Student Self Test Quiz Questions
Chapter 10 “The marketing communications mix”
1. All elements in the Marketing Mix project a message.
@ Pages and References: p 274 Topic: Introduction to the marketing communications mix
*a. T
b. F
2. Each element of the Marketing Communications Mix should integrate with other the other tools so that a ______.
@ Pages and References: p 273 Topic: Introduction to the marketing communications mix
a. balanced budget is allocated
b. well-planned media campaign is implemented
*c. unified message is consistently reinforced
d. all creative elements are incorporated into the campaign
3. The Marketing Communications Mix provides a menu of communication methods which can be used separately or ideally blended to achieve communication objectives and usually comprise: .
@ Pages and References: p 277 Topic: What is the communications mix?
a. advertising, pricing, publicity, sales promotion, and personal selling
b. advertising, pricing, publicity, packaging and personal selling
c. advertising, publicity, sales promotion, product and personal selling
*d. advertising, publicity, sales promotion, packaging and personal selling
4. Non-personal communications, aimed at managing image and building the brand, have been traditionally one-way, asymmetrical communications, transmitted indirectly through a medium. Which of the examples below is the out one out?
@ Pages and References: p 278 Topic: What is the communications mix?
a. TV for advertising
b. an event for sponsorship
c. a pack for sales promotion
*d a salesperson
5. Personal communications, aimed at managing sales, service and customer contact, are mainly two-way, symmetrical dialogue, transmitted directly. Which of the examples below is the out one out?
@ Pages and References: p 278 Topic: What is the communications mix?
a. face-to-face sales contact
b. telemarketing
c. email
*d. website
6 Traditional forms of ______are characterised by non-personal, one-way messages paid for by an identified sponsor and transmitted to a mass and often homogeneous audience in order to influence, inform or persuade.
@ Pages and References: p 280 Topic: Description of communication mix tools
Ans. Advertising
7. ______is characterised by face-to-face, two-way communication in which a representative of the seller interprets customer need or problem by presenting brand benefits.
@ Pages and References: p 280 Topic: Description of communication mix tools
Ans. Personal Selling
8. The planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain goodwill and mutual understanding between an organisation and its publics is referred to as ______.
@ Pages and References: p 281 Topic: Description of communication mix tools
Ans. Public Relations
9. ______is the accurately targeted direct and personalised communications attempting to create and sustain a relationship and on-going dialogue.
@ Pages and References: p 281 Topic: Description of communication mix tools
Ans. Direct Marketing
10. Advertising, viral marketing and direct marketing may be better employed to ______:
@ Pages and References: p 281 Topic: Description of communication mix tools
a. build brands
b. keep audiences in touch with changes
*c. create awareness, especially for new products launched into a new category
d. maintain brand image for products in a mature category
11. The slow-burn maintenance of relationships, and the progression of contracts in a B2B context is where ______comes into its own.
@ Pages and References: p 281 Topic: Description of communication mix tools
a. advertising
b. public relations
*c. personal selling
d. direct marketing
12. Public relations, word of mouth and even individual selling propositions are difficult to control as two-way communications is contextual and individual and open to interpretation and variation.
@ Pages and References: p 282 Topic: Description of communication mix tools
a. F
*b. T
13. Hughes and Fill (2007) argue that the promotional mix is no longer a viable interpretation and that a new marketing communications mix - “MCM2” – involving ______, an approach that “incorporates a revised classification of direct and indirect media”.
@ Pages and References: p 282 Topic: Description of communication mix tools
a. mainly message content
*b. mainly message content and the media mix
c. mainly the media mix
d. market segmentation, communication, message content and the media mix
14. In Keller’s (2001) discussion of the environmental factors which affect the mix, he describes the criterion of as being the inherent ability of the mix component to reach an audience.
@ Pages and References: p 282 Topic: Description of communication mix tools
*a. coverage
b. frequency
c. schedule
d. media vehicle
15. When the movie Fight Club criticises consumer culture by destroying a “feminine nest-building icon like IKEA”, that is ______.
@ Pages and References: p 284 Topic: Description of communication mix tools
a. product placement
b. brand advertising
c. consumer referencing
*d. negative product placement
16. Advertisements which are paid for by a company, but have the appearance of being an editorial (as it is written and presented in the idiom of the journal’s style rather than being transparently an advertisement), are often referred to as ______..
@ Pages and References: p 284 Topic: Description of communication mix tools
a. advertising messages
b. advertising ploys
*c. advertorials
d. advergaming
17. Communication which elicits sales-oriented “calls to action” in the form of telemarketing or coupon-response based appeals crosses over pure brand advertising and direct marketing techniques is referred to ______.
Pages and References: p 284 Topic: Description of communication mix tools
a. viral marketing
b. direct marketing
*c. direct-response advertising
d. word of mouth
18. Brand communications which are ‘placed’ within the plot-line of a TV programme or movie are paid for as if they were conventional advertising are referred to as ______.
Pages and References: p 284 Topic: Description of communication mix tools
a. TV advertising
*b. product placement
c. product promotion
d. brand promotion
19. Direct-response TV, a promotional offer on direct mail for redemption at retail store, trade incentive to be redeemed at an exhibition stand and posters displaying 0800 number are all examples of ‘cross-breed’ or ‘cross-boundary’ communications.
@ Pages and References: What is the communications mix?
a. F
*b. T
20. ______refers to how the components can be best combined for best overall effect.
@ Pages and References: p 282 Topic: Description of communication mix tools
a. co-ordination
*b. complementarity
d.communication effect