Schedule 1 : HDI and ABE Response Template
Appendix C
HDI and Affirmative Black Enterprise
Response Template

Table of Contents

1.0Magnitude and Composition of HDI Employment

2.0Employment of ABE’s

3.0HDI Supervisory Staff

4.0ABE Declaration Affidavit


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Schedule 1 : HDI and ABE Response Template

1.0Magnitude and Composition of HDI Employment

The Bidder must complete the table below to reflect the Personnel anticipated to be employed on this contract, including personnel employed by subcontractors. See Note 1 below for a definition of Personnel.

The specified target value is at least 30% of the tendered sum. See Note 2 below for calculation of the percentage employment content. If the value tendered by the bidder on this form is less than the specified 30%, the bidder shall give reasons in the space provided below why the tendered percentage is lower than the specified target value. If the percentage employment listed on this form is however lower than 25%, the tender WILL be considered non-responsive and WILL be disqualified.

Note: A minimum of 45% of the above specified target value should be historically disadvantaged individuals.

Type of Personnel / Man-hours / Minimum Rate per Unit / hour / Total Salary Cost (Excl VAT)
Permanent Personnel
Temporary Personnel

Notes to Bidder:

Note 1:Personnel is defined as the human resource employed by the Prime contractor or subcontractor and earning a salary or wage. DWS reserves the right to demand proof of employment for any resource and such proof will consist of employee number and payslip.

Note 2: The percentage employment content is calculated from the following formula:

% employment content =


RC is the total personnel salary cost.

TP is the tendered price excluding VAT, Contract Price Adjustment (CPA), Contingencies, Lump Sums and all Provisional and Prime Cost amounts.

Note 3:The values and rates inserted on this form shall correspond with the values inserted in the Financial Schedule.

If percentage tendered for personnel is lower than the required minimum, state additional motivating reasons for DWS to consider below:



2.0Employment of ABE’s

Target values of work to be executed by and goods, services (include work carried out by ABE subcontractors) and goods / equipments to be procured from ABEs shall be at least 30% of the tendered Sum.

If the value tendered by the bidder on this form is less than the specified 30%, the Bidder shall give reasons in the space provided below why the tendered percentage is lower than the specified target value. If the tendered percentage is however lower than 25%, the tender WILL be considered non-responsive and WILL be disqualified.

The following are minimum targets for different affirmative black enterprises to be utilised:

Black Enterprises:A Black Enterprise is an enterprise that is at least 50,1%owned by black persons and where there is substantial management control. Ownership refers to economic interest while management refers to the membership of any board or similar governing body of the enterprise. At least 70% of the ABE target value shall be black enterprises.

Black Empowered Enterprises:A Black Empowered Enterprise is an enterprise that is at least 25,1% owned by black persons and where there is substantial management control. Ownership refers to economic interests. Management refers to executive directors. This is whether the black enterprise has control or not. At 10% of the ABE target value shall be black empowered enterprises.

Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises:Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) bears the same meaning assigned to this expression in the National Small Business Act, 1996 (Act No102 of 1996). At least 50% of the ABEs target value shall be SMMEs.

Schedule Item No. / Name of ABE / Item Description/ Goods & Services to be provided / Value
(Excl VAT) / % of Tender Sum

Notes to bidder:

Note 1:Tender sum is the contract price excluding VAT, Lump Sums, Variations on Special Equipments and Provisional and Prime Cost amounts.

Note 2:Regardless whether the bidder fits the classification of an SMME/PDI, the bidder nevertheless retains the obligation to commit to the target value.

Note 3:The values and rates inserted on this form shall correspond with the values/totals in the Financial Schedule.

If the percentage tendered for Employment of ABEs is lower than the required minimum state additional motivating reasons for DWS to consider below:



3.0HDI Supervisory Staff

The minimum percentage of HDI supervisory staff expressed as a percentage of the total number of supervisory staff shall be 45%.

It is proposed to employ the following salaried personnel on this contract as supervisory staff:

(Note: The Curriculum Vitae of each staff member proposed shall be attached to this Form)

Staff Category / Number per Category / HDI Status (Yes or No)

HDIs’ as percentage of total …………………………………… %

Notes to bidder:

1.If personnel are hourly paid they cannot be classified as supervisory staff, regardless the nature of their duties.

2.The Bidder may be required to provide audited proof that the stated personnel are salaried members of staff or contracted on a monthly fee.

3.Examples of relevant personnel are: team leaders; managers, etc

4.0ABE Declaration Affidavit

It is understood and agreed that should this contract be awarded to me an ABE Declaration Affidavit will be completed by each and every ABE employed by me on this contract and will be submitted to the Employer immediately upon demand by the Employer.


The bidder must outline, in details, different kind of training programmes to be conducted for both employees and ABEs to be deployed in the project.

Name of Training Institution/s: ………………………………………………………

Name of Programme / Trainer’s Name / Qualification / Subject/Course

Notes to bidder:

Provide details here, or attach hereto, the subjects to be covered and the manner in which the training is to be delivered.

THUS DONE and SIGNED at ______on this the ______day of 201_.


1. / For and on behalf of
Name in Print:
Who by his signature warrants that he is duly authorised hereto


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