State of New Jersey

Statewide Voter Registration System

Production System Changes

Report Date: Monday OCTOBER 06, 2008

The following system changes, including bug fixes and enhancements, were put into Production on October 05th, 2008.

Bug Fixes:

Item / JIRA # / Description of the Fix / Issue Logged County
1.  / NJP-5154 / Corrected the SVRS to display correct “Grand Total Application by Ballot Type” and “Grand Total Application by Party” at he end of Absentee Ballot Report. / Ocean
2.  / NJP-5452 / Corrected the SVRS to align the columns correctly on Alpha Voter List report in excel format. / Somerset
3.  / NJP-5527 / Corrected the SVRS to sort by current party and not broken up by district. / Morris
4.  / NJP-5712 / Corrected the SVRS to restrict printing blank paper for Deceased or Deceased Facility Letter. / Morris
5.  / NJP-5930 / Subtotals cannot be done for labels as they are intended to be printed on AVERY label sheet, also page break by sort option may not be acceptable by other counties considering labels getting wasted on the sheet.
However this functionality is implemented for List. / Morris
6.  / NJP-6322 / Issue is similar to NJP-5452 / Morris
7.  / NJP-6427 / Corrected the SVRS to display the added Training Class on Maintain Training Class screen. / Burlington
8.  / NJP-6464 / Corrected the SVRS to display complete address on all Select screens of SVRS application. / Statewide
9.  / NJP-6484 / Corrected the SVRS to add successfully a non registered absentee ballot request with Assistor information/ messenger information. / Somerset
10.  / NJP-6499 / Corrected the SVRS to display correct Voter Change Reasons on Voter Registration screen. / Hunterdon
11.  / NJP-6522 / Issue is similar to NJP-6499 / Morris
12.  / NJP-6527 / Issue is similar to NJP-6499 / Middlesex
13.  / NJP-6531 / Corrected the SVRS to generate the Label in bulk only once for specific election on clicking “Generate Label button. / Somerset
14.  / NJP-6544 / Corrected the SVRS to restrict duplication of Generate fax sheet on Absentee Ballot Request screen. / Ocean
15.  / NJP-6546 / Corrected the SVRS to process Label report successfully. / Atlantic
16.  / NJP-6553 / Corrected the SVRS to process the registration summary report successfully for the given Registration Start and End Date. / Union
17.  / NJP-6569 / Corrected the SVRS to populate only the selected parties on Absentee Ballot Request Report. / Bergen
18.  / NJP-6591 / Unable to simulate the issue. It occurs sporadically The query has been modified for better performance.
Navigation - Activities - System - reminders - There are (n) deleted absentee voter tickler / Passaic
19.  / NJP-6602 / Corrected the SVRS to Update/Modify the shift availability to AM,PM or Any on Maintain Poll Worker Screen. / Hunterdon
20.  / NJP-6612 / Alignment issue has been fixed and phone number is displayed under phone number column on Absentee ballot report in CSV format. / Morris
21.  / NJP-6614 / Corrected the SVRS to display correct voter id on reissuing individual label on Update/maintain Absentee ballot label. / Somerset
22.  / NJP-6617 / Assign Polling Place Template" Screen is Re- structured in such a way that when the Assign All button is clicked the current elections assigned districts are totally overridden with the Previous Election Date and Name/Election Type Template assigned districts / Burlington
23.  / NJP-6628 / Corrected the SVRS to Add MVC New Voter successfully without error message on Voter Registration screen. / Essex
24.  / NJP-6629 / Issue is similar to NJP-6620 / Union
25.  / NJP-6632 / Corrected the SVRS to display wards and districts correctly on Poll Worker Final Assignment report / Union
26.  / NJP-6643 / Corrected the SVRS to enable the “Delete Rejected & Undo Rejected Status” button if the 1st record is marked Rejected on MVC File –Add/Change or Online screen. / Statewide
27.  / NJP-6663 / Corrected the SVRS to save the Mailing Address on Voter Registration screen for MVC Voter. / Morris
28.  / NJP-6672 / Corrected the SVRS to sort by “Transaction Date” in descending order on MVC File –Add/Change/Online screens.
Sequence Order of the name is as follows –First –Middle –Last Name. / Statewide


Item / Title / Description
1. / CCR-248
Application Changes part-12 / Assign all MWD by default for statewide elections(NJP-5775)
An option to assign all MWD’s by default to the statewide elections is provided as part of enhancement.
Add/Maintain Elections Screen
Navigation: Activities –Election – Maintain Elections.
Assign Voting Districts
1.  Navigation: Activities - Election –Assign Voting Districts.
2.  Automatically assign all MWD’s when a state level (annual school, primary and general) election is created.
Absentee Ballot Received (NJP-6126)
An option to retain the current election for at least two weeks after election has been provided as part of enhancement.
1.  Navigation: Activities – Absentee Voter – Absentee Ballot Received.
2.  The election date-name field is default to the most recent election until 2 weeks after the election date. (i.e., even if there is an election within 2 weeks.) But the Election Date- Name selection remains sticky while the user is in session on the “Absentee Ballot Received” screen.
3.  Added an alert if the ballot received date is after the election.
Maintain Street –Delete Street and Segments with Deleted Voters (NJP-5998)
An option to delete a street segment and street if there are deleted voters on it has been provided as part of enhancement.
1.  The system is updated to allow deleting street segments and /or streets, which only have deleted voters associated with them. If a voter with a status other than deleted is associated with a street segment on the street then the user will not be able to delete the street or street segment.
2.  An n alert is provided on change voter screen to assign a valid street segment on trying to change the deleted voter status to Active.
No Acknowledgement Cards for Deleted Voters (NJP-6097, 6137)
An option to delete cards automatically for deleted Voters from print queue (From both Reminders and Countywide Reminders) has been provided as part of enhancement. Additionally, if a voter moves before their confirmation card is printed, that the system takes them out of the original Municipality’s batch.
1.  Acknowledgement card, confirmation card, change notice card and Verification Cards for deleted voters are removed from the print queue.
2.  Additionally, if a voter moves before their confirmation letter is printed, that the system takes them out of the original municipality’s batch queue.
Update/Maintain Absentee Ballots (NJP-6029)
An option to add/edit the Assistor/Messenger information on Update/Maintain Absentee Ballot screen as part of enhancement.
1.  Navigation: Activities –Absentee Voter –Update/Maintain Absentee Ballot – Search Voter – Select Voter Update/Maintain Absentee Ballots screen.
2.  Assistor/Messenger information is enabled on Update/Maintain Absentee Ballot screen. (Is similar to Absentee Ballot Screen)
3.  Upon clicking Update or Ballot Reissue, Assistor/Messenger information is editable.
Absentee Ballot Received (NJP-4895)
Absentee Ballot Received
1.  Navigation: Activities –Absentee Voter _ Absentee Ballot Received screen 1
2.  Added a new “Received Type” drop down list on Absentee Ballot Received screen 1.
3.  By default it is blank.
4.  “Received Type” drop down list have the following Values:
·  Authorized Messenger
·  In Person
·  Mail
5.  Received Type is optionally selected and upon clicking continues display the selected Received Type and is disabled on Absentee Ballot Received Screen 2.
Absentee Ballot Report
1.  Added a new check box for “Include Received Type in Output Report” on Absentee Ballot Report.
2.  Check box is unchecked by default.
3.  Upon checking the “Include Received Type in Output Report” checkbox, Received Type is displayed on the output Report.
4.  Included the legend for “Received Type” on the output report.
Absentee Ballot Return Detail
1.  Added a new check box for “Include Received Type in Output Report” on Absentee Ballot Return Detail Report.
2.  Check box is unchecked by default.
3.  Upon checking the “Include Received Type in Output Report” checkbox, Received Type is displayed on the output Report.
4.  Included the legend for “Received Type” on the output report.
Acknowledgement Card(NJP-6095)
An option to generate only one Acknowledgement Card per day per voter with the latest Voter information in Show Reminder and County Wide Batch Items screen.
1.  Navigation: Activities –System –Show Reminders or Countywide Batch Items –Review Acknowledgement Cards.
2.  If there are multiple changes on a voter on the same day, only one Acknowledgment Card is generated with latest Voter Information.
Party Affiliation Letter Changes (NJP-6035,NJP-6164)
The following grammatical changes have been made to Party Affiliation Letter as part of enhancement.
1.  Rephrased Democratic as “Democrat” and Republican as “Republic” in the Party Affiliation Letter.
2.  Removed “a” before the party name.(i.e., You are now registered as Democrat and are entitled to Vote in Primary Elections)
2. / CCR-253 Application Changes part 15 / MVC File
An option to search by Driver’s License Number or Card Number or MVC Transaction Start and End dates has been provided on MVC- Add/Change/Online Voter screens as part of enhancement.
MVC File New Voter
1.  Navigation: Activities –Voter Registration - MVC File New Voter.
2.  Additional search options have been provided on MVC File- New Voter Screen to be able to search by Driver’s License Number or Card Number and MVC Transaction Start and End Dates.
3.  Card number is a 7 digit alpha numeric field.
4.  Upon entering MVC Transaction Start and End Dates, the respective MVC file data is displayed
5.  Two new columns “Card Number” and “MVC Transaction Date” are added on MVC File New Voter screen.
MVC File Change Voter
1.  Navigation: Activities –Voter Registration - MVC File Change Voter.
2.  Additional search options have been provided on MVC File- Change Voter Screen to be able to search by Driver’s License Number or Card Number and MVC Transaction Start and End Dates.
3.  Card number is a 7 digit alpha numeric field.
4.  Upon entering MVC Transaction Start and End Dates, the respective MVC file data is displayed
5.  Two new columns “Card Number” and “MVC Transaction Date” are added on MVC File Change Voter screen.
MVC File –Online Voter
1.  Navigation: Activities –Voter Registration - MVC File Change Voter.
2.  Additional search options have been provided on MVC File- Online Voter Screen to be able to search by Driver’s License Number or Card Number and MVC Transaction Start and End Dates.
3.  Card number is a 7 digit alpha numeric field.
4.  Upon entering MVC Transaction Start and End Dates, the respective MVC file data is displayed
5.  Two new columns “Card Number” and “MVC Transaction Date” are added on MVC File Change Voter screen.
Compare MVC File
Additional information related to MVC record has been provided as part of Compare MVC File - Add/Change/Online Voter Screens.
Compare MVC file-New Voter
1.  Added the following additional fields (from the MVC file) on compare MVC File- New Voter Screen.
·  Card Number
·  MVC Transaction Date
·  Party and
·  Original Driver’s License Number
2.  Added Registration Date after the DOB column on SVRS Matched Voters section.
Compare MVC File Change Voter
1.  Added the following additional fields (from the MVC file) on compare MVC File- Change Voter Screen.
·  Card Number
·  MVC Transaction Date
·  Party and
·  Original Driver’s License Number
2.  Added Registration Date after the DOB column on SVRS Matched Voters section.
Compare MVC File online Voter
1.  Added the following additional fields (from the MVC file) on compare MVC File- Online Voter Screen.
·  Card Number
·  MVC Transaction Date
·  Party and
·  Original Driver’s License Number
2.  Added Registration Date after the DOB column on SVRS Matched Voters section.
Add/Change Voter
1.  The MVC Transaction date is populated on the VR Registration screens for both the New and Transfer Voters from the MVC.
2.  For In County Changes the MVC Transaction date populate in the change date field.
MVC DL Search
A new link “MVC DL Search” is provided under Activities as part of enhancement.
A new link “MVC DL Search’ is provided under Activities.
1.  A new link “MVC DL Search’ is provided under Activities.
2.  This option is available only for State Admin (SA) users.
3.  An option to search by MVC by Driver’s License Number.
MVC Matched Record
If there is a matching SVRS record (based on DL Search), then the SVRS record details will be displayed
1.  DMV Record displays the following fields.
·  Driver’s License Number
·  Last Name
·  First Name
·  Middle Name
·  DOB
·  Address
·  City
·  State
·  Zip
2.  SVRS record displays the following fields
·  Driver’s License Number
·  Last Name
·  First Name
·  Middle Name
·  DOB
·  Street Name
·  Municipality
·  Ward
·  District
·  State
·  Zip
·  Voter ID
3.  If there is not matching SVRS record, then “No SVRS record found” should be displayed under SVRS Record.
4.  If there are multiple SVRS records matching, then display “Multiple SVRS records found” under SVRS record.
5.  Clicking “Back” takes the user back to the MVC DL Search Page.
Motor Voter File Report
A new “Motor Voter” Report is added to display all Motor Voter Changes (Add, Change and Online) as part of enhancement.
1.  Added a new report link “Motor Voter File Report” under Reports menu.
2.  This new report have the following selection criteria
I.  Transaction Type
II. Status
III.  Data Received
From Date
To Date
IV.  Sort Order
·  Transaction Date sort order is sorted by Transaction Date – Name.
·  Alpha by County sort order is sorted by Last Name – First Name – Middle Name
·  Status sort order is sorted by status – Last Name – First name – Middle Name
·  Transaction Type sort order is sorted by Transaction Type – Last Name – First Name – Middle Name
·  Motor Voter number sort order is sorted by Motor Voter Name.
3.  The output report is displayed the following columns
·  Data Received
·  Name
·  Date of Birth
·  Drivers License Number
·  Card Number
·  Residence Address
·  Mailing Address
·  Transaction Type
·  Status
4.  Grand totals and totals by transaction type are displayed at the end of the report.
5.  Legend is displayed at the end of the report for Transaction Type and Status.
Secure File Upload
An option to upload/delete files from SVRS application similar to Maintain Bulletins has been provided as part of enhancement.
1.  Provided a new link for”secure file upload” under Activities –System module.
2.  This option is only available for SA or State Admins.
3.  Screen similar to Maintain Bulletins is displayed on clicking “Secure File Upload”.
4.  To upload the file, click on the browse button and select the file to upload. On successful upload the uploaded file is added to the uploaded file list available on the same page.
5.  An option to view the list of uploaded files is provided. Files are sorted in the order of date uploaded with the latest on top. File is opened in a separate window on clicking individual file.
6.  An option to sort by date on clicking “Date Uploaded” has been provided.
7.  An option to delete an uploaded file by selecting the check box adjacent to the uploaded file, and click delete.
8.  “Select all” button is renamed as “select current page” and will select all items displayed on the current page on clicking “Select All”.
9.  A new button “Select All Pages” is added and will select all the checkbox’s adjacent to the uploaded files list on all the pages.
10.  “Reset” button resets the screen.

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