic inventories of my personal belongings and, if my personal inventory exceeds allowable standards, I will be held responsible for making arrangements to have this excess inventory immediately removed from the premises of Passages ADT Program.
I also understand that I will be prohibited from bringing in any clothing bearing the corporate logos of any beer, wine or alcohol manufacturer. Any clothing with designs or logos making references to or promoting those alternative lifestyles deemed inappropriate by program policy or process will not be placed on individual client inventories and must be removed from the facility.
15. I agree not to leave the premises of Passages at anytime. It is understood that anytime I, as a client of Passages ADT, am required to leave the facility, it will be in the company and direct supervision of program staff. I agree to be accountable for my whereabouts at all times. I understand that any unauthorized absence from Passages ADT will result in my being charged with felony escape under the Montana Code Annotated.
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16. I understand that any verbal, physical or emotional abuse directed toward other program participants, staff and/or anyone from the community will result in my immediate removal from the Passages.
17. As Passages is recognized and operates as a community-based correctional facility, any fraternization or inappropriate contact (physical or sexual) with my peer clients and/or program staff will not be tolerated. I understand that if I engage in any activities of this nature, I will be terminated from the program.
18. I understand that, as a client of Passages ADT, I am prohibited from entering into any contract or engaging in any business, borrowing money or property from fellow program clients, incurring debts or opening a bank account or any type of charge account(s).
19. I will keep my room clean at all times. Passages staff will (both randomly and regularly) inspect all client living quarters. I understand that any damage intentionally done to the physical plant of Passages or the contents therein will not be tolerated and will result in my removal from the program. Restitution for intentional damage(s) or acts of vandalism done to either the facility or contents of Passages will be assigned to the involved program client(s).
20. I understand that Passages ADT is a tobacco free program. Use of tobacco is prohibited. Violation of this rule constitutes a major breech of life-safety regulations and will result in my termination from Passages ADT.
21. I will actively participate in all fire drills as conducted by the staff of Passages. I understand these fire drills are conducted at least monthly and I will comply with all directions given by Passages staff at the time these fire drills are conducted.
I have read the Client Contract of Passages ADT Program and I agree to comply with all the terms and conditions as outlined above.
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I am committed to making those personal changes necessary for me to remain chemical and crime-free. Thus, I am prepared to become meaningfully involved in Passages and the treatment opportunities available to me. I am prepared to honestly accept responsibility for my own behaviors and will demonstrate such through my actions.
I understand that if I violate any part of this contract, I can be immediately removed from Passages ADT and returned to my previous custody level or segregated to a higher custody level environment until such time as appropriate disciplinary procedures are implemented.
By signing this Client Contract, I acknowledge my understanding of the terms outlined in this agreement and I will abide by the rules and regulations of Passages throughout the entirety of my placement.
Client signature Date
Staff Signature/Witness Date
Staff Title
Passages Client Contract revised 12/06
P54 1/07