Historical Background

During the Middle Ages, society and culture were based upon feudalism, and life was
generally characterized by a devotion to the Catholic Church. During the Renaissance, which is
generally considered to cover the years between 13 50 and 1600, countries established strong
monarchies and individuals showed an interest in more secular things. There was a renewed
interest in art, literature, and science. It was considered to be a cultural awakening which
symbolized the end of the middle ages and the beginning of the modem period.

Respond to ONE of the following essay topics:

Writing Task Choice #1

Describe how did the Renaissance affected the development of early modem Europe. Be
sure to discuss the following:

·  The attitudes and philosophies evidenced during the Renaissance

·  The development of the printing press

·  The exploration and discovery of previously unknown lands

(Documents A through D is related to this writing task)


Writing Task Choice #2

Discuss the lasting impact and significant contributions of the period known as the
Renaissance. Be sure to discuss the following:

·  "The Arts"

·  Science

·  Religion

(Documents E through K are related to this writing task)

The Renaissance ... Page 1


Excerpt from Machiavelli's The Prince

... We now have left to consider what should be the manners and attitudes of a prince toward
his subjects and his friends. A man striving in every way to be good will meet his ruin
among the great number who are not good. Hence it is necessary for a prince, if he wishes to
remain in power, to learn how not to be good and to use his knowledge or refrain from using
it as he may need ....


The Renaissance was a time for the "discovery of man" and the "discovery of the world".

French Historian





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The Renaissance ... Page 2


Above is a drawing of a printing shop in the 1500s.

The Renaissance ... Page 3



Michelangelo's The Pieta

The Renaissance ... Page 4





Mona Lisa was very beautiful and while Leonardo was drawing her portrait he engaged
people to play and sing and jesters to keep her merry, and remove that melancholy which
painting usually gives to portraits.

Giorgio Vasari 1511-1574

The Renaissance ... Page 5



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Leonardo da Vinci's Sketchbooks

The Renaissance ... Page 6


"The place is wrong. And I am no painter. I am a sculptor. Ask me to work in stone or
marble. That is my art. Ask Raphael - he is the painter. "

Michelangelo responding to Pope Julius II's request that he paint the mural on the ceiling of
the Sistine Chapel. Four years later, Michelangelo unveiled his work on the ceiling.


Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools

The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle.
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his home upon the stage
Then is heard no more; it is a tale

Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
Signifying nothing.

MacBeth, Act Five Scene 3


All the world's a stage

And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;

And one man in his time plays many parts... .

As You Like It, Act Two, Scene 7

The Renaissance ... Page 7