Penllergaer Primary School

School Prospectus 2014/2015

Headteacher: Mrs. J. Woolcock

Deputy Headteacher: Mrs. S. Burns




A Letter from the Chair of Governors


Aims of the school


Academic Organisation


Arrangements for general welfare & Well Being of Pupils


Admission Procedures



School Security
School Development /

Early Years and Infant education


National Curriculum Information


Assessment of Progress


Target Setting


The General School Curriculum

Sporting Activities /

Religious Education & Collective Worship


Arrangements for the teaching of Welsh


English as an Additional Language




Pastoral Care/Well Being /

Arrangements for Children with Additional Learning Needs

Specialist Teaching Facilities /

Sex Education




After School Clubs/Extra Curricular Activities


Breakfast Club

After School Club
Morning Healthy tuck shop /

Lunchtime Arrangements


Water Bottles

Toilet Facilities /

Playground Buddies


School Council

Parents meetings with the Governing Body /

Parents, Volunteers and the School



Parent & Toddler Group /

Car Parking



School Nurse
Head Lice
Careers Education and Work Experience /

School Uniform


School Rules and Discipline


Equal Opportunities


Disability Equality


Race Equality


Dealing with Bullying or Racist Incidents


Complaints Procedure

School visits/visitors /

Inspection of Documents


School Achievements


School Terms & Holiday Dates

Teacher Assessment Results
Rules for the Administration of Medicine
Administration of Medicine Request form
Holiday Request Form
Home/School Agreement

Type of School - Introduction

The aim of this booklet is to give parents information about our school as required by the Education Act 1980 and subsequent Acts. The information on the school year that appears in this booklet is correct at the time of printing but may be subject to change during the next school year or in subsequent years.

The old school was built in 1881 and moved to its present site in 1976. It serves the village of Penllergaer and the developments at Tir Coed and Parc Penllergaer. Penllergaer is a semi-open plan school on a split site. The main building can accommodate eight classes, the school library, a resource room, hall, staffroom and offices. A unit for junior P.M.L.D. children opened in September, 1998. A further two classrooms are situated in demountable classrooms opposite the car park. The P.M.L.D. unit for infant children is to be found in the lower building, together with three further mainstream classes currently housing Early Years, a junior class and a large sports hall for physical activities. The school is very proud of its heritage and the community it serves. The school is fully committed to preparing for life in the modern world, especially with regard to technological advances and so every classroom has an interactive whiteboard; all computers are linked to each other and via a secure network, and have a secure connection to the internet. We have large grounds, a woodland area and playing fields at the back of the school. On leaving our school, pupils normally move to Pontarddulais Comprehensive School. A close relationship, which is to the benefit of all our pupils, exists between the two schools. We aim at academic excellence and development of the whole child, matching what we provide to the children’s needs and by providing a rich and balanced curriculum that caters for as wide a range of abilities and experiences as possible.

N.B. Pupils who attend our Specialist Teaching Facility would normally move to a secondary placement as identified by a school based review and/or a special needs panel.

School Hours:

The time spent on teaching during the normal school week, including Religious Education but excluding the statutory daily act of worship, registration, breaks and lunch is 23 ¾ hours.

The times of school sessions are as follows:

Nursery 9.00 - 11.30am. am session and 12.45pm – 3:15pm pm session

Reception / Infants: 8.50am – 12.05 noon and 1pm - 3.20pm.

Juniors: 8.50 am – 12.15 and 1.10 – 3.20 p.m.

We expect your child to arrive promptly by 8.50am. We believe that it is very disruptive for the class and disrespectful to the teacher to arrive late without an acceptable reason.

The School address is:

Penllergaer Primary School

Pontarddulais Road




Tel: 01792 892354 FAX: 01792 891767

E Mail:


A Letter from the Chair of the Governing Body

On behalf of the Governing Body I would like to welcome you and your child to Penllergaer Primary School.

The Governing Body works in close co-operation with teachers, parents and friends of the school. This ensures that your child receives the best educational environment in which to learn and enjoy their primary education.

Our school takes pride in the high standards that have been achieved over many years. This is the result of high standards of teaching in a caring environment, together with a committed Governing Body and the support of parents and wider community partnership.

This information booklet will provide many of the answers to questions you might have. If you require any further information please contact the school and we shall be pleased to answer your queries or concerns.

The school was inspected under the Estyn framework in February 2012. The inspectors were very impressed with the work the school does and we are extremely proud of the report achieved. Inspectors rated the school’s overall outcome as “good” for performance and “excellent” for prospects for improvement. Out of the ten categories, four were judged ‘excellent’ – well being, care support and guidance, leadership and Improving quality. There were also significant examples of sector leading practice. The Reporting Inspector stated “self evaluation is based firmly on reliable, first-hand evidence including an exceptionally thorough and comprehensive analysis of a wide range of data. The Governing Body is effective and knowledgeable”. The report also states ‘the school has an inclusive ethos which encourages all pupils to make the most of their opportunities in a positive and exciting learning environment’.

We endeavour to provide the children with a school that they feel an integral part of and that they are intensely proud of, as we believe that in this way children feel more valued, have more self-confidence, develop more fully and achieve more. I hope that you will continue to support the school and your child in as many ways as possible to ensure that your child is happy and well prepared for his or her future.

You may well have met some of the Governing Body already - for your information, the members are:

Chairman: Mrs. H. Roberts
Vice-Chairman: Mrs. E. Davies
LEA: Rev. A. Bayes
Cllr. W. Fitzgerald
Mr. A. Hussey
Co-opted: Mrs. E. Davies
Mrs. H. Roberts
Minor Authority: Cm. Cllr. C. Pugh / Headteacher: Mrs J. Woolcock
Clerk to Governors: Mrs. M. Bevan
Teacher: Mr. P. Smallbones
Staff: Mr. J. Haines
Parents: Mrs. A. Choudhuri
Mrs. E. Doolan
Mr. W. Meredith
Mrs. R. Phillips

The Governing Body usually meets termly and we will be happy to hear any suggestions you may have about the way the school is run. We also look forward to getting to know you better during your child’s time at Penllergaer Primary School.

Yours sincerely

Helen Roberts

(Chair of Governors)

Penllergaer Primary School is a fully inclusive school and we value all children equally regardless of age, ability, background, gender, religion or race. We value our pupils and believe that their time in school should be rewarding and fulfilling. Visitors to the school often comment on the warm welcome they receive and the politeness and courtesy our pupils display.

Our vision is:

To create a safe, caring and stimulating ethos where children interact with each other and staff in a challenging learning environment. We want all our children to develop a positive attitude to learning by providing an enquiry based approach, empowering pupils in acquiring the knowledge and skills required to reach their full potential and be able to make an active contribution to an ever changing technological, diverse society’.

We believe that education should be an enjoyable, continuous process with strong home/school links providing that vital continuity.

Our mission statement:

“Our School Is For Everyone”


The aims of Penllergaer Primary School are:

ü  To develop the whole child –intellectually, emotionally, socially, physically, morally and spiritually

ü  To cultivate a climate of success for all children, celebrating all of their achievements in all aspects of their lives.

ü  To involve our pupils in the learning process and empower them to participate in all aspects of school life.

ü  To help learners to become confident, self-reliant, self-respecting and responsible global citizens who will make a positive contribution to society.

ü  To develop in all individuals the capacity to work both collaboratively and independently and also the ability to determine the appropriate method for the task.

ü  To develop a personal moral code, sensitive to the needs of others.

ü  To actively seek to raise all standards and be part of an on-going self evaluation process.

ü  To promote equality of opportunity and respect for all irrespective of race, gender, ability or religion. The school has an equal opportunities and anti-racist policy which all staff adhere to. This can be viewed on request.

ü  To preserve and develop our own cultural identity within Wales, while at the same time promoting an understanding of, and a respect for other cultures locally and globally.

ü  To provide regular physical education lessons within school time and to offer, when possible, after school sporting activities which would include team and co-operative games.

ü  To promote a healthy lifestyle (we are proud of the fact that we are accredited as a Healthy School).

ü  To raise students’ awareness of sustainable development issues thought classroom study and community action.

ü  To empower our pupils by becoming literate, numerate and technologically able to function effectively in an ever-changing Twenty-first Century.


The school promotes 9 core values:

Tolerance, Respect, Fairness, Positive attitude, Honesty, Responsibility, Friendship, Trust and Appreciation.

These shape our thoughts, feelings and actions and were devised in consultation with all stakeholders. Penllergaer Primary is a Rights Respecting School. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is at the heart of our school’s planning, policies, practice and ethos. We not only teach about children’s rights we model rights and respect in all relationships.

Penllergaer Primary School is …………

·  A place where children, staff, parents and community – can smile, feel safe and comfortable and enjoy

·  A place where children and staff feel valued and respected

·  A place where all achievement is celebrated

·  A place that stimulates and inspires

·  A place that promotes and models healthy living and care for the environment both locally and globally

·  A place to be proud of

·  A place where the most important things taught and learned are our values

·  A place where the most important rule is to treat others, as you would wish to be treated yourself

The Penllergaer Teacher will ………….

·  Be clear about what the children should hope to attain from an activity

·  Have a clear understanding of the abilities and needs of individual children

·  Be sympathetic to those needs and differentiate accordingly

·  Set realistic and useful targets, which will benefit children

·  Plan with assessment in mind

·  Keep a clear, uncluttered and precise focus for learning activities

·  Stimulate and inspire children and colleagues

·  Create an environment and atmosphere conducive for learning

·  Promote all aspects of health and well being

·  Allow children to feel comfortable in learning and enable them to enjoy learning

·  Know when to teach and when to allow children to learn

·  Encourage, praise and celebrate achievements (including individual achievement irrespective of level and degree of success)

·  Teach and enable children to discuss and explore our values

The Penllergaer teacher will know what, how and when to teach, will be clear and precise in objectives, will set clear, specific and achievable outcomes for pupils, will plan with assessment in mind and will know how and when to let children learn.

Parents and Pupils will …

·  Be encouraged to support and enhance the school ethos and to contribute positively to the teaching and learning environment. The school operates a home / school agreement system. Parents are encouraged to participate in this agreement. A copy can be found in the appendix.

Academic Organisation September, 2014

Head Teacher: Mrs. J Woolcock

Year / Teacher
N / Mrs R Williams
R / Mrs A Probert
R / Mrs. S. Rees
Y1/2 / Mrs S. Burns (Deputy)
Y1/2 / Mrs K Morgan
Y1/2 / Mrs K Thomas
Y3/4 / Mrs A Edwards
Y3/4 / Mrs J Cardiff
Y3/4 / Mr J Davies
Y5/6 / Mrs G Jones
Y5/6 / Mrs K Davies
Y5/6 / Mr P Smallbones
STFI / Mrs L. Brown
STFJ / Mrs H. Jones

Office Manager:

/ Mrs. M Bevan
Admin. Support / Mrs C Shaw
Site Manager / Mr. J. Haines
Classroom PPA cover
Mrs C. Arkwright / Mrs R. Ace
Support Teaching Assistant / Mrs. S. Liddiard

Teaching Assistants

Mrs C. Dowling / Miss F. Jones / Mrs K. Davies / Mrs L. Tucker
Mrs J. Fenn / Ms. C. Woolley / Mrs H. Williams / Miss F. Watson
Mrs L. Hussey / Mrs D. Hearn / Mrs C. Kilmister
Mrs C. Lewis / Mrs S. Jenkins / Mrs M. McArdle
Mrs H. Palmer / Miss C. Lloyd / Mrs A. Robinson
Miss R. Sinnott / Mrs. M. Piercy / Mrs H. Spooner
Mrs. D. Smallbones / Mrs D. Thompson

Midday Supervisors

Mrs J. Fenn / Mrs C. Lewis / Mrs D. Hearn / Miss F. Watson

Peripatetic Staff

Music / Mrs. C. Holt / Miss T. Smith / Mr. D. Carter / Welsh / Mrs. N. Jones

Cleaning Staff

Mrs. J. Hayward / Mrs. L. Bevan / Mrs K. Richards
Mrs. F. Lloyd

Catering Staff

Mrs. S. Cullen / Mrs. B. Finan / Mrs L. Veckman-Jackson
Mrs. H. Price

We have two Nursery classes and children who are 3 or 4 may attend. Children are eligible for full-time Education in September of the school year in which they are 5.