UNBound Documents Index

Click on blue index number to download.

JS0001 Smith, Joseph F. Affidavit Books, 4 vols. VOLUMES 1, transcript. MS 3423. LDS Church History Library.

JS0002 Smith, Joseph F. Affidavit Books, 4 vols. VOLUME 2, transcript. MS 3423. LDS Church History Library.

JS0003 Clayton, William, “William Clayton’s Nauvoo Diaries and Personal Writings.” compiled by Robert C. Fillerup. (accessed December 12, 2009)."

JS0004 Johnson, Benjamin F.,My Life’s Review. 1893. typescript.

JS0005 Helen Mar Kimball Whitney, 1828-1896, Autobiography (c. 1839-1846), ""Life Incidents,"" Woman's Exponent 9-10 (1880-1882) and ""Scenes and Incidents in Nauvoo,""Woman's Exponent11 (1882-83), typescript.

JS0006 Bennett, John C., “Letter from General Bennett,” October 28, 1843,Hawk Eye(Burlington, Iowa), December 7, 1843, 1, typescript.

JS0007 Smith, Joseph, (Sangamo Journal10 [8 July 1842], letter regarding John C. Bennett's withdrawal, transcript.

JS0008 Illinois Code, 1827, pdf.

JS0009 Riggs, Michael S., and John E. Thompson. “Joseph Smith, Jr., and ‘The Notorious Case of Aaron Lyon’: Evidence of Earlier Doctrinal Development of Salvation for the Dead and a Trigger for the Practice of Polyandry?”John Whitmer Historical Association Journal26 (2006): 101-19.

JS0010 Brotherton, Martha H. Affidavit, July 13, 1842.Sangamo Journal(Springfield, Illinois) 10 (July 22, 1842); rpt. fromNative American Bulletin(St. Louis) 1 (July 16, 1842); and rpt. inWarsaw [Illinois] Signal, July 23, 1842;New York Herald8 (July 25, 27, 1842);Louisville Daily Journal12 (July 25, 1842): 183 (extracts);Alton [Illinois] Telegraph and Democratic Review7 (July 30, 1842);Quincy [Illinois] Whig, 5 (August 6, 1842): [2].

JS0011 SCHINDLE, Melissa,Sangamo Journal10 [15 July 1842], typescript.

JS0012 SMETHURST, Thomas, Affidavit,The Morning Chronicle1 (27 July 1842), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

JS0013Affidavits and Certificates, Disproving the Statements and Affidavits Contained in John C. Bennett’s Letters. Nauvoo, Illinois, August 31, 1842, typescript.

JS0014 Alger, Fanny, information sheet.

JS0015 Angel commanding polygamy information sheet.

JS0016 Johnson, Benjamin F., excerpt from 1903 letter discussing plural marriage.

JS0017 Winchester, Benjamin, Interview, 27 November 1900 (RLDS archives – Call Number _____ ?; not proofed)

JS0018 Bigamy according to Illinois Law, information sheet.

JS0019 Plural Marriage in Nauvoo: 1841-1844, Books and articles

JS0020 Bowes, John.Mormonism Exposed. London: R. Bulman, 1850, excerpts, photocopy.

JS0021 "Buckeye's Lamentation for Want of More Wives," transcript.

JS0022 Possible Children born to Joseph Smith, by H. Michael Marquardt, report.

JS0023 Smith, David Hyrum Letter to Sherman Smith in Pontiac, Michigan, 27 July 1872,

JS0024 Brotherton, Edward, information.

JS0025 Partridge Lyman, Eliza Marie, 1820-1885, Autobiography (1820-1885) "Life and Journal of Eliza Marie Partridge (Smith) Lyman," typescript, HBLL, typescript.

JS0026 Huntington, Dimick, recollections regarding sisters sealed to Joseph. Typescript.

JS0027 Partridge Young, Emily, 1824-1899 Autobiography, typescript, HBLL. REMINISCENCE, Salt Lake City, Utah; April 7, 1884. “What I remember. . .

JS0028 Smith, Emma, “MRS. JOE SMITH,”Wellsville Daily Reporter4 (27 October 1884):[2], Wellsville, N.Y., "An Interview With the Widow of the Noted Mormon Leader." (Lippincott's Magazine.) Typescript.

JS0029 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE.Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate(1830-1848); Feb 5, 1831; 2, 6; pg. 46

JS0030 Lee, John D.Mormonism Unveiled, complete, typescript.

JS0031 Bennett, John C.,History of the Saints, pp. 226-34 typescript.

JS0032 Haven family, Letters -- 1839-48,Overland Monthly1890-1891, Charlotte Haven (1843), N. E. Quarterly Dec. 1936, Martha & Jesse Haven (1843-48), Elizabeth Haven (1839), transcript.

JS0033 Anderson, Richard Lloyd , and Scott H. Faulring, “The Prophet Joseph Smith and His Plural Wives” review ofIn Sacred Loneliness: The Plural Wives of Joseph Smithby Todd M. Compton, Provo, Utah: Maxwell Institute, 1998. Pp. 67–104, transcript.

JS0034 Polyandry--early research information sheet.

JS0035 Perkins, Keith W., “A Study of the Contributions of Andrew Jenson to the Writing and Preservation of LDS Church History.” M.A. thesis, Brigham Young University, 1971.

JS0036 Hill, Marvin S. "Mormon Religion in Nauvoo: Some Reflections."Utah Historical Quarterly44 (Spring 1976): 170-80, trnascript.

JS0037 Hales-Bradley emails February, 2007.

JS0038 Polyandry quotes

JS0039 Polyandry chart

JS0040In Sacred Loneliness, excerpts and analysis.

JS0041 Sessions, Sylvia, pregnancy chart

JS0042 “MORMON BLASPHEMY,”The Witness, Vol. I., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania July, 1842. No. 2.

JS0043The Wasp, Vol. I. - No. 6. Nauvoo, Hancock Co., Sat., May 21, 1842. Whole No. 6, transcript.

JS0044 Ford, Thomas.History of Illinois from Its Commencement as a State in 1818 to 1847. 1854. chapter XI. Transcript.

JS0045 Rigdon, Sidney,Messenger and Advocate, 1844 articles from internet, transcript.

JS0046 Wyl, W[ilhem]. [pseud. for Wilhelm Ritter von Wymetal].Mormon Portraits, or the Truth about Mormon Leaders from 1830 to 1886, Joseph Smith the Prophet, His Family and His Friends: A Study Based on Fact and Documents. Salt Lake City: Tribune Printing and Publishing Co., 1886. Mormon Portraits was proposed as a series, with Joseph Smith the Prophet, His Family and His Friends, A Study Based on Fact and Documentsthe first volume. No other volumes were published. Typescript.

JS0047 McLellin, William E. 1875 Interview, "Jackson Country,"The Daily Tribune, October 6, 1875, transcript.

JS0048 Law, William, Three LettersThe Daily Tribune: SALT LAKE CITY, TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1887. Transcript.

JS0049 Law, William, interview,The Daily Tribune: SALT LAKE CITY, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 31, 1887. Transcript.

JS0050 "Remembering the Wives of Joseph Smith" online resource.

JS0051 Bean LL; Mineau , “The polygyny-fertility hypothesis: a re-evaluation,”Population Studies. 1986 Mar; 40(1):67-81.

JS0052Partridge Young, Emily D., P51 Temple Lot Case, Box 2, Respondents Testimony, LDS Archives, Independence, Missouri. Transcript by Michael Marquardt.

JS0053 Price, Richard and Pamela,Joseph Smith Fought Polygamy, vol. 1, plus online VISION 32-57, transcripts.

JS0054 Daynes, Kathryn, "Polygamy" essay.


JS0056 Gardiner, William M., Excerpt from “Shadow Influences of Plural Marriage on Sexuality Within The Contemporary Mormon Experience.”

JS0057Wyatt , Allen L. “Zina and Her Men: An Examination of the Changing Marital State of Zina Diantha Huntington Jacobs Smith Young”

JS0058 Brotherton, Elizabeth, “Letter by the sister of Martha Brotherton,” Nauvoo, April 20th, 1842.

JS0059 George A to Joseph Smith III and dated October 9, 1869. The original is in the RLDS Church Archives, P 15, fd5, April 12, 1869 - August 16, 1870.

JS0060 Section 132, transcription of Kingsbury manuscript in LDS archives

JS0061 Comparison of printed D&C 132 to transcript of Kingsbury manuscript.

JS0062 Smith, Joseph to Newel K. Whitney, revelation, July 27, 1842.

JS0063 Plural Marriage at Nauvoo During the Lifetime of Joseph Smith

JS0064 Marquardt, Michael, Plural Marriage (Mormon Polygamy) Wives research notes.

JS0065 References to William Law, Jane Law, Joseph Smith, Emma Smith, and the 12 July 1843 revelation

JS0066 Proxy Marriages in Joseph Smith’s Lifetime, research notes.

JS0067 Outline on Nauvoo Polygamy (1841-1844)

JS0068 Noble, Joseph B., Statements, transcript.

JS0069 Nauvoo Neighbor 2 (19 June 1844), transcript.

JS0070 Smith, Joseph, Letter of to Miss Nancy Rigdon, circa 11 April 1842

JS0071 Page, John E., information sheet.

JS0072 Smith, Hyrum, and LDS D&C 132

JS0073 Joseph Smith-sealed to women in order to form a Gospel Family?

JS0074 Eternal Sealings, During the lifetime of Joseph Smith

JS0075 Dibble, Lydia, information sheet.

JS0076 Smith, Emma, 1847 recollections typescript.

JS0077 Quorum of the Twelve, Epistle was written [30-31] March 1842 and read at the third Relief Society meeting held in Nauvoo, Illinois. A Record of the Organization, and Proceedings of the Female Relief Society of Nauvoo, Illinois," pages 86-88. Typescript.

JS0078 Smith, Joseph epistle to George W. Robinson, Nauvoo, Nov. 6, 1842, with response, fromSangamo Journal10 [18 Nov. 1842]: [2].

JS0079 ROBINSON, George W., information regarding in Times and Seasons, Vol.3, p.878

JS0080 Kimball, Heber C., 1801-1868, Autobiographical Remarks and Letters FromThe Times and Seasons,Millennial Star, His Journal and Articles by His Daughter, Helen Mar Kimball Whitney inWoman's Exponent.

JS0081 Plural wives in Holy Order in Nauvoo.

JS0082Neyman, Jane info

JS0083 Jenson, Andrew, list of plural wives fromHistorical Recordarticle, "Plural Marriage," July 1886.

JS0084 Woodruff, Wilford, to Andrew Jenson, August 6th, 1887, regardingHistorical Recordarticle, typescript.

JS0085 Scherer, Mark, Statement on Joseph Smith and plural marriage with response from Community of Christ First Presidency.

JS0086 Bennett, John C., Articles from theSangamo Journalpublished in Springfield, Illinois.

JS0087 Coolidge, Joseph, interview with Joseph F. Smith, Journal, entry for August 28, 1870, LDS archives, trypscript.

JS0088 Joseph Smith's Red Brick Store1842-1844 workers and clerks.

JS0089 Levi Hancock, 1803-1882, Autobiography (1803-1836), Typescript, HBLL, THE LIFE OF LEVI HANCOCK, (Copied from his own journal by Clara E. H. Lloyd, great-grand daughter.) Typescript.

JS0090 Bullock, Thomas, List of Marriages in back of Joseph Smith's Diary, transcript.

JS0091 Rollins, Mary Elizabeth, Autobiography of Mary E. Lightner (1818-1913), "Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner,"The Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine17 (July 1926):193-205, 250- typescript.

JS0092 Walker Kimball, Lucy, in Temple Lot Case, Tuesday March 22, 1892.

JS0093 Polyandrous wives-list of 11.

JS0094 Brotherton, Martha H. Affidavit, July 26, 1842.Pittsburgh Morning Chronicle

JS0095 McLellin, William E., Recollections of his Visit with Emma Smith in 1847.

JS0096 Thompson, Mercy R., June 19, 1869, Affidavit, Joseph F. Smith Collection, Affidavit Book 1:34, LDS archives; typed copy.

JS0097 Hancock, Mosiah Lyman 1834-1907,Autobiography (1834-1865), Source: Autobiography of Mosiah Hancock, typescript, BYU-S. Compiled by Amy E. Baird, Victoria H. Jackson, and Laura L. Wassell (daughters of Mosiah Hancock).

JS0098 Smith, Joseph, to Nancy Rigdon on "Happiness," typescript and brief discussion.

JS0099 Plural Marriages in Lifetime of Joseph Smith

JS0100 Eternal Sealings to Joseph Smith in Nauvoo Temple, 12 January - 8 February 1846

JS0101 Olney, Olver, H., to theSangamo Journal11 (7 October 1842), “A COMMUNICATION FROM ANOTHER SECEDING MORMON, KNOX COUNTY,” Sept. 18, 1842. Typescript.

JS0102 Robinson, George W., and Sidney Rigdon, affidavits regarding Stephen Markham, typescript.

JS0103 Nauvoo city ordinance on marriage passed Feb. 17, 1842.

JS0104 Pendleton Morgan Harris, Lucinda, information sheet.

JS0105 Polygamy affidavits, Joseph F. Smith Collection, Affidavit Books, typescripts.

JS0106 Robinson, Ebenezer and Angeline E.affidavit, istory and affidavits, letters, typescripts.

JS0107 Ordinance of rebaptism in Nauvoo

JS0108 Smith, Joseph to Nancy Rigdon, transcript fromThe New York Herald8 (31 August 1842), New York City, New York

JS0109Coolbrith, Agnes to Joseph F. Smith, May 30, 1864, transcript, excerpt.

JS0110 Tripp, Enoch Bartlett, Notes on Journal of Enoch Bartlett Tripp, 16 May 1996, Special Collections, Brigham Young University, Volume 1 to Dec. 31, 1855, typed copy.

JS0111 Rollins Lightner, Mary E. to Emmeline Wells, Summer 1905.

JS0112Broadhurst, Dale, on Udney Hay Jacob.

JS0113 Argus [Charles Wandell], "History of Mormonism: The Revelation of Polygamy Invented by Joseph Smith as a Cover for Incest . . . Open Letter to Brigham Young,"Daily Corrine Reporter, 2 August 1871, 2/2-3, transcript, excerpt.

JS0114 Blair, William W. diary entry of 17 June 1874

JS0115 Snow, Eliza R., to President John Taylor, 12 December 1886, LDS archives, typed copy.

JS0116 Woodruff, Wilford to Brigham Young, from Boston, Oct. 9, 1844. Typescript.

JS0117 Daynes, Kathryn, “Mormon Polygamy: Belief and Practice in Nauvoo.” In Roger D. Launius and John E. Hallwas, eds.,Kingdom on the Mississippi Revisited. Urbana: University of Illinois, 1996, 130-46.

JS0118 Rollins Lightner, Mary Elizabeth, “Remarks at Brigham Young University, April 14, 1905.” Signed typescript copy of original. Perry Special Collections, Vault, MSS 363, fd. 6.

JS0119 Rollins Lightner, Mary Elizabeth, Letter to A. M. Chase, April 20, 1904. Quoted in J. D. Stead.Doctrines and Dogmas of Brighamism Exposed., [Lamoni, Iowa]: RLDS Church, 1911, 217-19.

JS0120 Rollins Lightner, Mary Elizabeth inUtah Genealogical and Historical Magazine, 17 (1926), p.193-205, 250-260, transcript.

JS0121 Van Wagoner, Richard, on Oliver Cowdery as a polygamist.

JS0122 Young, Emily P. to Mary Elizabeth Lightner, Salt Lake City, Aprl 28, 1886

JS0123 Rollins Lightner, Mary Elizabeth, Affidavit, March 23, 1877, in Scott G. Kenney Collection, MS 587, Box 11, Folder 14; Marriott Library (photocopy of manuscript)

JS0124 Rollins Lightner, Mary Elizabeth, “Autobiography.” n.d. Holograph. MSS B95, Box 14, unnumbered folder supplementing fd. 3,Utah State Historical Society.

JS0125 Rollins, Mary Elizabeth, LDS Church Archives, MS 748—Record Book of Mary R. L. Rollins, including Feb 21st 1905 (Affidavit), transcript.

JS0126 Newell, Linda King and Valene Avery, Mormon Enigma, preface and footnote regarding Mrs. Warner Alexander.

JS0127 Rollins Lightner., Mary Elizabeth, "Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner,”Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine17 (July 1926): 193-205. Continued in 17 (October 1926): 250-60.

JS0128 Rollins Lightner., Mary Elizabeth, bibliography.

JS0129 Rollins Lightner, Mary Elizabeth, Speech July 24, 1889Mary Rollins Lightner Rollins Record Book, (This was the daughter of MERL), MS 748, LDS Archives, pp. 28-29

JS0130 Rollins Lightner, Mary Elizabeth, Statement 1884 Apr 18, LDS Church Archives, MS 4638, transcript. Excerpt.

JS0131 Rollins Lightner, Mary Elizabeth, statements--sealed for eternity and time and eternity.

JS0132 Rollins Lightner, Mary Elizabeth, Collection; MS 752, Folder 4; LDS CHD, transcript, excerpt.

JS0133 Rollins Lightner, Mary Elizabeth to Emmeline B. Wells, summer 1905, MS 282, CA; copy of holograph in Linda King Newell Collection Ms 447, bx 9, fd 2, transcript, excerpt.

JS0134 Rollins Lightner, Mary Elizabeth, to John Henry Smith, January 25, 1892, in George A. Smith Family Papers, MS 36, Box 7, Folder 12 (John Henry Smith, incoming correspondence); Marriott Library, transcript, excerpt.

JS0135 Rollins Lightner, Mary Elizabeth, photo fromIn Sacred Loneliness.

JS0136 Huntington, Zina to Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner, June 22, 1887, Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner Collection, MSS 363, BYU HBLL Special Collections

JS0137 Horne, Mary Isabella Hales, "Testimony of Mary Isabella Horne," photocopy of transcript.

JS0138 Fielding, Joseph, “They Might Have Known That He Was Not a Fallen Prophet”—The Nauvoo Journal of Joseph Fielding," Transcribed by Andrew Ehat.

JS0139Ashurst-McGee, Mark, The Josiah Stowell Jr.--John S. Fullmer Correspondence,"BYU Studies

JS0140 Ward, Maurine Carr, "A Partial List of Church Members Living in Nauvoo, article.

JS0141 Bennett, John C., letters to theSangamo Journal, chart of dates and contents.

JS0142 Huntington, William, Journal of William Huntington (1784-1846), Typescript, HBLL. A brief sketch of the life of William Huntington, Sr.

JS0143Committee on Celestial Demographics. "'In the Heavens, Are Parents Single?': Report No. 11.DIALOGUE: A JOURNAL OF MORMON THOUGHT17 (Spring 1984): 84--87.

JS0144Launius, Roger D. Joseph Smith III Pragmatic Prophet, excerpt p.233

JS0145 Smith, Joseph, III, The Memoirs of President Joseph Smith (1832-1914),T H E S A I N T S ' H E R A L D,November 6, 1934, Edited by his daughter, Mary Audentia Smith Anderson

JS0146 Kirtland Elders' Quorum Record 1836-1841, Edited by Lyndon W. Cook and Milton V. Backman, Jr. Provo, Utah: Grandin Book Co., 1985, Source: Kirtland Elders' Quorum Record, RLDS Archives

JS0147 Bachman, Danel, to Brian Hales, undated typescript.

JS0148 Hancock, Levi, 1803-1882, Autobiography (1803-1836), Typescript, HBLL, “THE LIFE OF LEVI HANCOCK,” (Copied from his own journal by Clara E. H. Lloyd, great-grand daughter.)

JS0149Jackman, Levi, 1797-1876, "Autobiography (1797-1833), A Short Sketch of the Life of Levi Jackman, by Levi Jackman," typescript, BYU-S


JS0151 Spencer, Orson.Patriarchal Order or Plurality of Wives!Liverpool: R. James, 1853. Rpt. in Spencer"s Letters Exhibiting the Most Prominent Doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints . . . Salt Lake City: Deseret News Co., 1889.

JS0152 Pack, John, vision of "adoption" ordinance work In Ward E Pack Papers, 1847-1935, MSS 449, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah.

JS0153 “A Veteran Gone.” [John Snider obituary.]Deseret News, December 22, 1875, 9.

JS0154 McBride Knight, Martha, obituary, "Death of a Pioneer Woman," undated.

JS0155Webster's1830 dictionary definition of the word "translate" (JST).

JS0156 Haven, Charlotte. “A Girl’s Letters from Nauvoo.”Overland Monthly16, no. 96 (December 1890): 616-38.

JS0157 Brotherton, Martha, affidavit, July 1842, typescript.

JS0158 Was Jesus a polygamist? Brief.

JS0159Laub, George, “George Laub's Nauvoo Journal,” Edited by Eugene EnglandBYU Studies, Vol. 18, No. 2, GEORGE LAUB JOURNAL

JS0160Ostler, Jacob, to Brian Hales regarding evidences of sexuality in Joseph Smith's marriages

JS0161 Jenson, Andrew, Malissa Lott section fromHistorical Recordarticle, "Plural Marriage," July 1886.

JS0162 Hanson, Doris, "Is Polygamy Biblical?" essay.

JS0163 Bruno, Cheryl, "Keeping a Secret, Freemasony, Polygamy, and the Nauvoo Relief Society, 1842-44,"Journal of Mormon History, 39 (2013)4: 144-157.

JS0164 Thompson, John E., “The Mormon Baptism of William Morgan ThePhilalethes,” February 1985, essay.

JS0165Carrigan, J., “Did Jesus Christ Marry and Father Children?: A Survey of Mormon Teachings on the Marital and Parental Status of the Son of God,” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Ministries to New Religions, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary ~ January 30, 2004.

JS0166 Smith, Lucy Messerve, quoting George A. Smith, May 18, 1892 (Geo. A. Smith papers,Special Collections, University of Utah S.L. City) and second undated reference (Wilford Wood Collection of Church Historical Materials Microfilm at LDS Church Archives, MS 8617, Reel 8 Internal reference within collection—4-N-b-2)

JS0167 Smith, Lucy Messerve, quoting George A. Smith, May 18, 1892 (Geo. A. Smith papers,Special Collections, University of Utah S.L. City).

JS0168 Heron, Mary and John Snider misc papers.

JS0169 Snider, John (Snyder), 1850 Census

JS0170 Bergera, Gary James. “Buckeye’s Laments: Two Early Insider Exposés of Mormon polygamy and Their authorship.”Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society96, no. 4 (Winter 2003): 350-90. Digitized version, (accessed January 22, 2008).

JS0171 Gully, Jane Jones Frylick, information.

JS0172 Heron, Mary and John Snider, Todd Compton information sheet.


JS0174 Foote, Warren, “AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF WARREN FOOTE," VOL. 3, JAN. 1, 1894, TO DEC. 31, 1901 typescript.

JS0175 Smith, Merina, "The New and Everlasting Order of Marriage: The Introduction and Implementation of Mormon Polygamy: 1830-1856," dissertation.

JS0176 Huntington, Presendia, "A Venerable Woman," articles from theWomen's Exponent, photocopies.

JS0177 Pratt, Parley P.An Appeal to the Inhabitants of the State of New York, Letter to Queen Victoria, the Fountain of Knowledge; Immortality of the Body, and Intelligence and Affection. Nauvoo, Illinois: John Taylor, 1844.

JS0178 Sex Ratio Book Excerpts

JS0179 Swedenborg, Emanuel, (1688-1772)Heaven and Hell, New York: Swedenborg Foundation, 1946, 382-83. First edition in Latin, 1758. See also The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Marriage Love, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, n.d., 27-56. First Latin edition 1768.

JS0180 Howe, Eber D.Mormonism Unvailed. Painesville, Ohio: Author, 1834.

JS0181 Jacob, Udney Hay,An Extract, from a Manuscript Entitled The Peace Maker, or the Doctrines of the Millennium: Being a Treatise on Religion and Jurisprudence. Or a New System of Religion and Politicks. Nauvoo, Ill.: J. Smith, 1842. Typed transcript available at (accessed August 22, 2008).

JS0182 Richards, Franklin D.,A Compendium of the Faith and Doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Liverpool: Orson Pratt, 1857.

JS0183 Wyl, W[ilhem]. [pseud. for Wilhelm Ritter von Wymetal].Mormon Portraits, or the Truth about Mormon Leaders from 1830 to 1886, Joseph Smith the Prophet, His Family and His Friends: A Study Based on Fact and Documents. Salt Lake City: Tribune Printing and Publishing Co., 1886. Mormon Portraits was proposed as a series, with Joseph Smith the Prophet, His Family and His Friends, A Study Based on Fact and Documentsthe first volume. No other volumes were published.

JS0184 Upton, Harriet Taylor.History of the Western Reserve. Chicago: Lewis Publishing, 1910.

JS0185 Linn, William Alexander.The Story of the Mormons from the Date of Their Origin to the Year 1901. New York: Macmillan Co., 1902; rpt. Whitefish, Mont.: Kessinger Publishing, 2007.