Andrew Deuchar is appointed as Director of BUILD

Oxford, UK – 31 August 2011 – The Trustees of BUILD are delighted to announce the appointment of Andrew Deuchar as BUILD’s second Director, effective on 1 October 2011.

Andrew will succeed Dr Nick Maurice who is the Founder of BUILD and is retiring from the role of Director. Hewill continue to support BUILD’s work in ways that Andrew and the Trustees wish.

BUILD believes that global community partnerships make the world better. Working with community, national and global partners, BUILD promotes cross-cultural links and provides services to help communities to link and to develop their work in ways that increase global peace, prosperity and justice.

Since 2002 BUILD has been a major force in helping to create more and better linking partnerships between communities in the UK and developing countries. BUILD has worked with government to keep partnerships at the centre of policy.

DFID’s Global School Partnerships programme involves over 3000 schools in UK. DFID established the International Health Links Funding Scheme and in 2010, announced the £20m Health Systems Partnership Fund. DFID’s Global Community Links programmesupports partnerships that extend throughout communities. BUILD developed the Gold Star scheme with the Welsh Assembly Government to recognizethe best partnerships as models for others.

BUILD has promoted high quality in community partnerships. Atoolkit of good practice was launched by Archbishop Desmond Tutu in 2007. Work to show the impact of community partnerships on peace, prosperity and justice has includedthe 2009 research on the impact of schools’ partnerships.

Andrew Deuchar comes to BUILD with a long experience in international development, communications, management and project management. His early career in the Diplomatic Service has been followed by ministry in the Church of England.

After parish ministry, he was,from 1994 to 2000, the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Secretary for Anglican Communion Affairs, managing the Archbishop’s ministry as leader of the worldwide Anglican Communion. Hereturned to parish ministry in Nottingham and has most recently been Mission Audit Officer to the Bishop of Moray, Ross and Caithness.

John Whitaker, Chair of BUILD’s Trustees said, “We are delighted to find Andrew. Not only does his career show all the attributes we were seeking, but there isgreat endorsement of his ability from many sources.”

The Archbishop of Canterbury for whom he worked, Lord Carey, said,“BUILD is looking for an outstanding leader. Andrew was one of my best officers. I have great confidence in him.He is a very wise and consensual leader.”

Andrew Deuchar said, “I am absolutely delighted to be joining the work of BUILD, which I believe to be of great significance on the vast canvas which is the International Development world today. I am passionate about the whole business of linking people and communities, and am truly excited at being able to pursue it.”


John Whitaker, Chair of BUILD’s Trustees

+44 1865 251389

Nick Maurice, Founder of BUILD and retiring Director

+44 1672 861001

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