Thank you for your application under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 ("the Act") in relation to whole time firefighter recruitment within Humberside Fire and Rescue Service.
The request is:
Would you please give me the following details on the Whole time Firefighter recruitment campaign for 2016;
1/. Total number of candidates applying ?,
2/. No of successful candidates on recruits course ?
3/. Was there a ‘reserve list’ and if so, how many candidates were on it, were any used for vacancies on the training courses as replacements, how many were left on the reserve list and not used ?
4/. What has happened to those reserve list candidates ?
5/. How many training personnel were utilised in the 2016 campaign things such as ‘taster days’...recruit aptitude tests....and anything else associated with the recruitment process?
6/. How many ‘man hours’ were allocated to the 2016 campaign ?
7/. How much did the 2016 campaign cost the service and therefore the council tax payer?
And for the 2017 campaign.....
1/. How many events are planned ..taster days, etc etc ?
2/. How many service personnel are you expecting to use ?
3/. How many candidates/recruits are you looking to recruit ?
4/. If there are any personnel left on the 2016 reserve the service planning to use them ?
5/. What is the allocated/estimated budget for the 2017 campaign ?
The response is:
Would you please give me the following details on the Whole time Firefighter recruitment campaign for 2016;
1/. Total number of candidates applying ?,
2/. No of successful candidates on recruits course ?
3/. Was there a ‘reserve list’ and if so, how many candidates were on it, were any used for vacancies on the training courses as replacements, how many were left on the reserve list and not used ?
There was an initial reserve list of 10 candidates and all have been used.
4/. What has happened to those reserve list candidates ?
As above
5/. How many training personnel were utilised in the 2016 campaign things such as ‘taster days’...recruit aptitude tests....and anything else associated with the recruitment process?
Staff from across the Service were used at various stages of the recruitment process. We have not collected specific data on the numbers used overall.
6/. How many ‘man hours’ were allocated to the 2016 campaign ?
No specific hours were allocated.
7/. How much did the 2016 campaign cost the service..and therefore the council tax payer?
Data not available.
And for the 2017 campaign.....
1/. How many events are planned ..taster days, etc etc ?
2/. How many service personnel are you expecting to use ?
We are currently seeking volunteers.
3/. How many candidates/recruits are you looking to recruit ?
4/. If there are any personnel left on the 2016 reserve the service planning to use them ?
5/. What is the allocated/estimated budget for the 2017 campaign ?
This is within existing budgets.
If you are unhappy with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask for an internal review. A request for an internal review should be made within 2 months of the date of this email. If you are not happy with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply direct to the Information Commissioner. The address is: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.