May 5, 2008

Name: ______County ______

Number: ______Score: ______Date: ______

Circle the correct answer for True/False and fill in the blanks.

  1. (True/False) A long cannon is more desirable than a short cannon. - HH 16
  2. (True/False) A short coupling is more desirable than a long coupling. - HH 16
  3. (True/False) When giving reasons, be sure to use correct grammar. - HH 16
  4. (True/False) Less lameness and unsoundness occurs in the hind felt and legs because they support less weight and do more work. – HS 7
  5. (True/False) In hunt seat equitation, the bight of the reins may fall on either side; however, all reins should be picked up at the same time. - HH 25
  6. (True/False) In hunter seat equitation, the order to reverse may be executed by turning toward or away from the rail. - HH 25
  7. (True/False) Stallions of any age are allowed in 4-H classes. - RB 3
  8. (True/False) Genes and chromosomes are able to reproduce themselves. - HS 19
  9. (True/False) Before the cell divides, each chromosome duplicates itself. - HS 19
  10. When a rider's reactions to a horse's gaits are pleasant and enjoyable, the horse is called: ______- HH 17
  11. In Pole Bending, the poles are set ______feet apart. RB 39
  12. Nervous disorder characterized by excessive jerking of the hind leg ______- HS 13
  13. The top of a tooth protruding above the gum is ______- HS 14
  14. At what age does a horse have a full mouth? ______- HS 14
  15. The part of the tooth located at the surface of the gums: ______- HS 15
  16. A dovetail notch is formed on the upper corners at _____ years of age. - HS 17
  17. On a side view from a distance, look for ______of coupling. HH 14
  18. In the Flag Race, a ______second penalty is given if the flag is touching the side of the bucket. - RB 42
  19. Any mark or blemish that impairs usefulness and another name for unsoundness is ______. - HS 12
  20. A blue or whitish eye is called a(n) ______eye. - HS 12
  21. The science of the structure of the animal body and the relation of its parts is ______. - HS 14
  22. Canine teeth are sometimes referred to as ______. - HS 14
  23. A ______star is a star shaped or circle like structure near the center of the wearing surface of the permanent incisors. - HS 14
  24. Full mouth is when the horse has a complete set of permanent ______. - HS 14
  25. Besides age, the number of permanent teeth also depends on the horse's ______. HS16
  26. The angle of incidence is less that ______degrees in older horses. - HS 17
  27. ______are long, thread-like structures made of complex protein. - HS 18

28-29. . . . . my ______to greater ______......

  1. Identify the unsoundness or blemish:______. - HS 12

  1. (Essay) Identify this part of the tooth: ______- HS 16
  2. (Essay) Identify this part of the cell: ______- HS 19