Grade 4 Unit 2 Vocabulary

What Jo Did
fouled / in sports, made an unfair play against

hoop / a ring or round, flat band

jersey / a shirt that is pulled over the head,made of soft, knitted cloth

marveled / was filled with wonder
rim / an edge, border, or margin on or around anything

speechless / not able to talk

swatted / hit sharply or violently

unbelievable / hard to think of as true or real
Coyote School News
bawling / crying out in a noisy way

coyote / a small wolflike mammal living in many parts of North America

dudes / people raised in the city, especially easterners who vacation on a ranch

roundup / the act of driving or bringing cattle together from long distances

spurs / metal points or pointed wheels,worn on a rider’s boot heels for urging a horse on

Grace and the Time Machine
aboard / on board; in or on a ship, train etc.

atlas / a book of maps

awkward / not graceful or skilled in movement or shape; not easily managed

capable / having fitness, power or ability; able
chant / to call over and over again
mechanical / like a machine; automatic without expression

miracle / a wonderful happening that is contrary to, or independent of, the known laws of nature
reseats / sits again
vehicle / device for carrying people or things, such as a car, bus, airplane etc.

Marven and the Great North Woods
cord / measure for cut wood about 4 feet high, 4 feet wide and 8 feet long

dismay / sudden helpless fear of what is about to happen or has happened
grizzly bear / a large gray or brownish bear of western North America

immense / very large, huge, vast

payroll / list of persons to be paid and the amount that each one is to receive

So You Want to Be President?
Constitution / the written set of laws by which the United States is governed

howling / very great
humble / not proud; modest
politics / the work of government; management of public business
responsibility / the act or fact of taking care of someone or something; obligation
solemnly / seriously; with dignity
vain / having too much pride in your looks, ability, etc.

Unit 2 Vocabulary Matching

What Jo Did

CoyoteSchool News

Grace and the Time Machine

Marvin of the Great North Woods

So You Want to Be President