Vision: To be the Austin area’s leader, advocate, and visionary source of quality and progress towards excellence

Mission: To sustain and contribute our resources to the membership and community by promoting and providing professional learning, mentoring, networking and supporting quality efforts.

To seek supporters and achievers of quality endeavors and recognize their accomplishments.

To demonstrate our beliefs, we practice what we preach through internal quality initiatives aimed at continual improvement.


2014 / 01/06 / 02/10 / 03/10 / 04/07
Chair / Cindi Manning / X / X / X / X
Vice Chair / Sherry Popiolek / X / X / X / X
Secretary / Norma Antunano / X / X / X / X
Treasurer / Francisco Russi / X / X
Arrangements / Tracy Nichols / X / X / X
Audit / Tony Perez
Certification / Jim Johnstone / X / X
Education / Norma Antunano / X / X / X / X
Examining / Forrest Breyfogle
Internet Liaison / A.J. Scotka / X / X / x
Membership / David Wight / X / X / X / X
Newsletter / Kevin Byckovski
Nominations / Keith Brankner / X
Proctor / Andrew Davison
Programs / Cindi Manning / X / X / X / X
Publicity / Eva Esparza / X / X
PAR / Todd Minnick / X / X / x
Recertification / Rob White / X
Placement / Megan Oertel / X / X / X x
Voice of Customer / Scott Berman / X / X / X
Newsletter / Kevin Byckovski

Additional Attendees (this meeting): Mike Harkins

Meeting Location: Bazaarvoice, Austin, TX


Start / End / Time / Item / Sub Topic / Contact
6:00 PM / 6:20 PM / 0:20 / Open Action Items / See March Minutes / Cindi
6:20 PM / 6:25 PM / 0:05 / ASQ Sharepoint Update / Cindi
6:25 PM / Chair Reports
6:25 PM / 6:35 PM / 0:10 / Treasurer Report / i. Initial balance (at beginning of month)
ii. Money received (income)
iii. Checks written (expenses)
iv. Any pending payments
v. Current Balance (end of month)
vi. Budget Status / Francisco
6:35 PM / 6:40 PM / 0:05 / Voice of the Customer / Scott
6:40 PM / 6:50 PM / 0:10 / Arrangements / May meeting decision / Tracy
6:50 PM / 6:55 PM / 0:05 / PAR / Upcoming Dates
AMCOM volunteers / Cindi
6:55 PM / 7:10 PM / 0:15 / Programming & Education Events / i. Grouping from January meeting/Member skill needs
ii. Summer Programming ideas
iii. Education events/webinars / Cindi & Norma
7:10 PM / 7:15 PM / 0:05 / Certification / Jim
7:15 PM / 7:20 PM / 0:05 / Internet / AJ
7:20 PM / 7:25 PM / 0:05 / Placement / Megan
7:25 PM / 7:30 PM / 0:05 / Membership / David
7:30 PM / 7:35 PM / 0:05 / Wed Meeting Update/Prep / Announcements
i. World Conf
ii. 1414 Networking Dinner
iii. Summer Hiatus, entertaining ideas/needs
iv. Review of January meeting feedback
v. VOC
Other Needs / Cindi
7:35 PM / Adjourn
Total / 1:35

Meeting was started at 6: 20 PM on Monday, April 07, 2014.

Action items updated per April 07 board meeting.

(- former #) / Date Assigned / Owner / Description / Due Date / Status
1 / Dec. 9, 2013 / AJ and Scott / AJ and Scott will look at possible screen options before we have another education event. (Rental, hotel furnish, etc.). / Update in February meeting / In progress
2 / Jan 6, 2014 / Cindi Manning, Todd Minnick / Update on PAR requirements (where further clarification may be needed)+ key dates / February / Complete
3 (6) / Jan 6, 2014 / Cindi Manning / Names in the web site updated, recent known change needs to be reflected / April 7 / In progress, needs Chair’s message
4 (7) / February 10, 2014 / Cindi Manning / Group the inputs provided by attendees to January 8’s members meeting (target to do it in next Board meeting) / March 10 / Complete; see 4A
4A / April 7 / Cindi Manning / Cindi to send report to AJ for posting / April / Complete
5 (11) / February 10, 2014 / All Committee Chairs / Complete committee budget sheets (some complete, others committees have it pending) / February 24 / In progress
6 / March 10 / Executive Committee / Review current SOA and forward comments to Todd Minnick / April 7 / In progress,
7 / March 10 / Todd Minnick / Draft the “Debit Transaction Report”, submit it elected chairs and earlier Treasuries for feedback / April 7 / Complete
8 / March 10 / FY14 Appointed Chairs / Acknowledge of new release financial reports statement (Chair, Treasury, Secretary, Auditor) / April 7 / In progress
9 / March 10 / Francisco Russi / Updating budget to include income, and changes in PAR plan / April 7 / In progress
10 / March 10 / Stacy Foreman / Confirm transition date and any other key re-certification information / April 7 / Complete
11 / April 7 / Francisco Russi / Coordinate with AJ set up of Pay Pal / April 20 / In progress
12 / April 7 / Francisco Russi / Prepare Treasury report / April 20 / In progress
13 / April 7 / Cindi Manning / Review options for Summer event / May / In progress
14 / April 7 / Cindi Manning / Plaques for Sponsors/Mike can help / May / In progress


Notes related to action 7:

·  Francisco cancelled the debit card and transferred this card to Section Chair.

·  Bank advices not to have a 2nd account as there is a potential concern of fraud.

·  Only checking account has been set (if there are separate account then fees need to be paid). There is $2500/day maximum charges.

·  New form posted for ATM card in section web page

·  The withdraw limit is $300

·  The Bank requires to have the changes made to Section 1414 account to be recorded in the board meeting minutes.

Note related to action 8: Tony, Cindi and Francisco to advise when it is complete

Note related to action 9: Cindi will forward to Francisco the individual budgets

·  Need budget from all chairs (Recertification is pending; Cindi following up with some others pending)

·  Note related to action 10: Complete, Rob attended today’s meeting.

Areas reviewed per today’s meeting agenda:

Share Point 2013 will be made available to the sections. Cindi will keep up us to date on the plans

Treasury report:

ASQ section 1414 treasury report for Mar-2014

Ending Balance: $20,271.39

Deposits: $2,686.42

1.  Bazaar voice $1,000

2.  Covert $500

3.  ASQ $693.50

4.  ASQ $492.75

5.  Interest earned: $0.17

ATM Debits and Withdrawals: -$1,467.21

Note: event food at Bazaar voice

Checks paid: -$2,252,21

3/11 9121 $604.95

3/10 0122 $204.81

3/24 9123 $635.70

3/28 9124 $30.00

3/06 9268 $230.02

3/06 9269 $233.24

3/11 9270 $313.49

Note: The treasure ATM card was cancel and new one was requested for Chair this month.

3 ) VOC : it was not reviewed on this day.

4) Tracy, soliciting information from restaurants for May dinner event on May 14( Steak House, Texas Land & Cattle…). Texas Land & Cattle selected, other details such as pricing are being worked out.

·  A 20% gratuity needs to be accounted when planning the pricing (some places charge 21 to 22% for gratuity).

·  These events have typically between 50 and 60 people (rarely get 60).

·  The event is scheduled for May 14 and it will be posted in Section web page.

·  PayPal is not set up; Francisco to talk to AJ on the subject; can create a business account in Pay Pal (ASQ, can add the tax id). Action added to the tracker (# 11).

5) PAR: Francisco needs to have treasury report for 4/20

6) AMRON, event: Francisco and Mike will volunteer; event is on May 21 and 22.

7) Cindi will send the list of the grouping Affinity diagram to AJ (new action 4A in the tracker).

8) Summer programming ideas

·  Looking at taking July’s off depending speakers availability

·  Speedway location (for potential Summer event; Cindi to check into)

·  Targeting a Webinar for the Summer; working with Dr. Mac Mc Guire on agenda and possible dates.

9) Certification classes: Mike is preparing to teach two classes on line;, Jim coordinating with instructors.

·  Board asking to advertise more the courses for Fall courses; Norma will follow up with Jim on sending the post card (these may prompt few registrations).

·  SSBB will start 8/15 (considered Fall)

·  Additional help with publicity for Fall classes recommended (Eva may have some ideas).

10) Jobs (Megan): 4 jobs have been posted in the Section web page.

11) David sent about 40 membership packages to potential members who attended March’s meeting. Suggest sending those 40 attendees to March program me event

12) WW Conference

·  Cindi and Norma volunteering and Megan has plans to go. Jim and Eva expressed interest on going in earlier months.

·  Motion presented: subsidize expenses for attendance to WW Conference as follows:

·  Max. $500/person: pay registration for up to two persons +$500 per individual (hotel food)+ mileage for driving(for one car).

·  David, Mike, Tracy voted approval of this motion.

13) Plaque for Bazaar Voice; writing a letter to Sponsor + Covert Cadillac and Bazaar Voice.

·  Mike can handle it but need the content information + the electronic signature; suggestion send the information to be written to Megan for review before.

Meeting adjourn at 7:51PM

Electronic Vote Motion to accept meeting minutes:

Name / Vote
Francisco Russi
Todd Minnick
Sherry Popiolek
Cindi Manning
Megan Oertel
A. J. Scotka
Jim John stone
Norma Antunano
Scott Berman
Keith Brankner
David Wight
Tracy Nichols
Rob White
Tony Perez
Mike Harkins

Note: Blank = “Abstain”

Submitted by,

Norma Antunano

Section Secretary, ASQ Austin Section 1414. CC: website