curriculum vitae

Personal information
Surname(s) / First name(s) /

Tartaro Bujak / Ivana

Address(es) / Ruđer Bošković Institute, Department of Materials Chemistry, Bijenička c. 54, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
Telephone(s) / 385 1 4680 098
Fax(es) / 385 1 4680 098
E-mail(s), Web address(s) /
Nationality(-ies) / Croatian
Date of birth / 31.01.1981.
Identification number from Records of Scientific Workers / 315570
Work experience
• Dates (from – to) / 2015.-
Name and address of employer / Ruđer Bošković Institute, Department of Materials Chemistry, Bijenička c. 54, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
Type of business or sector / Scientific research
Occupation or position held / Assistant
Main activities and responsibilities / Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Radiation Chemistry
• Dates (from – to) / 2007. – 2009.
Name and address of employer / Ruđer Bošković Institute, Department of Materials Chemistry, Bijenička c. 54, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
Type of business or sector / Scientific research
Occupation or position held / Associate
Main activities and responsibilities / Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Radiation Chemistry
Date / 2008.-2015.
Place of education / Zagreb
Name and type of organisation providing education / University of Zagreb, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Department of Chemistry
Title or qualification awarded / Ph. D. in Chemistry
Date / 2005.
Place of education / Zagreb
Name and type of organisation providing education / University of Zagreb, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Department of Chemistry
Title or qualification awarded / B. Sc. in Chemistry
Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered / General
- chemistry
- radiation chemistry
(kinetics and mechanism of reactions of short-lived species, such as free radicals)
- knowledge and development of modern quantitative analytical methods
Year / 2008
Place of training / Spetses, Greece
Name and type of organisation providing training / Society of Free Radical Research-Europe
Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered / Free Radical Chemistry in Lipids/Radiation chemistry
Year / 2008 (May 15 – August 15)
Place of training / Bologna, Italy
Name and type of organisation providing training / COST CM0603 - Free Radicals in Chemical Biology ; Short Term Scientific Mission
Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered / Lipid degradation by free radicals: Peroxidation vs. Isomerization
Personal skills and competencies
Mother tongue(s) / Croatian
Other language(s)
Language / English
Speaking / Good
Writing / Good
Understanding (listening and reading) / Very well
Language / Italian
Speaking / Good
Writing / Good
Understanding (listening and reading) / Good
Social skills and competencies / Good ability to adapt to team work
Professional membership:
- Croatian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Croatian Chemical Society
OrganiSational skills and competencies / Experience in education
- Assistant to a second year students in faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Zagreb (2006/2007;October 2005.- June 2006.)
Technical skills and competencies / - good command of Microsoft Office tools (Word, Excell, Powerpoint)
- good knowledge of database searching, acquaintance with Internet
Driving licence(s) / Category B
Additional information
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