Be the best I can be!

Job Description: Name

Job Title: Class teacher

Salary: £ national payscale (fixed term contract to end 31.8.14)

Scale: Mainscale M1- 3 (appropriate for NQT)

Job Purpose:

To ensure all pupils in the class make progress in line with ARE and are challenged to make 4 points progress

The appointment is subject to the current conditions of employment for Classroom teachers contained in the School teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document and the required standards for Qualified Teacher Status in addition to other relevant legislation

The job description may be amended at any time following discussion between the Principal and relevant member of staff and will be reviewed annually as part of the Appraisal review cycle.


·  Curriculum area team member

Duties and Responsibilities:

The teacher will:

·  Implement agreed school policies and guidelines;

·  support initiatives decided by the Governors, Principal and staff;

·  plan appropriately to meet the needs of all pupils, through differentiation of tasks;

·  be able to set clear targets, based on prior attainment, for pupil’s learning;

·  provide a stimulating classroom environment, where resources can be accessed appropriately and independently by all pupils;

·  keep appropriate and efficient records, making effective use of the school tracking system, integrating formative and summative assessment into weekly and termly planning;

·  report to parents on the development, progress and attainment of pupils;

·  maintain good order and discipline amongst pupils, in accordance with the school’s assertive discipline behaviour policy;

·  participate in and contribute to staff, curriculum and team meetings;

·  communicate and co-operate with specialists from outside agencies;

·  Direct support staff within the classroom, ensuring maximum impact on pupils’ progress;

·  Participate in reviewing and evaluating current practice linked to team membership areas of the curriculum to provide feedback to the Senior Leadership Team;

·  Work alongside phase team and NQT mentor (if appropriate) to develop classroom practice to be consistently ‘good’, aiming for ‘outstanding’ practice

·  Liaise with curriculum area team to contribute in the writing of an action plan for curriculum area to be included in the School Improvement Plan;

·  Participate in the arrangements for Appraisal / induction year arrangements

·  Maintain a well-organised, tidy, stimulating and attractive classroom environment

·  Ensure the classroom is an environment that stimulates and advocates reading and language learning to impact on Reading, Writing, Maths and Communication

Be the best I can be!

Person Specification: class teacher

Essential : / Desirable: / How assessed?
Education & qualifications: / DfE qualified teacher status / Personal learning – linked to curriculum: pe, MFL, IT, The Arts (Music, Dance, Art) / A
Knowledge & experience: / Recent relevant practice in Primary setting
Relevant, recent teaching experience
Knowledge of and proven experience related to the standards for teachers
Knowledge of the National curriculum and related strategies
Knowledge of safeguarding issues in schools
An understanding of health and safety issues
Experience of personalisation of learning
Ability to enhance achievements and attainment for all pupils
Ability to use progress tracking and data to ensure all groups of children achieve / awareness of the proposals for the new national curriculum / A / R
A / R
A / R
I / T / A
I / A
T / I
I / T / A
Skills & attributes: / Support the school vision, aims, and ethos
Excellent communication skills
Ability to demonstrate high quality, creative and innovative classroom practice
Work as part of a team sharing ideas, expertise and planning to enhance the learning experience
Promote learning and enhance learning beyond the curriculum and classroom
Demonstrate initiative, innovation and enthusiasm for primary education
Demonstrating an understanding of equality of opportunity
Ability to prioritise and manage time effectively
Ability to use IT to enhance teaching and learning and all elements of practice
Ability to use assessment for learning skills to enhance standards and achievement / Other professional qualifications
Team Teach accreditation / I / A
I / A
I / A / T / R
A / I / R
A / I / R
A / I / T / R
A / I / T
T / A/ R
I / A / T
A / I / T
Personal qualities: / Demonstrate a commitment to the role beyond the basic demands of the post
Demonstrate the ability and commitment to work closely with the Principal both during and beyond the school day
Have a flexible attitude
Support the concept of the school as an integral element of the community
Be able to work under pressure whilst maintaining a cheerful disposition
Demonstrate personal and professional integrity
Possess a sense of balance with a life outside of school
Be: assertive, inspiring, motivational, enthusiastic, diplomatic, empathetic, self-confident / Be able to support the development of enrichment opportunities – after school clubs, teams / A / I / R
A / I / R
A / I / T
A / I
I / R
A / R
A / R / I
A / I / T / R

Key: A= Application; I= Interview, T= Task; R= Reference