服部大輔(愛媛大学大学院連合農学研究科博士課程) 業績一覧

Abdu A., Tanaka S., Jusop S., Ibrahim Z., Hattori D., Majid N.M. and Sakurai K. 2007 Soil characteristics under rehabilitation of degraded forestland in Perak, Peninsular Malaysia. Pedologist, 51(2) 76-88

Kenzo T., Ichie T., Ozawa S., Kashimura S., Hattori D., Irino K.O., Kendawang J.J., Sakurai K. and Ninomiya I. 2007 Leaf physiological responses of seven dipterocarp seedlings to degraded forest environments in Sarawak, Malaysia; A case study of forest rehabilitation practice. Tropics, 17(1) 1-16

Kendawang J., Ninomiya I., Kenzo T., Ozawa T., Hattori D., Tanaka S. and Sakurai K. 2007 Effects of burning strength in shifting cultivation on the early stage secondary succession in Sarawak, Malaysia. Tropics, 16(4)309-321

Hattori D., Sabang, J., Tanaka, S., Kendawang, J.J., Ninomiya, I. and Sakurai, K. 2005 Soil characteristics under three vegetation types associated with shifting cultivation in a mixed dipterocarp forest in Sarawak, Malaysia. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 51(2) 231-241

Irino K.O., Kang Y., Kenzo T., Hattori D., Ishizuka S., Ninomiya I., Iwasaki K., Kendawang J.J. and Sakurai K. 2005 Performance of pot-grown seedlings of the dipterocarp Dryobalanops lanceolata with controlled-release fertilizer after transplantation to the shifting cultivation land in Sarawak, Malaysia. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 51(3) 369-377

Other publications
田中憲蔵, 服部大輔, 櫻井克年, Kendawang J.J., 二宮生夫 2007. 上層木伐採が択抜残存林下に植栽したフタバガキ科樹木6種の成長と光合成特性に与える影響 関東森林研究 58, 105-108

服部大輔 現地研究会「阿蘇の山と日田林業」に参加して 2007. 森林立地49(1)79-82

田中憲蔵, 服部大輔, 入野和朗, 櫻井克年, Kendawang, J.J., 二宮生夫 2006. マレーシアサラワク州ニア造林試験地に植栽された7樹種の生態生理(IV)-植栽苗の植栽環境への反応-. 関東森林研究 57, 109-111

服部大輔, 田中憲蔵, 入野(岡村)和朗, 二宮生夫, 櫻井克年 2005. マレーシア・サラワク州における生態系修復の試み-土壌特性から見た人為撹乱の影響-. 熱帯林業, 64, 26-33

入野(岡村)和朗, 田中憲蔵, 服部大輔, 二宮生夫, 櫻井克年 2005. 外生菌根を形成したフタバガキ苗への肥効調節型被覆肥料施肥の試み. 熱帯林業, 64, 34-41

International Symposium

Abdu A., Tanaka S., Jusop S., Ibrahim Z., Majid N.M., Hattori D. and Sakurai K. 2007. Soil nutrient status of rehabilitated degraded forestland in Perak, Peninsular Malaysia. Linking Local Management to Global Change Challenges-International Symposium on Forest Soils and Ecosystem Health, Noosa, Australia (ISFS 2007). p.5-6

Abdu A., Tanaka S., Jusop S., Ibrahim Z., Majid N.M., Hattori D. and Sakurai K. 2007. Influence of soil properties on the growth of Shorea pauciflora in rehabilitated hill dipterocarp forest in Perak, Peninsular Malaysia. Linking Local Management to Global Change Challenges-International Symposium on Forest Soils and Ecosystem Health, Noosa, Australia (ISFS 2007). p.7-8

Kenzo, T., Ozawa, T., Kashimura, S., Hattori, D., Irino, O.K., Kendawang, J.J. Sakurai, K., and Ninomiya, I. 2005. Leaf physiological and morphological responses of seven dipterocarp seedlings to degraded forest environment in Malaysia rainforest. Rehabilitation of Degraded Tropical Rain Forests, Southeast Asia: Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Landscape Level Rehabilitation of Degraded Tropical Forests, February 22-23, FFPRI, Tsukuba, Japan. p.107-114

Hattori, D., Kenzo, T., Kendawang, J.J., Ninomiya, I., and Sakurai, K. 2005. Experimental planting of dipterocarps seedling for restoration of degraded mixed dipterocarp forest in Sarawak, Malaysia with special reference to soil properties and light condition. International Symposium, Eco-human Interactions in Tropical Forests in Kyoto, Japan. p.24

Hattori, D., Kenzo, T., Kendawang, J.J., Ninomiya, I., and Sakurai K. 2005. Experimental planting for restoration of tropical rainforest ecosystems in Sarawak, Malaysia. International Symposium on Forest Ecology, Hydrometeorology and Forest Ecosystem Rehabilitation in Sarawak in Kuching, Malaysia. p.212-215

Ninomiya I., Kendawang J.J., Kenzo T., Ozawa T., Hattori D., Tanaka S., and Sakurai K. 2005. Vegetation recovery after shifting cultivation in Sarawak - Effects of burning strength on early stage of the secondary succession-. International Symposium on Forest Ecology, Hydrometeorology and Forest Ecosystem Rehabilitation in Sarawak in Kuching, Malaysia. p.21-22

Sakurai, K., Kendawang, J.J., Ninomiya, I., Tanaka, S., Harada, K., Hattori D., Kenzo, T., Irino, O.K., and Koonkhunthod, N. 2005. Rehabilitation and recreation of degraded forest area in the tropics based on soil properties. International Symposium on Forest Ecology, Hydrometeorology and Forest Ecosystem Rehabilitation in Sarawak in Kuching, Malaysia. p.19-20

Irino K., Iba Y., Ishizuka S., Tanaka K., Hattori D., Kendawang J.J., and Sakurai K. 2002, Effect of controlled release fertilizer on the formation rate of ECM and the growth of seedlings in the nursery and field in Sarawak, Malaysia. Microbial Function in Revegetation Process of Degraded Terrestrial Environments: From Gene though to Ecosystem. International Workshop, November 29. 2002, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.

Symposium in Japan
二宮生夫, 古谷良, 田中憲蔵, 服部大輔, 田中壮太, 櫻井克年 2007. マレーシア・サラワク州における二次林の現存量 II. 4林分のアロメトリー式 日本熱帯生態学会(第17回高知大会), 講演要旨集 p.46

服部大輔, 田中憲蔵, 田中壮太, 市栄智明, 二宮生夫, Kendawang J.J., 櫻井克年 2007. マレーシア・サラワク州における試験造林-土壌と光環境がフタバガキ苗に与える影響- 日本熱帯生態学会(第17回高知大会), 講演要旨集 p.98

Abdu A., Tanaka S., Jusop S., Ibrahim Z., Majid N.M., Hattori D. and Sakurai K. 2007. Acacia mangium as a nurse tree for rehabilitation on degraded forestland in Perak, Peninsular Malaysia. 日本熱帯生態学会(第17回高知大会), 講演要旨集 p.97

服部大輔, 入野和朗, 田中憲蔵, ジョセフジャワケンダワン, 田中壮太, 二宮生夫, 櫻井克年, 2005. マレーシア・サラワク州における生態系修復を目指した試験造林-土壌因子がフタバガキ苗に与える影響-. 日本森林学会(第116回北海道大会)

二宮生夫,小澤智子,田中憲蔵,櫻井克年,田中壮太,服部大輔,Joseph Jawa Kendawang, 2005. マレーシア・サラワク州における焼き畑後の植生回復(II)現存量の回復, 日本熱帯生態学会(第15回京都大会),講演要旨集p.27

田中憲蔵, 服部大輔, 入野和朗, 櫻井克年, Kendawang JJ, 二宮生夫 2005. マレーシアサラワク州ニア造林試験地に植栽された7樹種の生態生理(IV)-植栽苗の植栽環境への反応-. 日本森林学会(関東支部会)

服部大輔, 入野和朗, 田中憲蔵, Joseph Jawa Kendawang, 二宮生夫, 櫻井克年 2003. マレーシア・サラワク州における生態系修復を目指した試験造林-土壌理化学性及び相対照度からのアプローチ-. 日本熱帯生態学会(鹿児島大会), 講演要旨集 p.40

Hattori, D., Irino, K., Kenzo, T., Kendawang, J.J., Ninomiya, I., and Sakurai, K. 2003. Experimental planting to rehabilitate the ecosystem in Sarawak, Malaysia: with special reference to soil factors and the relative light intensity. Interdisciplinary workshop on conservation of tropical forest & shifting cultivation in Sarawak, Malaysia (In Kochi University). p.45-48

Kenzo, T., Ozawa, T., Kashimura, S., Hattori, D., Irino, K., Kendawang, J.J., Sakurai, K., and Ninomiya, I. 2003. Leaf physiological and morphological response of some dipterocarp seedlings in degraded forest environment in Sarawak Malaysia. Interdisciplinary workshop on conservation of tropical forest & shifting cultivation in Sarawak, Malaysia (In Kochi University). p.35-39

服部大輔, 入野和朗, 櫻井克年, 田中憲蔵, 二宮生夫, Joseph Jawa Kendawang 2004. マレーシア・サラワク州における生態系修復を目指した試験造林-土壌因子及び植生が樹下植栽されたフタバガキ苗に与える影響-.日本熱帯生態学会(愛媛大会), 講演要旨集 p.18

田中憲蔵, 小澤智子, 二宮生夫, 服部大輔, 入野和朗, 櫻井克年, J.J. Kendawang 2004. マレーシアサラワク州ニア造林試験地に植栽された7樹種の生態生理(III)-生長と生態生理特性-.日本森林学会(第115回), p.309

服部大輔, 櫻井克年, Joseph Jawa Kendawang, 入野和朗, 二宮生夫 2002. マレーシア・サラワク州における生態系修復を目指した試験造林-草地,Macaranga林,残存林の土壌解析-. 日本土壌肥料学会(名古屋大会), 講演要旨集 p.99