Name and Surname / Organization1. / Ivan Turok - / Chairperson
2. / Beauty Zibula / Commissioner
3. / Akash Singh / Commissioner
4. / Rory Wilkinson / Commissioner
5. / Urmilla Bob / Commissioner
6. / Glen Robbins / Commissioner
7. / Yasmin Rajah / Commissioner
8. / Malcolm Mitchell / Commissioner
9. / Viv McMenamin / Commissioner
10. / Adrian Peters / Strategy Office
11. / Pamela Moonsamy / Strategy Office
12. / Sogen Moodley / MILE
13. / Jo Douwes / Environmental Planning and Climate Protection
14. / Mimmy Ndokweni / Economic Development Unit
15. / Ajiv Maharaj / Economic Development Unit
16. / Puven Akkiah / Strategy Office
17. / Brian O’Leary / Strategy Office
18. / Ken Breetzke / Strategy Office
19. / Devoshini Konar / Strategic Spatial Planning Branch
20. / Soobs Moonsamy / Urban Renewal
21. / Nomfundo Phetha / Governance Cluster
22. / Debra Roberts / Environmental Planning and Climate Protection
23. / Linda Mbonambi / Area Based Management
24. / Thomas Mketelwa / Community Participation and Action
25. / Zola Dyasi / DCMs Office (Governance)
Item.No / ACTION / Resp. Person / Due Date
The Chairperson welcomed all present to the first quarterly meeting of the year for the City Planning Commission (CPC) and wished everyone well. He explained that 2017 was a vital year for the Commission. The Commission had a long-term plan to deliver and contribute according to its scope of work.
He added that it was imperative that gaps that had been identified were filled and that there was an urgent need to fine-tune certain aspects of the Plan.
He also indicated that there were challenges facing the Commission. Amongst them was extra engagement.
The Commission would rely on assistance of working groups.
1.1Apologies were received from:
- Mr Eric Mtshali
Adrian Peters informed the Commission that there were key deliverables with deadlines.
He mentioned three deliverables, namely:
- Diagnostic/Storyline- Completed
- City Development Strategy – there was a dire need to engage stakeholders to enrich the strategy in 2017. The development strategy needed to inform the IDP, which would be submitted to Council for consideration at the meeting to take place at the end of March 2017. The final document would be approved by end of May 2017. In January 2018 the IDP will be subject to a mid-term review and that is the opportunity to bring in key aspects from the City DebvelopmetnStrategy.
- Implementation strategy – Also have to be reflected in the IDP.
- The timeframeswere crucial;
- Continuity of administrative structures is a challenge.
- There has been communication with the Office of the Acting City Manager requesting her participation -
There was no progress report in respect of Page 8 of the Minutes of the previous meeting.
Youth Unemployment - Action was outstanding / Viv Mcmenamin
Draft– the draft strategy contains three (3) themes namely:
- Good governance – which encouraged contract with citizens and partnerships with business, civil society and other parts of government. Delegates unanimously agreed that good governance must be characterized by bold and visionary leadership coupled with competence and capacity.
- Stronger economy – this was an important tool which enabled business environment. It was also responsible for strengthening key areas and bolstering skills.
- Quality spaces and spatial integration – strengthening existing economic nodes, densification of well-located areas, reinforcing well-located informal settlements as well as careful sequencing, and management of development elsewhere.
(i) Service delivery pledges
(ii)Service Level Agreements
(iii)Private sector partnerships including Special Rating Areas, Management Associations and Lot Owners Associations
(iv)Automated CRM module of an Enterprise Resource Planning system
(v)Non - Governmental Organisations and Not for Profit Organisations partnerships
(vi)Dedicated Customer Relations Managers for large customers and for key economic assets
(vii)Service delivery accountability model
(viii)Differentiation of customer segments into priority and other areas
(ix)A Service Delivery Charter
(x)Open Data
(xi)Infrastructure Report Cards
(xii)Procurement Transparency
(xiii)Transversal Management.
(xiv)City Infrastructure Delivery Management System (CIDMS)
(xv)Municipal Standards and Living Conditions Survey (MSLCS)
(xvi)World Bank Sub-National Doing Business Survey
(xvii)Consequence Management
(xviii)Hierarchy of decision making tools and the roadmap
(xix)eThekwini Municipal Academy
(xx)Workforce Management as part of an ERP system
(xxi)World Bank Investment Promotion Strategy
(xxii)Industrial Revitalisation Strategy
(xxiii)Tertiary Institutions MOU with the City
(xxiv)Informal Settlements Upgrading Programme
(xxv)Built Environment Performance Plan and Integration Zones
(xxvi)Smart City Framework
(xxvii)Skills and Qualification Audit
Concerns/comments by Commissioner Viv - it was essential to have resources and a conceptual framework for a Customer Relations Management Strategy.
The Chairperson’s input - Consider commissioning a specialist in
Customer Relations Management for key assets as part of thestrategy.
It was agreed that a draft Customer relations Management framework be compiled
Based on the three focal areas mentioned above with emphasis on service delivery pledges as part of the Customer Relations Managers (CRM) portfolio. Focused on Service level Agreements incorporated into Special Rating Area rollout and roll out of Special Rating Area’s, Management Association’s and Lot Owners Association’s.
Commissioners agreed that these must also be implemented in key economic nodes. The City should be pro-active about these partnerships. A more participative approach was needed.
Five-ten year Programme of Action to be agreed within partnership structures including confirmation of priorities, allocation of resources and implementation of institutional arrangements. Each zone to be considered in terms of annually measurable performance indicators combining administrative, market and perception indicators. Furthermore each selected zone to include “Inclusivity Plan” to attend to business development opportunities for smaller businesses, space for micro and informal economy actors and to manage possible exclusionary impacts of gentrification on household and businesses, and development of proposals for budget alignment (maintenance, capital and institutional).
Action to be agreed within partnership structures including confirmation of priorities, allocation of resources and implementation of institutional arrangements. This process is to include the commissioning of further research to inform the sharpening of focus and improved evidence-based decision-making.
The Commission deliberated on improving service delivery through the Accountability model. A concern was raised that the response to service breakdown complaints or additional service requests by communities and Councillors was slow due to lack of monitored accountability resulting in reputational and protest risks. This has also disempowered Councillors.
The Silo mentality and blame syndrome prevailing among units or departments in the municipality frustrated accelerated service delivery. There was no process for effective communication, management, and tracking of petitions or complaints from Councillors from time of receipt to the time of work completion.
This involved Councillors, Ward Committees, Masakhane, and Area Based Management (ABM). The objective is to identify and submit a list to ABM of:
- Service delivery problems that were long outstanding and were reported before through the normal faults system and quote reference numbers where possible;
- Emergency situations that needed urgent attention e. g. storm damage of infrastructure; and
- Services that repeatedly fail at particular areas or points that needed an intervention that harnessed the recurrence of the problem.
The ABM shall:
- Analyse the submission of the Councillors and identify the department or Unit responsible and check on the adequacy of the location information (street address, ward, contact person and reference – if necessary);
- Classify the complaint as short-term (1 month), medium term (1-6 months) or long term (> 6 months) in consultation with the responsible Unit and log it on the Faults system under a unique classification e. g. petitions, etc;
- Prepare interventions progress reports for the Regional or Precinct meetings on a weekly basis and chair the meetings;
- Prepare progress reports for the Senior Management Weekly Operations Meeting, take minutes, track on progress and providing feedback or Councillors;
- Prepare progress reports, and take minutes for the Service Delivery fortnightly meeting to be chaired by the Mayor or Chairperson of the HIS Committee; and
- Arrange fortnightly service delivery site visits for officials and the relevant Councillors.
- Service delivery meetings shall be constituted by the Mayor, relevant chairpersons of Committees, DCMs, Heads and the ABM senior management;
- The meeting to be chaired by the Mayor or the Chairperson of the Human Settlement Infrastructure Committee and shall be held on a fortnightly basis;
- ABM shall be the secretariat to the meeting and shall prepare consolidated progress reports for each Cluster and Unit;
- The DCMs supported by the Heads shall provide feedback on the progress in addressing the issues raised. The progress report shall be fed on the system after sign off by the relevant Mayoral Committee member. This final report would be available for public consumption; and
- ABM shall provide feedback to the Councillors and Ward Committees thereafter.
An overview of the Durban Inner City Partnership (DICP) was also presented to the Commission. The presentation outlined the need for a DICP as follows;
- A municipality with a central inner city approach;
- An untapped opportunity;
- From the main contributor of the City’ rates base to a steady decline over time – from the “cash cow” to a “sick dog”;
- A lack of confidence, upkeep of public and private property and infrastructure;
- Fragmentation of initiatives [public, private and non-government];
- A lack of partnership, symbolism, and complexity; and
- Learning and adapting from other inner city initiatives.
- The recently approved Inner City Lap (December 2016);
- CPC concerns and advise to the Municipality to prioritize, commit to long term investment, social capital and institutional arrangements and multi-lateral partnerships [It was noted that the inner city brings together]; and
- The Mayor’s call for radical economic transformation – inner city presented an opportunity for economic change.
The next steps for the DICP include:-
- Pre-feasibility;
- Approval in principle from the CPC, Mayor, CM, SMT;
- Feasibility study;
- Implementation (2017/2018) adjustment budget; and
- 2018/2019 and future MTEF budget.
The three-segment Urban Management strategy was summarised as follows:
1.1 Top Segment – 20% of network that 80% of people traverse [freeways, main arterial, primary, and secondary CBDs. Priority Spaces – UIPs, Mas, LOAs top up services].
1.2 Middle Segment – Developed suburbia including internal delivery, rolling out of WMs across all field teams as well as Performance Management & Service Delivery Accountability model.
1.3 Bottom Segment – a rural and developing suburbia covering almost 2600 km. Consists of community-based contracts, social economic strategy and rationalized oversight and performance management .
The KZN SIP2 Integrated Stakeholders Engagement Forum was described as an example of Good Governance partnership around key assets. The SIP 2 Strategic Environmental Forum was presented as a national initiative driven by the Provincial Planning Commission (PPC). South Africa’s Premier Strategic Infrastructure Development Project with economic benefits (R6 billion per annum increase in the national GDP).
The purpose and functions of the proposed KZN SIP 2 SEF
The purpose of the KZN SIP 2 SEF was to:
- establish an integrated platform for engagement between government, business, labour, and civil society for the implementation of SIP 2 in KZN;
- share the information;
- identify challenges and develop appropriate responses;
- establish a structure for negotiating consensus on contentious development proposals at provincial level, nodal level and cluster level.
Members include government (Planning Commission, and Municipalities - eThekwini to Newcastle), businesses, labour and civil society.
ITEMS FOR NOTING as other examples of Good Governance around key assets:-
- Terms of Reference: eThekwini/Transnet Integrated Freight Transport Systems Joint Study;
- Durban Port City – dreaming workshop proposal/process and objectives;
- Driving Inclusive Development through Innovation: Innovate Durban
- National Treasury - Cities Support Programme [eThekwini Municipality: Strengthening Transversal Management] including Terms of Reference.
Cities Infrastructure Delivery and Management System (CIDMS)
Mention was made of the CIDMS toolkit layout which consisted
Of twelve modules structured as follows:
- Module 1 – National requirements for the delivery and management of infrastructure;
- Module 2 – System for the management of assets;
- Module 3 – Asset data model and infrastructure profiling;
- Module 4 – levels of service and customer profiling;
- Module 5 – future demand;
- Module 6 – life-cycle planning;
- Module 7 – Asset management plans;
- Module 8 – Investment appraisal and planning;
- Module 9 – Programme and project management;
- Module 10 – Construction procurement strategy;
- Module 11 – Project Management; and
- Module 12 –
- Asset management leadership and teams,
- asset management plans,
- management systems,
- asset management information systems,
- service provision models and
- audit, review and improvement.
The objectives of the CIDMS were outlined as follows:
- to assist cities to optimize performance right across the urban infrastructure value chain
- by offering best practice processes, techniques, and tools
- specifically designed to achieve city strategic objectives and desired outcomes
Other relevant interventions included –
- Undertaking from Councillors to sign performance agreements as required by the code of conduct.
- Possibility of establish an Independent Disciplinary Panel.
- Problems with repeated offences e.g. irregular expenditure.
- Consequence Management –a discussion document would be made available in the next meeting.
SNBD Study Background and Enquiry– identified as areas of improving business climate. A one stop shop for creating an enabling business environment has been established.
Investment Promotion Strategy – progress to date, key principles of the Strategy and stakeholders consulted were presented.
Industrial Revitalization Programme and Urban Design Upgrade –proposal was supported / Adrian Peters
Way Forward -
- TODs – transport is the backbone,
- Integration Zones.
- Filling of five vacancies in respect of Commissioners who resigned (process has been delayed due to new political leadership assuming office, etc.
- Next meeting to discuss the following broad areas [Gaps, Deep dives – CPC felt it did not do justice to them, Task teams, University partnerships, and the ability to procure external services.
- To invite the City Manager and the DCMs to be part of crucial discussions.
Commissioners were reminded that the CPC was expected to wrap its work this year. This meant there was a lot of work to be done in order to deliver in terms of the long-term plans. Focusing on key priorities was also vital.
The Chairperson thanked everyone for their attendance and input and closed the meeting. / Chairperson