Thank you for your interest in becoming a Kansas Child Care Training Opportunities (KCCTO) trainer.

In this packet you will find:

  • KCCTO Trainer Process
  • KCCTO Trainer Criteria
  • KCCTO Trainer Application
  • KCCTO Course List
  • KCCTO Professional Reference Forms
  • KCCTO Trainer Mini-Grant Levels

As an approved KCCTO trainer, you will have access to:

KDHE approved trainings from 2-10 clock hours

Course Materials & Completion Certificates

KCCTO Staff Support

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to give us a call or email us at 800-227-3578 or email us at:


Kasey Kile

Training and Curriculum Specialist

I. Applicant Contact Information:


Mailing Address: ______

City: ______State:_____ Zip: ______County: ______

Telephone number: ( ) E-mail:______

Agency (if sponsoring organization): ______

KCCTO Trainer Level for which you are applying (check level and/or Content Specialist):

Kansas Child Care Training Opportunities, Inc. 2323 Anderson Avenue, Suite 151, Manhattan, KS 66502-2912 Ph.: 800.227.3578 or 785.532.7197 Page 1

Level 1

Level 2

Content Specialist (area):______

Kansas Child Care Training Opportunities, Inc. 2323 Anderson Avenue, Suite 151, Manhattan, KS 66502-2912 Ph.: 800.227.3578 or 785.532.7197 Page 1

II. Employment History: Attach resume or vita and/or complete the following experience working directly with infants, toddlers, pre-school, or school-age children and adult teaching experience. List most recent employment first.

Dates of Employment (MM/YY to MM/YY): ______

Employer Name: ______

Employer Address, phone, email address: ______

Supervisor Name: ______

Position title anddescription: ______

Dates of Employment (MM/YY to MM/YY): ______

Employer Name: ______

Employer Address, phone, email address: ______

Supervisor Name: ______

Position title and description: ______

Dates of Employment (MM/YY to MM/YY): ______

Employer Name: ______

Employer Address, phone, email address: ______

Supervisor Name: ______

Position title and description: ______

Dates of Employment (MM/YY to MM/YY): ______

Employer Name: ______

Employer Address, phone, email address: ______

Supervisor Name: ______

Position title and description: ______

Present or former family child care providerlist most recent KDHE license #: ______

III. Education & Training:

Check all that apply. Submit original transcript(s) in a sealed envelope with your application.

Associate Degree (Send Transcript)



Bachelor Degree (Send Transcript)



Master’s Degree(s) (Send Transcript) Institution(s):______

Degree(s): ______

Doctoral Degree(s) (Send Transcript) Institution(s):______

Degree(s): ______

IV. Trainer Credentials and Certifications (must be submitted for content specialist if vita/resume does not support specific content area listed on page 1 of application):

List professional trainer certifications and/or credential(s), content area supported by credential, and date(s) of completion. Submit verification of attendance. Use additonalsheet(s) if necessary.







V. Adult Teaching Experience:

List most recentpresentations given online and/or face-to-face. Include course date(s), title/content, audience and location. Attach another sheet if necessary.

Dates (to/from): ______

Course Title/Content: ______

Audience: ______

Location: ______

Dates (to/from): ______

Course Title/Content: ______

Audience: ______

Location: ______

Dates (to/from): ______

Course Title/Content: ______

Audience: ______

Location: ______

Dates (to/from): ______

Course Title/Content: ______

Audience: ______

Location: ______

VI. References:

Applicants must submit twoprofessional referenceson KCCTO Reference Forms.The references must be from: current or most recent employer and/orindividualfamiliar with your professional and specifically your training abilities. KCCTO reserves the right to contact references. KCCTO staff will contact local DCFoffice and local health department if applicant is, or has been, a child care provider to verify compliance.

VII. Signature required to process application:

  • I verify that the information on this application is correct to the best of my knowledge.
  • I give my permission to release information in this application to Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF) and Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE).
  • I understand that all informationcontained in this application and collected from DCF and KDHE will be maintained for the confidential use of Kansas Child Care Training Opportunities, Inc. (KCCTO).
  • If I’m approved as a KCCTO trainer I agree to use KCCTO materials and follow KCCTO policies and procedures for training.
  • I understand annual membership in KCCTO is required for approved trainers.

I have read the above guidelines and agree.


VIII. Enclose the following:

This application cannot be processed until all materials are received.

  1. Completed Trainer Application form
  2. Original college transcript(s)
  3. Copy(s) of trainer certificates(if appropriate)
  4. Signed KCCTO Trainer Agreement (Section VII of this application)
  5. Two completed and in a sealed envelope Reference Forms
  6. Non-refundable Trainer application fee of $25.00 (check or money order)
    (Upon approval, $15 of application fee will be applied to a KCCTO annual membership which allows access to KCCTO courses, resources and staff support)

After receipt of the completed Trainer Application packet, your application will be submitted to the KCCTO Trainer and Sponsor Approval Committee for review. Approved applications will be notified by email.

Kansas Child Care Training Opportunities, Inc. 2323 Anderson Avenue, Suite 151, Manhattan, KS 66502-2912 Ph.: 800.227.3578 or 785.532.7197 Page 1

Mail to:


Trainer Application

2323 Anderson Avenue, Suite 151

Manhattan, KS 66502-2912

For more information:

Ph.: 800.227.3578

Ph.: 785.532.7197

KCCTO Professional Reference Form for Trainer Applicants

Applicant Name: ______

Address: ______City: ______Zip: ______

Phone: (______) ______Email: ______

APPLICANT: Applicant Waiver: You may voluntarily waive your right to have access to a specific Professional Reference Form written about you in accordance with The Federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, by signing and dating this certificate. Provide an envelope for the reference to seal and send back to you.
I waive, relinquish and disclaim all my rights to have access to this Professional Reference Form for the KCCTO Trainer Application.
Applicant Signature: ______Date: ______

PERSON of REFERENCE: You have been selected by the applicant to complete a professional reference form to assist KCCTO in determining the applicant’s qualifications to become a KCCTO trainer. Please complete this form entirely, place in an envelope, seal and sign across the seal before returning to the applicant. The applicant will submit to KCCTO with their completed application.

Reference Name: ______

Current Position: ______Employer/Agency: ______

Address: ______City: ______

Phone: (______) ______Email: ______

Length of time you’ve known the applicant: Month/Year ______/______to Month/Year ______/______

Briefly describe the nature of your professional relationship: ______

Please circle rating in the table below according to the following scale:

0=No opportunity to observe or not applicable1=minimal ability 2=average ability 3=exceptional ability

Demonstrates knowledge of adult learning principles / 0 1 2 3
Demonstrates skill in training delivery (ex: experiential learning, group engagement and management) / 0 1 2 3
Works cooperatively with team members / 0 1 2 3
Demonstrates understanding of, and respect for, individual values and beliefs / 0 1 2 3
Demonstrates respect and appreciation for diverse groups and individuals / 0 1 2 3
Demonstrates professionalism (timely, organized, appearance, speech) / 0 1 2 3
Demonstrates written communication skills with adults / 0 1 2 3
8. / Communicates clearly, honestly, sensitively and diplomatically / 0 1 2 3
9. / Demonstrates expertise in subject matter (ex: early childhood, nutrition) / 0 1 2 3
10. / Demonstrates knowledge of curriculum development for adults / 0 1 2 3
11. / Demonstrates skills in mentoring / 0 1 2 3
12. / Demonstrates ethical behavior and maintains confidentiality / 0 1 2 3
13. / Demonstrates proficiency in using technology to support learning / 0 1 2 3
14. / Comments:

Please check one choice below and sign.

□I recommend this applicant as a KCCTO trainer. Signature: ______

□I DO NOT recommend this applicant as a KCCTO trainer.

Signature: ______

Date: ______

KCCTO Trainer Criteria


KCCTO actively recruits trainers and sponsors who have work experience, educational background, and a personal history in early childhood development or related field.

Meet one of the following education levels:

Level 1 / Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education or Family Studies and Human Services and two years of experience in the early childhood field.
Bachelor's degree in related field (Ex: Social Work, Nursing) with five or more years of experience in the early childhood field.
(Eligible to train all course levels)
Level 2 / Master’s or Doctorate degree in Early Childhood Education or Family Studies and Human Services and four years of experience in early childhood field.
Master’s or Doctorate degree in related field with five or more years of experience in the early childhood field.
(Eligible to train all course levels)
Content Specialist / Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctorate degree in a specific area (example: nutrition or nursing) with a minimum of five years of experience in respective profession.
(Eligible to train any course level within expertise area)

All applications will be reviewed by the Trainer and Sponsor Approval Committee. All information submitted to, and obtained by, the Trainer and Sponsor Approval Committee will be confidential. However, the list of all approved trainers and sponsors will be made available to state agency personnel for statewide distribution.

Those applicants whose credentials indicate expertise may include:

  • Experienced Head Start/Preschool/Center Teachers and Directors
  • Experienced Child Care Providers
  • Child Care Food Program Sponsors
  • College and University Faculty
  • Child Care Resource and Referral Agency Staff
  • Public Health Nurses, Social Workers, Family and Consumer Sciences Agents, Mental Health Professionals, and Red Cross Instructors
  • School Counselors or Teachers

Criteria for Trainer Approval

To apply to become a KCCTO trainer, you must submit the application along with the requested supporting documents. After receipt of the completed application packet, your application will be sent to the Trainer and Sponsor Approval Committee for review.

A. Professional Work Experience (paid or volunteer) Successful applicants will have at least two years of relevant work experience in one or more of the following areas:

  • Adult Education or Adult Training.
  • Working directly with infants, toddlers, pre-school, or school-age children in a child care center, child care home, or the child’s own home.
  • Working directly with children with special needs (e.g. disabled, abused, neglected, or at-risk).
  • In a subject matter of interest (e.g. nutrition, health, parent education).
  • Other relevant work or training experience.

B. Educational Background

  • Associate's degree in Early Childhood Education with two years of experience in early childhood field
  • Associates degree in a related field with fiveyears experience in the early childhood field
  • Bachelor'sdegree in Early Childhood Education with two years of experience in early childhood field
  • Bachelor'sdegree in related field with five years of experience in early childhood field
  • Master’s or Doctorate degree in Early Childhood Education or Family Studies and Human Services and fouryears experience in early childhood field.
  • Master’s or Doctorate degree in related field with five or more years experience in early childhood field.
  • Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctorate degree in a specific area (example: nutrition, nursing) with a minimum of five years experience in respective profession.
  1. Communication and Teaching Skills - Successful applicants will meet KCCTO Trainer Criteria including communication and teaching skills necessary to plan training, effectively lead a group discussion, complete reports, and motivate learners.
  2. References - Applicants must submit two professional referenceson KCCTO Reference Forms. The references must be from: current or most recent employer and/or individual familiar with your professional abilities. KCCTO reserves the right to contact references. KCCTO staff will contact local DCF office and local health department if applicant is, or has been, a child care provider to verify compliance.

After review by KCCTO, trainer will receive notice of approval for Level and detailed instructions to begin training.

Criteria for Trainer Denial/Appeal and Termination

The following is a list of criteria for non-approval and/or termination:

  • Has had a Provider Agreement with Kansas Division for Children and Families (DCF) or Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) child care licensing terminated or denied (DCF or KDHE initiated).
  • Is currently operating, or has previously operated, a child care facility that has substantiated non-compliance with state licensing/registration law and regulations regarding documented violations of lack of understanding of child development and/or discipline or has violations with KDHE.
  • Has continued unsatisfactory evaluations by participants reported to the Trainer and Sponsor Approval Committee by the KCCTO office staff (after suggested plans for improving training have been discussed with the trainer).
  • Does not meet established KCCTO Trainer Competencies.
  • Knowingly provides incorrect information on application form.

The following will occur, if a trainer application has been denied:

  • Potential trainer applicants will receive a formal letter stating the reason the application was denied.
  • The applicant can appeal the denial by addressing the concerns in writing to the committee within 30 calendar days of the original denial.
  • The applicant’s appeal will be reviewed by the Trainer and Sponsor Approval Committee and the KCCTO Board members at the next regularly scheduled committee meeting.
  • If the applicant’s response is unsatisfactory, the application will receive a final denial.

Deniedapplicants may reapply after one year from the original denial. When reapplying, the applicant will need to show how they have addressed/corrected the original concern and include two (2) current letters of reference reflecting the past year.

The following will occur, if a trainer is deemed terminated.

  • Trainer will receive a formal letter stating the reason for termination.
  • The applicant can appeal the termination by addressing the concerns in writing to the trainer/sponsor approval committee within 30 calendar days of termination.
  • The trainer’s appeal will be reviewed by the Trainer and Sponsor Approval Committee at the next scheduled meeting with final recommendation to board for board action.
  • If the applicant’s response is unsatisfactory, the application will receive a final termination.

KCCTO Trainer Process

  1. Approved KCCTO Trainer
  2. Request Materials & Schedule Course Date
  3. Course materials, registration and evaluation forms are sent to trainer
  4. KCCTO advertises course on statewide training calendar
  5. Trainer determines cost of training to participants (needs to include processing fee of $5 per person to KCCTO)
  6. Upon completion of course, trainer provides participant roster and evaluations to KCCTO office
  7. KCCTO processes course certificates and mails to trainer for signature and distribution to participants

Additional Criteria:

  • Each scheduled training event must be scheduled through the KCCTO office; regardless if course material is repeated.
  • Per trainer request; pre-registration for course participation can go through the KCCTO office; (via email or phone) otherwise it will be handled by trainer.
  • All collection of course fees are the responsibility of the KCCTO trainer for each KCCTO course trained. The KCCTO trainer is responsible for sending KCCTO the $5 per participant fee.
  • Participant certificates of completion will not be processed until processing fee, participant roster and evaluations have been sent to the KCCTO office.

KCCTO Trainer Mini-Grants
Goals of the Mini-Grant

Mini-grants are awarded to KCCTO approved trainers to offset costs for training materials, guest speakers, room rental, travel and trainer honoraria; to encourage professional growth of trainers; to recognize effort of experienced trainer; and to ensure high quality training materials are offered.

To achieve these goals, mini-grants will be awarded according to the following priorities:

  1. Increase availability of professional development topics in geographically dispersed locations focusing on rural areas of the state.
  2. Diversify trainer pool and increase access to content specific trainers.
  3. Recognize education level of trainer.

Trainers will submit an application for mini-grants along with request for training materials. KCCTO will use a weighted priority system to determine award of mini-grants. Trainers will be notified of grant award prior to beginning the course.

Trainer Levels

Level 1 / Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education or Family Studies and Human Services and two years of experience in the early childhood field.
Bachelor's degree in related field (Ex: Social Work, Nursing) with five or more years of experience in the early childhood field.
Level 2 / Master’s or Doctorate degree in Early Childhood Education or Family Studies and Human Services and four years of experience in early childhood field.
Master’s or Doctorate degree in related field with four or more years of experience in the early childhood field.
Content Specialist / Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctorate degree in a specific area (example: nutrition or nursing) with a minimum of four years of experience in respective profession.

Trainer Mini-Grant Rate Chart

Course Hours / Trainer Level / Rate / Six (6), eight (8), and ten (10)-hour courses are available for mini-grants. A minimum of 10 participants must complete the course to eligible for the grant.
6-hour course / 1 / $300
2 / $360
Content Specialist / $300
8-hour course / 1 / $400
2 / $480
Content Specialist / $400
10-hour course / 1 / $500
2 / $600
Content Specialist / $500

Kansas Child Care Training Opportunities, Inc. 2323 Anderson Avenue, Suite 151, Manhattan, KS 66502-2912 Ph.: 800.227.3578 or 785.532.7197 Page 1