Your Address
City, State, Zip Code
Date request mailed

Commissioner of State Department of Education (or records holder)
Name of Agency
Address of Agency
City, State, Zip Code

Re: Public Records Request

Dear ______:

This is a request under the [State] Public Records Law, [cite state law]

I am requesting that I be provided copies of the documentation reporting on the specific level of performance of each LEA located in the State on the targets in the State’s performance plan. The State shall have determined for each LEA whether the LEA: Meets the requirements of Part B of the Act; Needs assistance in implementing the requirements of Part B of the Act; Needs intervention in implementing Part B of the Act; or Needs substantial intervention in implementing the requirements of the Act.

If different, I am also requesting the most recently available data collected and analyzed by the State in reporting on the level of performance of each LEA on the targets in the State’s performance plan pursuant to the State’s obligation under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act which requires the State to “use targets established by the State’s performance plan under 34 C.F.R. 300.601and priority areas described in 34 C.F.R. 300.600(d) to analyze the performance of each LEA.” 34 C.F.R. §300.602(a), 20 U.S.C. § 1416(b)(2)(C)(i).

To reduce copying charges and for ease in use, I am requesting the documents on a computer CD if they exist as computer data files.

[If your state allows fees to be charged – most do, add the following paragraph: ]

I recognize that you may charge reasonable costs for photocopies, computer disks, or personnel time to comply with this request. If you expect charges to exceed $10.00, please contact me regarding this request. However, as this information is required to be disclosed to the public and I am seeking this public information in my role as xxx, disclosure of these documents is in the public interest. I would, therefore, ask you to consider waiving any fees since disclosure would benefit the public interest.

As you are aware, I must be provided with this information within 10 days. If you cannot comply with my request, please provide an explanation in writing.


Telephone Number [Optional]

Mark your envelope: "Attention: [Name of State] Public Records Request." You could also send the letter with a postal service return receipt.

If you do not receive the information in a timely manner, or the official refuses to provide the information, your state’s public records law will, in all likelihood, contain a right of appeal.