Alabama Youth Legislature

The Alabama YMCA Youth Legislature is a program promoted and developed through the Tri-Hi-Y, Hi-Y and Government Clubs of the YMCA. It is a sound, educational approach to the development of citizen participation in the democratic government by providing opportunities to high school youth to study public government through a model legislative program.

The Hi-Y Clubs and Government Clubs have been chosen as the media through which the program is organized because these entities offer the best source of potential youth leadership in the appropriate age group. Hi-Y and Government Clubs have the stability, experience, motivation and purpose necessary as an incubator for

Youth Legislature participation, and their regimen of regular meetings lends itself to the study and discussion of public affairs.

Since its first Session in 1949, the Alabama YMCA Youth Legislature has met annually, serving approximately 500-600 students in each of its Sessions. It is procedurally designed so as to be a replica of the Alabama Legislature.

The Youth Legislature Board of Directors maintains a strict philosophy that no aspect of the regular legislative pattern is to be changed or abridged.

Youth Legislature officials are elected and preside according to rules adopted, as closely as possible, to reflect the actual rules in force in the Alabama Legislature.

Bills are drafted in local clubs and brought to the State Capital for consideration and debate. Thus, delegates to Youth Legislature attain an actual experience in the legislative process, and obtain a better understanding of the complexities of the legislative process and parliamentary procedure.

YMCA Youth Legislature Program
Important Dates

Early Bird Registration Deadline

Bill Submission Deadline
All Bills must be submitted online by TBA
All Bills must be 'PUBLISHED' by advisors by TBA

Officer Training
February 26-28, 2010
Embassy Suites Hotel
Alabama State House
Montgomery, AL

District Meetings

What District am I in??

District 1 / District 2 / District 3 / District 4
Date / January 25, 2009 / January 31, 2009 / January 25, 2009 / February 8, 2009
Time / 1:30pm-3:30pm / 9:00am - 12:30pm / 2:00pm - 4:00 pm / 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Host / JacksonvilleHigh School / TBD / TrinityPresbyterianSchool
City / Anniston, AL / Troy, AL / Montgomery, AL / Mobile, AL
Location / JacksonvilleHigh School
Click Here for Directions / TroyUniversity
Click Here for Directions / Trinity Presbyterian School
Willet Hall
Click Here for Directions / TBD

Jonathan Quisenberry, Youth Governor
D'Jara Britton, Lt. Governor
Brannen McMahan, President Pro Tem
Henry Weatherly, Senate Floor Leader
Amanda Pfluke, Speaker of the House
Logan Powell, Speaker Pro Tem
Caroline Madison, House Floor Leader
Whitney Lott, First Year Presiding Officer
Katherine Cardona, Secretary of State
TBD, Chief Justice


In 1987, recognizing that a separate program was needed for younger, first-year delegates, the YMCA Youth in Government program began the First Year Legislature.
Held concurrently with the Session of the YMCA Youth Legislature, the First Year Legislature is designed to provide newcomers with the experience and knowledge that can assist them immensely as they progress toward full participation in the YMCA Youth Legislature.
The First Year Legislature operates as a unicameral body, with an emphasis on educating First Year Participants in legislative procedure, parliamentary procedure and debating skills. The program is mandatory for 9th and 10th Grade newcomers, but is optional for first-year participants who are in the 11th and 12th Grades.
At the beginning of each Session of First Year Legislature, the body elects its Presiding Officer, who shall have the following qualifications:

  1. At least one year's previous experience in the Alabama YMCA Youth Legislature.
  2. Ability to speak in public extemporaneously.
  3. Knowledge of parliamentary procedure.
  4. Knowledge of present day issues and problems.
  5. Personality, appearance, dress, poise and good voice.
  6. Member of an affiliated Hi-Y, Tri-Hi-Y or Government Club.