Unit 4

Ch 11 Introduction to Genetics


1 Review What did Mendel conclude determines inheritance

Explain What are dominant and recessive alleles

Apply Concepts Why were true breeding pea plants important for Mendel’s experiments

2 Review What is segregation

Explain What happens to alleles between the P generation and the F2 generation


1 Review What is probability

Use Models How are Punnett squares used to predict the outcomes of genetic crosses

2 Review What is independent assortment

Calculate An F1 plant that is homozygous for shortness is crossed with a heterozygous F1 plan. What is the probability that a seed from the cross will be tall. Use a Punnett Square to explain your answer and to compare the probable genetic variations in the F2 plants

3 Review How did Gregor Mendel contribute to our understanding of inherited traits

Apply Concepts Why is the fruit fly an ideal organism for genetic research


Review What does incomplete dominance mean and give an example

Design an Experiment Design an experiment to determine whether the pink flowers of petunia plants result from incomplete dominance

Compare and Contrast What is the difference between incomplete dominance and codominance


1 Review Write a summary of each phase of meiosis

Use Analogies Compare the chromosomes of a diploid cell to a collection of shoes in a closet. How are they similar. What would make the shoe collection comparable to the chromosomes of a haploid cell

2 Review What are the principle differences between mitosis and meiosis

3 Review How does the principle of independent assortment apply to chromosomes

Infer If two genes are on the same chromosome but usually assort independently, what does that tell you about how close together they are

Ch 12 DNA


1 Review List the conclusions that Griffith and Avery drew from their experiments

Identify Variables What experimental variable did Avery use when he repeated Griffith’s work

2 Review What conclusion did Hershey and Chase draw from their experiments

Infer Why did Hershey and Case grow viruses in cultures that contained both radioactive substances? What might have happened if they only used one radioactive substance

3 Choose Griffith, Avery, or Hershey and Chase and develop a flow chart that shows how they used various scientific methods. You may want to refer to Ch 1 for descriptions of the scientific method.


1 Review List the chemical components of DNA

Relate Cause and Effect Why are hydrogen bonds so essential to the structure of DNA

2 Review Describe the discoveries that led to the modeling of DNA

Infer Why did scientists have to use tools other than microscopes to solve the structure of DNA

3 Review Describe Watson and Crick’s model of the DNA model


  1. Review Where and in what form in prokaryotic DNA found
  2. Review Where is eukaryotic DNA found
  3. Infer What could be the result of damaged DNA being replicated

Ch 13 RNA and Protein Synthesis


  1. Review Describe the three main difference between RNA and DNA
  2. Explain List the three main types of RNA and explain what they do
  3. Infer Why is it important for a single genes to be able to produce hundreds or thousands of RNA molecules


1 Review How does a cell interpret the genetic code

Explain What are codons and anticodons

2 Review What happens during translation

Compare and Contrast How is protein synthesis different from DNA replication

3 Review Why is the genetic code considered universal

Infer In what way does controlling the proteins in an organism control it’s characteristics

4 Choose one component of translation. Write a question about that component and use it to form a hypothesis that could be tested in an experiment


1 Explain What is a frameshift mutation and give an example

Infer The effects of a mutation are not always visible. Choose a species and explain how a biologist might determine whether a mutation has occurred and, if so, what type of mutation it is

2 Review List four effect mutations can have on genes

Apply Concepts What is the significance of mutations to living things


1 Review What genes control cell differentiation during development

Compare and Contrast How is the way Hox genes are expressed in mice similar and different to the way they are expressed in fruit flies

2 Use Analogies Write an analogy that demonstrates how the lac repressor functions

3 A hormone is a chemical that is produced in one part of the body, travels through the blood, and affects another part of the body. Many hormones are proteins. How might the production of a hormone affect the expression of genes in a eukaryotic cell? Write a hypothesis that could be tested to answer this question (include promoters in your hypothesis)

Ch 14 Human Heredity


1 Review What are autosomes

Explain What determines whether a person is male or female

Propose a Solution How can you use a karyotype to identify a species

2 Review Explain how sex linked traits work

Infer Why would the Y chromosome be unlikely to contain any of the genes that are absolutely necessary for survival


1 Infer How do genetic disorders such as CF support the theory of evolution

2 Review Explain two sex chromosome disorders

3 Description Write a paragraph explaining the process of nondisjunction


1 Review How do molecular biologists identify genes in sequences of DNA

Use Analogies How is shotgun sequencing similar to doing a jigsaw puzzle

2 Scientist one day may be able to use genomics to alter a child’s inherited traits. Under what circumstances, if any, should this be used and when should it not be used? Write a persuasive paragraph expressing your opinion by using specific examples of traits.

Ch 15 Genetic Engineering


  1. Review Give an example of selective breeding
  2. Review what is the relationship between genetic variations and mutations.
  3. Explanation Write a paragraph in which you suggest ways that plants could be genetically altered to improve the world’s food supply


1 Review Describe the process scientists use to copy DNA

Use Analogies How is genetic engineering like computer programming

2 Review What is a transgenic organism

Compare and Contrast Compare the transformation of a plant cell with the transformation of an animal cell

3 Practice Design an experiment to find a way to treat disorders caused by a single gene. State your hypothesis and list the steps you would follow


1 Review Give two practical applications for both transgenic plants and animals

Make Judgments List reasons why you would or would not be concerned about eating genetically modified foods

2 Review Name three uses for recombinant DNA technology

Apply Concepts Medicines interact with the body’s proteins. How might normal variations in your genes affect your response to different medicines

3 Infer Why is DNA fingerprinting more accurate if the samples are cut with more than one restriction enzyme


  1. Review State two advantages and two disadvantages of GM foods
  2. Infer Write three specific questions about the ethical, social, or legal implications of genetic engineering that did not appear in this chapter
  3. Persuasion Biologist may one day be able to use genetic engineering to alter a child’s inherited traits. Write a persuasive paragraph expressing your opinion on the following: Under what circumstances, if any, should this ability be used?